2400 words down, going to finish 1-2 more scenes before posting.


Lacking a ball to bounce off the far wall, Shinji contented himself with humming parts of the main theme of the 15th Birthday Concerto. There wasn't anything else to do in his dimly lit cell. He'd done his best to clean off the remaining LCL coating his plugsuit with toilet paper and the tiny sink, but even that effort had only occupied him for less than an hour. Now he was starting to get hungry. And bored. And…

"Fuck, I miss Asuka," he whispered to the empty cell.

How many hours had it been already? He took a look at the tiny readout on his plugsuit's wrist: 1918. Well past dinner time. Were they even going to bother feeding him? He wouldn't put it past his asshole father to-

The cell door rasped and slid open, the fluorescent lights of the corridor almost too much after the weak light in his cell. He covered his eyes and tried to see who had come.

"This had better be the last time I have to do this, Pilot Ikari."

I was just thinking... if Misato and Asuka tried the good old "cake with a hacksaw in it" trick for Shinji, would NERV's security even think to screen it?
2400 words down, going to finish 1-2 more scenes before posting.


Lacking a ball to bounce off the far wall, Shinji contented himself with humming parts of the main theme of the 15th Birthday Concerto. There wasn't anything else to do in his dimly lit cell. He'd done his best to clean off the remaining LCL coating his plugsuit with toilet paper and the tiny sink, but even that effort had only occupied him for less than an hour. Now he was starting to get hungry. And bored. And…

"Fuck, I miss Asuka," he whispered to the empty cell.

How many hours had it been already? He took a look at the tiny readout on his plugsuit's wrist: 1918. Well past dinner time. Were they even going to bother feeding him?

Poor Shins. Loneliness now creeping into him after things were forcibly made just suitable for it. :cry:
Nah, Shinji wouldn't eat any cake made by Misato. Primarily because there wouldn't be one.

Why you ask?

Because she'd burn down the apartment in the attempt.
Besides, baking a cake takes at least a couple of hours.
If you're talking opera cake, sure. I can do a 9x13 sheetcake from scratch (milk, flour, eggs, butter, leavening agent, etc) in maybe 45 min, including mixing up frosting and frosting the cake. Of course, I'm more likely to do cake-cookies, or make brownies instead of cake.

I don't think a hacksaw would help Shinji escape, though.
Chapter 10.3
Not quite Friday, but I don't think anyone will object to an update now. This is for @AlanMidnight and @MightyDwarf.

4900 words of Rei, Ritsuko, and Shinji in a cell. Misato delivers a lecture and a book, and Asuka cooks, because Shinji can't.

Art? Why, of course!

Chapter 10.3
Choices And Sacrifices


Rei forced the pain down by long habit of self-control. She couldn't entirely suppress a pained sound as she opened her eyes slowly. She was floating, and the world was orange.

'Ah… I am in the Examination/Scanning Tube in Terminal Dogma,' Rei muzzily concluded. The background roar in her head resolved itself into the more familiar feeling of her greater body's presence nearby. It was… louder than it usually was, much louder. It was hard to think, it was so loud. Why was it so loud?

"ARE YOU OK, REI?" Doctor Akagi's voice screamedshoutedbellowedroared at her. PRESENCECLOSEOTHEROTHEROTHER

Rei flinched away. "Stop! Don't! Too loud!" She tried to back away. Her back bumped against the inside of the tube as her hands futilely rose to cover her ears.

Silence held for several seconds. She could feel Doctor Akagi moving back, away from the tube, even with her eyes closed. The painful rasp of an other's AT-Field against hers was raw, painful, worse than even the harshest occasions after she'd gone off her medication the first time.

She forced her eyes open again. Doctor Akagi was worriedly staring at her from the far side of the scanning control console. Rather than speak, she raised an eyebrow inquisitively.

Rei's eyes darted around nervously. No black-clad Commander was apparent.

"He's not here, Rei. I told him you needed rest, but he insisted I call him as soon as you woke up. I can give you a little time to… get ready, but he's going to want to see you soon," Doctor Akagi said quietly. It was still like someone shouting at her from inches away.

