... ... ... ... ...Am i the only one imagining when Asuka and Shinji do have their "victory night" they are going to do it when Misato and Kaji are home, and it will be very loud and intense? Too the point that Kaji looks at Shinji with a look of pure astonished respect, and Misato looking at Asuka with envy?

Now there's a Freudian slip if I even saw one.
Damn auto correct spell check.
On a different note, am I the only one dreading Asuka's reaction to seeing Rei going through withdrawal again after being in Ritsuko's care?
Only if Rei can't tell her it was her own idea, or else she would probably be dead right now.

On another note i guess i ws wrong about Gendo being filled in about Yui. Can't help but be disappointed. Not that i didn't enjoy the chapter.
...On a third note, whatever happened to that slumber party idea Kyo/Saya had back in Asuka's birthday chapter?
I'm almost inclined to say Asuka cooked just to feel Shinji more vividly - though, avoiding Misato's Curry Surprise might have been an incentive, too. :D
"I would prefer her here," he said. Ritsuko shook her head. "Lilith's AT-Field is too powerful, this close. It will impede regeneration of her own, and delay her ability to resume Piloting."
I get the feeling that Ritsuko's response should be in a line of its own, since I don't remember you having done a line like that before.
It should; and bb codes probably interfered, as they are oft wont to do.
And the Fifth Child still our enemy in the end, no matter what."
I think there's an 'is' missing.
I'll forgive you this one because it was for saving her,
Don't know if you wanted to say 'one' or 'once' and I'm too tired to figure it out. *yawns hugely*
but you get your warm, cuddly butt back her tomorrow, or I'll... be upset with you.
That should be 'here'.
Rei... I couldn't get anything on but a terse message from Rits.
'on her', I think you mean.
Can someone check the mantle to see if Chekhov's Gun is still there?
Or he could (unwittingly?) troll the thread - a good author gives more details than are strictly necessary, after all.

I'm tired of handtyping those bb codes, so I'll go back to other weekend activities. *fires up the WiiU*
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"One last thing, Pilot."

"Yes, sir?"

"What did you put inside the left leg of your plugsuit? Last night, at approximately 2315?"

"Last night? (Give it a few seconds. If you look like you know right away what he's talking about, he'll see right through it!) ...Oh, that! That wasn't anything -- I was just adjusting it."

"...Adjusting it."

"It was starting to itch. Sir."

"...I suspect we have far more important things to worry about now than an uncomfortable suit. Dismissed."

click tap tap

"Akagi's office."

"Doctor, are you absolutely certain the MAGI were unable to enhance this image any further? This has to be some of the worst security footage I've ever seen..."
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This would be a good one or two-shot to do: For the first time in years, snow starts to fall in Japan. Unfortunately, having not experienced snow for 15 years, and not being properly designed to cope with it, Tokyo-3 is completely and utterly unprepared; the transport systems are completely screwed, power plants fail, and the whole city is generally thrown into chaos. Will NERV be able to get the city operational again? Will they even try? How will poor Rei cope in her squalid apartment with no heating? And what on Earth is everyone going to do when an Angel shows up?
This would be a good one or two-shot to do: For the first time in years, snow starts to fall in Japan. Unfortunately, having not experienced snow for 15 years, and not being properly designed to cope with it, Tokyo-3 is completely and utterly unprepared; the transport systems are completely screwed, power plants fail, and the whole city is generally thrown into chaos. Will NERV be able to get the city operational again? Will they even try? How will poor Rei cope in her squalid apartment with no heating? And what on Earth is everyone going to do when an Angel shows up?
Asuka: "Baka! I'm cold!.... get in here under the blankets with me!"

"......that's better."

".....on second thought, I'm still a little cold. Rei, you get in here too."

Rei: ".....squee."

The end.
This would be a good one or two-shot to do: For the first time in years, snow starts to fall in Japan. Unfortunately, having not experienced snow for 15 years, and not being properly designed to cope with it, Tokyo-3 is completely and utterly unprepared; the transport systems are completely screwed, power plants fail, and the whole city is generally thrown into chaos. Will NERV be able to get the city operational again? Will they even try? How will poor Rei cope in her squalid apartment with no heating? And what on Earth is everyone going to do when an Angel shows up?