"So loud…" Rei whispered, still hunched over as much as she could in the tube. "I can feel you… I'm too close… too close to her. I can't… she's so loud." Rei's hands started to massage her temples. "My head…"

Ritsuko grimaced. "I told the Commander you need rest away from… here. You're going to be sent back to your apartment for a few days, no school. The building is mostly empty now. It'll just be you, Misato, and the other Children. Best I could do without raising suspicion." She looked up at the ceiling, frowning. "He wanted to keep you here. Where he could see you." Her gaze drifted back down to Rei. "I figured you'd want to be… away."

Rei nodded weakly. "The presence of the others is… soothing. Thank you," she said quietly. She took a moment to compose herself. "The Angel is dead? What happened?"

"The Second Child killed it with the Lance. The Third Child kept you from attacking Unit-03 with your Progressive Knife. You've been out for," Ritsuko shot a look at the console, "about 6 hours." She looked back up. "You asked me to... drug you. Do you remember that?"

Rei nodded. "I… do. And I will need you to do so again before you summon him. I will not be able to pretend very well, right now. Just… something to keep the pain down, until I can leave."

Ritsuko looked uncomfortable. "I… Rei, are you sure? I… I may not have been trying to kill you when I upped your dose before, but… I was that sunk in my delusions that I didn't care if you did. I…"

"Doctor Akagi, I… this is difficult…" Rei whispered, "but I cannot maintain the appearance Commander Ikari expects without numbing right now. It… My AT-Field is very weak. Even your presence this close is intensely painful. I will not be able to conceal this reaction when Commander Ikari arrives unless you sedate me. If he discovers I am… feeling, thinking… he will… potentially… replace me." Rei shivered. "I do not wish to be replaced. I don't want to… forget the ones I love. Forget my feelings. My heart."

Almost unwillingly, Ritsuko stiffly walked over to the medical cart and rolled it closer to the tube. She tapped at the controls on the console in passing, and the tube began to drain. As the LCL gurgled lower in the tube, she pulled out a syringe and filled it with one of the medications on top of the cart. "This… this is the lowest dose sedative I can…"

"It will have to be strong, Doctor. I am… barely able to keep from screaming right now, with just you this close." The tube finished emptying and slid open. Rei automatically bent over and let the LCL drain out of her lungs and throat. "Please. Give me the injection, quickly."

Ritsuko slammed the syringe back down onto the cart and hung her head. "And why isn't that right?! I nearly killed you with sheer bitchy indifference! Doing exactly this! How can you stand to let me do it again?!"

Rei had never heard a voice so full of self-loathing. "Please…. Now…"

"I nearly killed you with an overdose, treated you like shit, threw things at you, helped that fucker plan the end of the fucking world… how can you forgive me?! I don't deserve this!"

"No. You do not. We discussed this that night. This is p-part of earning it." Rei was shaking with the effort of keeping it together. "N-now quickly… it hurts. I need the drugs."

Ritsuko flinched again at the words, but picked up the syringe again. She quickly found a vein on Rei's arm, and slowly pressed the plunger home.

Rei had to force herself not to slump in relief as the screaming PRESENCE of Doctor Akagi's proximity faded into the background, and the pain subsided into a duller, more diffuse feeling of discomfort. "Th-thank you…"

"Rei… I'm sorry. I… I'm… I'm my fucking mother. I don't know how you or Maya can stand me." She put the needle away, and shoved the cart back to where it started. She handed Rei a towel to begin wiping away the LCL. "I'll… I have to call him down now. I can't explain why you're up and about, ready to walk out if it's too long."

"I forgive because I choose to, and I know you sincerely regret your actions and want to atone. Lieutenant Ibuki forgives because she loves you and wants the woman she loves to be a better person," Rei said quietly. "I know what you risk by helping me conceal things from him. This is part of atonement, so one day you may earn her love."

"How do you know I'm not just lying again?"

Rei's smile was wan, but there. "I see your heart, Doctor. I know." She raised her left hand in front of her face. It was shaking badly. She balled it into a fist and let it fall to her side. "Now, how quickly can you get me out of here once we've convinced him I'm 'functional'? I need to be… away from Terminal Dogma."