I borrowed the idea for a story I was going to do from a Create an Angel contest over on Eva Geeks, posted the notes earlier this thread, that had winter come to Japan specifically because of an Angel. This Angel was a dragon. It went with the idea that other Angels showing up would also bring a season change and that by defeating the Angels that environment on Earth was slowly being unfucked, right in the face of what SEELE preaches to itself.
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It would be interesting to see how the world would adjust to the seasons going back to normal. One day you're sweltering in a T-shirt and shorts, the next you're nearly freeing to death because winter is back.

With a vengeance.
This would be a good one or two-shot to do: For the first time in years, snow starts to fall in Japan. Unfortunately, having not experienced snow for 15 years, and not being properly designed to cope with it, Tokyo-3 is completely and utterly unprepared; the transport systems are completely screwed, power plants fail, and the whole city is generally thrown into chaos. Will NERV be able to get the city operational again? Will they even try? How will poor Rei cope in her squalid apartment with no heating? And what on Earth is everyone going to do when an Angel shows up?
I could swear I've seen that done, rather cheesily, as an extended homage to The Little Match-Girl except without the depressing ending.

Although as someone who witnessed the UK's record-breaking cold snap in 2010 firsthand, I can testify that you're exaggerating the scale of the disruption. The major roads would only take a few hours to clear and it'd be extremely unlikely that the whole city would lose power; it takes pretty extreme icing conditions to knock a pylon over. And even if that did happen, there are numerous disaster shelters with their own backup generators all over Tokyo-3 for anyone who really couldn't remain at home without risking hypothermia.

It would be interesting to see how the world would adjust to the seasons going back to normal. One day you're sweltering in a T-shirt and shorts, the next you're nearly freeing to death because winter is back.

With a vengeance.
That might be an interesting postscript one-shot, actually.
Although as someone who witnessed the UK's record-breaking cold snap in 2010 firsthand, I can testify that you're exaggerating the scale of the disruption.

I could argue that with Dallas/Fort Worth TX 2003 practically the entire Metropole was shut down for two weeks due to snow. It would be a daily dusting but people were having to walk to work because of the mass transit shut down because they couldn't keep the roads plowed and salted
I could argue that with Dallas/Fort Worth TX 2003 practically the entire Metropole was shut down for two weeks due to snow. It would be a daily dusting but people were having to walk to work because of the mass transit shut down because they couldn't keep the roads plowed and salted

Indeed. The American Midwest is also known to get hit with ice storms that can shut down power for days at a time.

Then you've got events like the 2015 Boston Snowpocalypse:

Although as someone who witnessed the UK's record-breaking cold snap in 2010 firsthand, I can testify that you're exaggerating the scale of the disruption.
The UK has winter services.

Why would post-2I Japan have winter services?

Though I'm positive I have seen that prompt written by brer rabbit before already. More or less exactly that one. Am I going crazy?
I wonder if NGE Germany still has winter... i.e. does Asuka at least know snow?
I wonder if NGE Germany still has winter... i.e. does Asuka at least know snow?
Yes. (A&T author fiat here: ) There is still winter in Germany, though it is actually damper and colder than it used to be, thanks to Antarctica melting and throwing things off. It's yet another thing that makes Japan feel weird and alien to Asuka: The near total lack of seasons, and the one they've got being 'always fricking summer'. All her winter clothes are going to waste, and when she does try to make the most of it, like with the class trip to Okinawa, she gets shot down. She's not happy about that. Though recent improvements in things, like how Shinji and Rei watch her in swimsuits are a nice plus.
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Lovely, as always.

Still... with only Armisael looming and things heading quickly to the climax, I wonder if Gendo has something on his sleeve - again, just a nagging feeling I have from some chapters ago. I guess we'll see :D
Well, the Angel was defeated, and while Rei and Kaworu have suffered severe injury to their AT fields, it hasn't outright crippled them, to the extent that Asuka suffered originally. It's going to be nerve-wracking, to wait and see if Shinji can manage to keep his mouth shut when he's confronted by his father, and if Rei can recover and keep up appearances.

I fear Shinji keeping the letter might cause trouble, though maybe keeping it in his plugsuit will make unreadable by morning. Perspiration, you know. If Gendo does find out about the contents of the letter, he'll have enough ammunition to seriously put the arrangements regarding the Second and Third Children in question, and Misato's guardianship of them. Even maybe her capacity as Tactical Commander. One letter, however spicy, isn't necessarily proof that Shinji and Asuka are having sex (and lacking a hymen isn't either, medically speaking), but Gendo doesn't need proof unfortunately to make the administrative decision to have the pilots housed seperately elsewhere. Shinji apparently developing a relationship might just be a trigger all of its own, since Gendo is incapable of moving past his relationship with Yui, and it's all a childish waste and futile anyway, with the End of the World approaching.

Gendo might decide that Rei II is simply too great of a risk as well, if her recovery might take too long, or if she simply can't keep up the act around him, now that she has experienced real "human" (and angel) interaction unfiltered.

On a different note, am I the only one dreading Asuka's reaction to seeing Rei going through withdrawal again after being in Ritsuko's care?

Rei shouldn't have to experience withdrawal again like that. As long as Ritsuko remains in charge of Rei's health, she can hopefully manage the detoxification without as much discomfort (and risk) as Rei's initial "cold turkey" trip.

The End is indeed soon at hand, just a matter of weeks or a month, probably not two... The next Angel is one of the nastiest as well, with its ability to infiltrate the EVAs. Gendo will be adamant that Unit 01 not repeat not be put at risk again. period. Hmm, I know UNIT 01 rejected the DP system, but has Unit 01 rejected Rei completely? If not, maybe Gendo will try to use Rei instead of Shinji. With Yui "aware", and Rei "awakened", there might be the chance for a very interesting interaction between Rei who loves Shinji and could be technically Yui's daughter, to set up things for the climax at 3I.
The End is indeed soon at hand, just a matter of weeks or a month, probably not two... The next Angel is one of the nastiest as well, with its ability to infiltrate the EVAs. Gendo will be adamant that Unit 01 not repeat not be put at risk again. period. Hmm, I know UNIT 01 rejected the DP system, but has Unit 01 rejected Rei completely? If not, maybe Gendo will try to use Rei instead of Shinji. With Yui "aware", and Rei "awakened", there might be the chance for a very interesting interaction between Rei who loves Shinji and could be technically Yui's daughter, to set up things for the climax at 3I.
Wouldn't it make more sense to just not deploy EVA-01? Yes, theoretically you can shift Rei to 01, and Kaworu to 00 (since it's also an Adamite EVA), but... why? The best guarantee to not have EVA-01 put into danger is to bench Shinji and freeze EVA-01. After all, three EVAs (00, 02, 03) should be enough to deal with any problem, right? ;) And in fact, that is more than what NERV could field during the late stage series, where they had at best two EVAs deployable at any time (01 benched against Arael, Asuka catatonic during the Armisael fight, 00 destroyed in it, only 01 able to fight Kaworu, only 01 and 02 operational in EoE...)
Wouldn't it make more sense to just not deploy EVA-01? Yes, theoretically you can shift Rei to 01, and Kaworu to 00 (since it's also an Adamite EVA), but... why? The best guarantee to not have EVA-01 put into danger is to bench Shinji and freeze EVA-01. After all, three EVAs (00, 02, 03) should be enough to deal with any problem, right? ;) And in fact, that is more than what NERV could field during the late stage series, where they had at best two EVAs deployable at any time (01 benched against Arael, Asuka catatonic during the Armisael fight, 00 destroyed in it, only 01 able to fight Kaworu, only 01 and 02 operational in EoE...)