Doctor Akagi shook her head. "I think he's going to insist you stay here overnight. I think I can get you out of here in the morning."

Rei's face was almost 'normally' blank, but her flicker of pain must have been visible. "I see. I… wish to be home as soon as manageable. I… need them."

"I'll do what I can."


Rei was glad Doctor Akagi had suggested she return to the tube before the Commander arrived. She was grateful for even the minor buffer of the LCL and the tiny extra distance the tube provided from the cold, icy wall of his AT-Field.

His stare was no warmer, though Rei could feel the warped concern for her emanating from him. It was altogether colder and unpleasant compared to the warm, welcoming care she felt from her loves, or even the open, if alien honesty from Nagisa. Even the Commander's rapid walk in had been no longer the welcome event it had been 5 months before. Now it was just a perilous challenge she had to maintain her facade through.

"You are functional, Rei?" he asked.

"Yes, sir."

"Describe what you experienced. Did the Angel contaminate you?" he asked intensely.

"No, sir. It broke through my AT-Field and attempted some form of entry into my mind. I perceived a jumble of memories and… imagery I cannot explain. There was severe pain and a feeling of invasion. I attempted to repel the hostile intrusion, but failed. I believe it was… trying to extract information from me."

"Did it?"

"I do not recall it reaching memories of sensitive matters, sir. And it is dead. Once the Angel was dead, the pain and disorientation persisted at a lower level until Doctor Akagi was able to administer a sedative. I am… damaged, but will recover."

Commander Ikari looked to Doctor Akagi. "Proceed."

Doctor Akagi nodded and pointed at the readout on the tube's control console. "Her AT-Field is badly thinned. As I said, she needs rest and relative distance. Only people she knows well near her for a week. I want her to report here for daily scans to monitor her recovery. 1200 daily, Rei." She looked to the Commander. "Acceptable, sir?"

"I would prefer her here," he said.

Ritsuko shook her head. "Lilith's AT-Field is too powerful, this close. It will impede regeneration of her own, and delay her ability to resume Piloting."

The Commander's face was stony. "Fine. Keep her here until you have performed the first check tomorrow. I want immediate reports if anything has changed out of your prediction. Elevate her dosage to block the pain until she has recovered at least 75%. The pain will disrupt her Synch Rate otherwise."

Ritsuko nodded. "I have already administered an additional dose, and I'll be tailoring it as needed during the daily scans, sir."

He turned back to the tube. "You are able to perform your function, Rei? And rebuild?"

"Yes, sir. I will focus on restoring my AT-Field." Rei hesitated. "Status of the others, sir? My disabling will not compromise defenses?"

"The Second Child was unaffected. The Third Child is confined for failure to follow orders. I will deploy him if necessary. And Unit-03 will be deployed with the Fourth Child until the Fifth recovers."

Rei waited. It was hard. She wanted to scream at him. "My perceptions were confused, sir. I attempted to attack Unit-03 due to the Fifth Child's presence. Did I damage Unit-03?"

Gendo's razor thin smile was far too malicious now. "You did not. We will deal with the Fifth Child later. His injuries do not matter, and will possibly leave him weakened when you need to deal with him. The time will come soon, Rei. There is only one more Angel left to arrive. Once it is handled, I will allow you to remove the Fifth Child, and the desired end of our Scenario will finally arrive. An end to your pain and all barriers in our hearts."

"Yes, sir." 'I will not permit you to harm those I love, Commander.'

"We will have dinner once you've recovered, Rei."

"Yes, sir."

He turned to go. As he passed Ritsuko, he said one last thing to her, "Continue preparing the next, just in case." The lab door slid closed behind him.

Ritsuko shuddered. She looked at Rei. "I won't do it. I can't. It… I can't do that to you."

Rei shook her head, her hands going to her temples, trying to rub away the throbbing pain of too many people near her too close. "You must. He will know if you do not. We will… dispose of the… unquickened clone in my place if he orders my replacement or something."

"Rei, I can't do-"

"You must. He still thinks you loyal. Discovery would be fatal to us both, and you cannot be replaced like I can, if it comes to that."

"Rei, we… the recording system isn't perfect. And we know there will be… problems, gaps with any… new you," Ritsuko protested. "And your last full backup was over a month ago."

"I will not forget them. Any of them." Rei looked pensive. "...is the Fifth Child alright?"

Ritsuko pulled out her pocket terminal and scrolled through some reports. "He's… like you. Pain, mental disorientation, needed sedation. He's in the Geofront hospital. Last nurse check says he's resting and watching television. The Second and Fourth visited him. I haven't gotten to scan him, but I bet he's got the same sort of AT-Field damage you did. The Commander is right, he's probably… vulnerable right now. You could probably… take him out easily."

"Doing so would alert SEELE and the Commander. No. He is… not to be harmed," Rei said. "Can you…" She trailed off.

Ritsuko waited. "Can I what, Rei? Keep him sedated? He's an Angel, and I know his presence… sets you off."

Rei shook her head again. "No, treat him… like one of us, Doctor. I have talked him into… being an ally. He is resisting SEELE's directives and his own nature. He does not wish to harm us."

Ritsuko frowned. "Rei, whatever he's saying, his nature is going to drive him to try breaking into here. That's inevitable."

"Then I will stop him. But until then, he is an ally. He attempted to defend me in this battle. I remember that much."

Ritsuko shrugged. "I'll see what I can do, but there are limits to how much I can manage without the Commander noticing. And the Fifth Child is still our enemy in the end, no matter what."

"I believe I may change that. He does not want to be our enemy. He wants to be… like us. Like me."

Rei's head sank. "But if I have to stop him… I will. Because I understand."


Lacking a ball to bounce off the far wall, Shinji contented himself with humming parts of the main theme of the 15th Birthday Concerto. There wasn't anything else to do in his dimly lit cell. He'd done his best to clean off the remaining LCL coating his plugsuit with toilet paper and the tiny sink, but even that effort had only occupied him for less than an hour. Now he was starting to get hungry. And bored. And…

"Fuck, I miss Asuka," he whispered to the empty cell.

How many hours had it been already? He took a look at the tiny readout on his plugsuit's wrist: 1918. Well past dinner time. Were they even going to bother feeding him? He wouldn't put it past his asshole father to-

The cell door rasped and slid open, the fluorescent lights of the corridor almost too much after the weak light in his cell. He covered his eyes and tried to see who had come.

"This had better be the last time I have to do this, Pilot Ikari."


His guardian and roommate stood silhouetted in the doorway. Her face was impossible to make out, but her voice was full-Operations Manager Mode, not friendly at all. There was movement behind her: A second person waiting?

"This is Doctor Ogata," Misato said. "She's going to give you a medical check, to make sure that Angel didn't injure you like it did the First and Fifth Children. While she does that, you are going to pay attention to my lecturing you again on the importance of following orders. This is the second time I have had to personally talk to you about insubordination and listening to instructions, Pilot. I do not want to do this again."

The attractive middle-aged woman in the lab coat behind Misato nodded to him and began by plugging a laptop into one of the readout ports on Shinji's plugsuit before peeling back his eyelid to shine a light in his face.

Shinji tried not to wince away. "Um... am I going to have to take my suit off, Misato-san? I'm... um... this is kind of embarrassing."

"No, you will not. These cells are monitored anyway, Pilot Ikari. You're going to be watched no matter what. So pay attention to every word I say," Misato said flatly. "Here. Since you have been acting like a impetuous child, you will be treated as such. This is a copy of NERV's regulations. You are to read the chapters on orders, discipline, and tactics." Misato stepped inside the cell and handed him a thick book, a student's notepad, and a pen. "I expect a three thousand word essay on the importance of following orders in the morning. You should pay special attention to Chapters 2 and 3." Her right eyelid shivered.

Shinji blinked. Had Misato-san just... winked at him? He tried to bring his arms back down from where Doctor Ogata had pushed them up to check his sides, but Misato took the book and pad out of his hands before he could flip to the named chapters. She placed the book and pad on the small bunk he'd been sitting on, away from the door.

"Just let the Doctor examine you for now, Pilot. You can get to work once we're gone. You'll be here all night. You will report to the Commander in the morning, when he summons you. I advise keeping your mouth shut and doing exactly as instructed, if you want to avoid severe punishment. Understood?"