I didn't really express myself well. Yes, Gendo would likely only deploy 01 as a very last resort. I was considering the possibility that he might at least try to make sure that Rei could pilot Unit 01, in the extreme cases it's deployment was necessary. Not too mention, making sure that Rei would be the pilot of Unit 01 if it were necessary for 3I. The "Red Earth Ceremony" (If I got that right) doesn't require an EVA, just Adam, Gendo, Lilith, and Rei as an Intermediary for Lilith, but that doesn't mean that SEELE won't interrupt with the MP EVAS.
How delightfully shameless...
One of the many things Asuka delights in in her relationship with Shinji is that she doesn't have to hold anything back with him. She can drop all masks and pretenses, and be 100% herself with him. That includes being totally open with how much she enjoys the physical parts of their relationship, with complete confidence he'll never judge her or shame her.
I don't think you intended to use They at the first bit there, considering that Misato is surprised at Toji being there.
Clarified. Misato was expressing surprise that Asuka would invite them both, since she knows Asuka tolerates Touji mostly because he's Shinji's friend and Hikari's love. Misato knows Asuka wouldn't just invite Touji over out of the blue for no reason.
On a different note, am I the only one dreading Asuka's reaction to seeing Rei going through withdrawal again after being in Ritsuko's care?
AFAIK from the sound of it Rei hasn't been dosed with the same mix of psychotropics and other fancy stuff, just painkillers -and a relatively small dose at that- so there might not be withdrawal.
Only if Rei can't tell her it was her own idea, or else she would probably be dead right now.
That is 1-2 scenes from now. Rei will definitely explain that she needed the sedation to avoid blowing her cover. Asuka still won't like it, but accept that.
...On a third note, whatever happened to that slumber party idea Kyo/Saya had back in Asuka's birthday chapter?
I think someone did an omake of it, but it wasn't threadmarked.
Uh, I don't recall such. I've got some possible KSK side-stories on my mind, though. In any case, it has been just over a week since Asuka's birthday, and that weekend got taken up by the shopping trip scene. No sleepover yet.
I'm almost inclined to say Asuka cooked just to feel Shinji more vividly - though, avoiding Misato's Curry Surprise might have been an incentive, too. :D
That miiiight have been a factor. :p Though yes, it was mostly to feel like Shinji was there a little. Thanks for the corrections sweep, too. Fixes made.
On a fourth note, what was that surprise that KyoSaya were working on during that shopping trip?
The kind that I can't publish on SV? :p
Kyoko and Sayaka did a little shopping of their own, tested the results on each other (approved!), then revealed them to Kensuke. He managed not to pass out from nosebleeds. Everyone was satisfied with the results. Good thing Sayaka's dad wasn't home that weekend!
Asuka catatonic during the Armisael fight
Er....what? She wasn't catatonic, she was deployed. She just was so sunk in depression she couldn't get Unit-02 to move or respond anymore.
I didn't really express myself well. Yes, Gendo would likely only deploy 01 as a very last resort. I was considering the possibility that he might at least try to make sure that Rei could pilot Unit 01, in the extreme cases it's deployment was necessary. Not too mention, making sure that Rei would be the pilot of Unit 01 if it were necessary for 3I. The "Red Earth Ceremony" (If I got that right) doesn't require an EVA, just Adam, Gendo, Lilith, and Rei as an Intermediary for Lilith, but that doesn't mean that SEELE won't interrupt with the MP EVAS.
An EVA is the last place Gendo wants Rei during Third Impact. He needs her in Terminal Dogma in order to fuse with Lilith.

Keep in mind there are two rivaling plans for 3I: Gendo's, and SEELE's. SEELE's initial plan was to use the MP EVAs and their Tree of Life as Adamite component, and a Lance-controlled Lilith as Lilithian component. When the Lance was conveniently lost, they changed that to MP EVAs and (Lilithian, S2 equipped, 'awakened') EVA-01 for the Lilithian component. Meanwhile, Gendo's plan is to use Rei, the Adam foetus and Lilith for his 3I. That is why he doesn't give a damn about what SEELE is doing - by the time the MP EVAs arrive, he has already initiated his 3I.

...at least, if Rei is still loyal. Which even in canon she isn't anymore at that point. So, that's also why his plan ABSOLUTELY depends on Rei. Without Rei's loyalty, he is fucked. Which means, well... he's fucked.

In any case this also means he would not want Rei to be in EVA-01 during 3I. She has another task as far as he's concerned.

Er....what? She wasn't catatonic, she was deployed. She just was so sunk in depression she couldn't get Unit-02 to move or respond anymore.
Blurgh... she was? Hrm. Must have misremembered the timeline then. Thought she was already in that state after Episode 22. Well, that explains why her "replacement" only arrived so late.
Kyoko and Sayaka did a little shopping of their own, tested the results on each other (approved!), then revealed them to Kensuke. He managed not to pass out from nosebleeds. Everyone was satisfied with the results. Good thing Sayaka's dad wasn't home that weekend!
I love how Asuka is infecting absolutely everyone with her lewdness.

Lilith: "YOU TOOK MY JOB!"