He set his jaw and nodded. This was about what he'd expected. It still stung to have Misato-san acting so harsh again. He couldn't regret it, though. Saving Rei was worth it.

"You need to pay attention to my words, Pilot Ikari. The Second Child would read that entire book in one night. You should try to be just like her." Her eyelid fluttered again.

Shinji froze for a second. Maybe she wasn't being as harsh as she seemed. "Misato-san... are the others ok? I ran out of power before I... could ask if Rei was-"

"The First Child is under Doctor Akagi's care," Misato said stiffly. "The Fifth Child is in the Geofront hospital. The Angel did... wound them. They are recovering. The Second and Fourth Children visited him."

Doctor Ogata finished up, disconnecting the laptop and poking at the keyboard. "He is fine, Major. No abnormalities detected. He's in good health."

Shinji's stomach rumbled loudly.

Doctor Ogata eyed him. "Though you should probably feed him. Please excuse me." She shuffled past Misato and exited.

Misato pointed with her eyes at the near corner of the ceiling. "We will be watching, Shinji. You should start work on that essay right away. I'll have food sent down. Remember, remain quiet and obedient with the Commander, and do as you're instructed." She turned and left, the cell door slamming shut behind her. He could hear her boot heels fading away down the hall, leaving him alone again.

He sat down on the bunk and picked up the book, making sure his back was towards the corner Misato had indicated. He quickly flipped to Chapter 2. He didn't even look at the title of the chapter.

There was a folded set of pages tucked into the book, covering it.

He made extra sure his body blocked the likely camera before carefully pulling out the sheets and unfolding them. It was a letter from Misato-san!

Dear Shinji,

Yes, I am aware of the irony of lecturing you on insubordination, then committing insubordinate acts myself like slipping you these letters and advice. Shut up. Read these letters carefully, then dispose of them down the toilet in shreds. Don't let the camera in the top left corner of the cell near the door see them, either. We can't let them be found.

The Commander is very angry, and I think frightened. He was more tense than I'd ever seen him after the battle, and very insistent on you being punished. I think we can both guess why: He is afraid you risked your mother in exposing her to that Angel. Keep that in mind when he summons you tomorrow. I mean it: Keep your mouth shut! If he is as frightened as I think he is, he will look for any excuse to punish you for this, so just stay quiet, agree to whatever he says, and we'll deal with it once he's calmed down. As long as you're still able to stay a Pilot, we can handle it, so don't risk that. He's tried to fire you once before. I know you don't want to leave Asuka to fight without you, so stay calm!

Asuka is fine. She is very worried for you and Rei, but unhurt.

Rei is... alive. I couldn't get much out of Doctor Akagi, who sedated Rei and took her to her lab. They've been there ever since. Try not to worry. I don't think Ritsuko will hurt her.

Kaworu-kun is hurt too. They've got him on painkillers and are keeping him at the hospital for now. He's conscious and talking to Asuka and Hikari-chan, but seemed a bit depressed. I think he feels like he failed to adequately defend Rei. He said he's looking forward to seeing you and her again when he gets out of the hospital, though.

Don't worry about the essay I told you to write. The next several pages are the essay, pre-written for you by your favorite redhead. I'm sure she did a good job. She was very motivated once I explained it was part of getting you back soon. She said you'll pay her back once you're home. She then winked, so I can guess what she's thinking.

Please wait for a night I'm out with Kaji? You two are loud. Why did I agree to let you two sleep together again?

Copy the essay over into your handwriting on the pad. I'll show that to the Commander when I talk to him about your punishment. I'm trying to play up the 'childish defiance' angle, and get him to let me handle this as your guardian. I figure it's the safest play. Don't get into an argument with him about this. If he's as angry and frightened over your mother as I think, he could snap at you and try... I don't know, but I bet we won't like it. So stay cool.

Asuka wrote you a letter too, since she couldn't be with you. I'll try to keep her from feeling too alone tonight.

Given how much Asuka giggled while writing your letter, please copy the essay first, since I'm sure whatever she wrote will distract you.

Stay calm, stay quiet, and we'll get you home as soon as we can.



Shinji carefully paged through the rest of the sheets. He recognized Asuka's still slightly awkward script on the next bunch of pages, with two at the end noticeably not part of the word essay. Knowing he wouldn't be able to pay attention properly once he had his beloved's letter to read, he dutifully began copying the essay first, keeping the sheets in the book like he was poring over the regulations as he wrote.

He barely notice the 'food' delivered on a tray a little while later, and ate it without tasting. He finished copying and tucked the essay into the book's front, and finally allowed himself to read Asuka's letter.

Dearest Baka Mine,

You are such an idiot.

And I love you. Idiot.

Being the stupid hero, saving the girl...

Right now I am incredibly worried for you and Rei, pissed as Hell at your stupid asshole father, and frustrated that you're not here to hold me and make me feel better.

Also, missing our traditional post-victory sex. Damn it.

I just solo-killed the Angel. That ties me with you. Right now, we should be in our bed, you flat on your back, and me-

Shinji blushed and swallowed. His plugsuit suddenly felt awkwardly tight in places. He read the next couple paragraphs of vividly detailed description of what Asuka wanted to do with him with increasing speed.

-until you can't walk. And then we'll do it again after you make me another delicious dinner.

Have I mentioned yet today that I love your cooking? And your music. And your nice, thick-

His plugsuit got uncomfortable again. A couple more interesting paragraphs followed.

-all night. And then fall asleep in your arms.

...I love you. You're stuck in that cell because you defied your asshole father in order to save the girl we both love. You are a stupid damn hero every time one of us is in danger, and I love you so damn much, Shinji. Don't ever stop being you.

I'm going to hate tonight. I'll have your shirt and pillow in our bed, but it won't be the same. I miss you, want you, and need you. Do what Misato tells you, and get back to me right away. I don't like spending any nights alone and worrying about you or Rei. I'll forgive you this one because it was for saving her, but you get your warm, cuddly butt back here tomorrow, or I'll... be upset with you.

Think of me at 2230. I'll be lying in bed, picturing you next to me. You do the same, and it'll be enough, for tonight.

I love you.



Shinji wiped at his eyes. Falling asleep every night holding Asuka was the greatest thing in the world. The way she'd smile, so softly and gently when he kissed her goodnight... Tonight was going to be hard without it.

He read the letter six or seven more times, trying to memorize it. He read Misato's again before regretfully tearing it up and flushing it away. When he was done pretending to go to the toilet for that, he tucked Asuka's letter inside his plugsuit, unable to rip up her so far first and only actual love letter to him.

He laid down on the bunk and touched where the letter was hidden under his plugsuit. He tried to picture Asuka in his arms, and closed his eyes.

'Stay calm, stay quiet, agree to whatever he says, and get home... I can do that. I have to.'

2230 came and went. Sleep took a long time to come.


Misato was nearly bowled off her feet as she entered the kitchen. A charging Second Child almost rammed her back into the entry hall.

"Is he ok?! Did you see him? Did you give him the letter?! Is he alright? What about Rei? Did you get to see he-" Asuka blasted out in one breath.

"Asuka! Asuka! Stop!" Misato waved her hands in front of her. "Calm down! I just got in and I'm tired."

Asuka visibly throttled herself back and nodded. "Just... fine. Come in. Welcome home and all that Japanese stuff." Asuka suddenly turned and dashed to the fridge, returning a second later with a can. "Here's your 'welcome home' beer. Now... Is he ok?"

Misato rolled her eyes and cracked the can open. "He's fine. He was pissed off about being in the cell, but he's not hurt at all. I gave him a little lecture and hinted at the book. I'm sure he's read my letter and yours by now. Rei... I couldn't get anything on her but a terse message from Rits. All she said was she's treating Rei over night, and she'll deliver her tomorrow."

Hikari stuck her head in from the living room. "Ah, hello, Major Katsuragi. Welcome home."

"Hello, Hikari-chan." Misato raised an eyebrow at Asuka. "They staying for dinner?" she asked, a little archly.

Asuka looked to the side. "I didn't want to be alone, alright? You, Rei, Shinji... everyone stuck down in the Geofront all evening. I didn't want to just sit here worrying. So I invited them over."


"I invited Hikari to come home with me. She asked if she could bring her gorilla. I couldn't say no."

Misato snorted and took a sip of her beer. "That's fine, Asuka. I can't really begrudge you that. You just killed the Angel, so you get a pass on things tonight."

"I want my boyfriend back home, instead of rotting in a cell because he's a hero and his father's an ass," Asuka muttered. "It's his night to cook, too. I want my victory dinner and bedtime."

Misato gave her second ward a sad look. Asuka was trying for her old fire, but it was a pale echo of what she used to sport. She could hear the naked longing for Shinji in her voice.

Misato sniffed. "I still smell dinner?"

Asuka shrugged and crossed her arms, looking away again. "Shinji left some stuff prepared for tonight, and I started cooking. It's what he'd have done. Closest thing I could do to him being here. Hikari helped."

Misato gave her a tired smile. "Thanks, Asuka. I'm going to go change. You three dish up dinner while I do?"

Asuka nodded. "Shinji's going to cook tomorrow and the next day to make up for this," she said firmly. "He owes me lots of meals-to-order. He promised. I'm... going to be annoyed if he isn't back tomorrow."

Misato patted her on the shoulder as she headed to her room. "I know, Asuka. We'll get him back. This is home, and you know he won't let anything keep him away from you for long."

Asuka didn't smile. "He better. That idiot." Her voice dropped to a whisper. "My idiot."

Well Shinji, tonight is going to be really rather crap for you. But bear in mind, it's just one night. You can get through this. Just think about what's waiting for you tomorrow...
"I would prefer her here," he said. Ritsuko shook her head. "Lilith's AT-Field is too powerful, this close. It will impede regeneration of her own, and delay her ability to resume Piloting."

I get the feeling that Ritsuko's response should be in a line of its own, since I don't remember you having done a line like that before.

he tucked Asuka's letter inside his plugsuit, unable to rip up her so far first and only actual love letter to him.

Cute. Real cute.

I'll be pretty disappointed if that doesn't end up biting him in the ass, though. :p

"Hello, Hikari-chan." Misato raised an eyebrow at Asuka. "They staying for dinner?" she asked, a little archly.

Asuka looked to the side. "I didn't want to be alone, alright? You, Rei, Shinji... everyone stuck down in the Geofront all evening. I didn't want to just sit here worrying. So I invited them over."


I don't think you intended to use They at the first bit there, considering that Misato is surprised at Toji being there.
"Continue preparing the next, just in case."
:rage: :rage: :rage: If there's one thing we can agree on with SEELE, it's that you deserve death.

Given how much Asuka giggled while writing your letter, please copy the essay first, since I'm sure whatever she wrote will distract you.
This is going to be the lewdest lewds that's ever le-

Right now, we should be in our bed, you flat on your back, and me-

Shinji blushed and swallowed. His plugsuit suddenly felt awkwardly tight in places. He read the next couple paragraphs of vividly detailed description of what Asuka wanted to do with him with increasing speed.

-until you can't walk. And then we'll do it again after you make me another delicious dinner.

Have I mentioned yet today that I love your cooking? And your music. And your nice, thick-

His plugsuit got uncomfortable again. A couple more interesting paragraphs followed.

-all night. And then fall asleep in your arms.
:o Oh my, Asuka delivers!

he tucked Asuka's letter inside his plugsuit
God damn it Shinji, you had better hope you haven't just ruined everything! :mad:

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*at the sight of Asuka in an apron*
Shinji: "I've never been more turned on in my life."

And as for the letter: HA. Asuka's sexting Shinji.
And as for the letter: HA. Asuka's sexting Shinji.
My god, she is. If anyone needs some disciplining, it's her, and I know just who should administer it.

Pen-pen. She has to be diligent in cleaning his fridge and preparing his meals now, until she can keep from such lascivious behavior.

Edit:Bet you thought I was gonna make a sex joke, but I'm not getting infracted over this story. I've dodged enough bullets already.
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I just solo-killed the Angel. That ties me with you. Right now, we should be in our bed, you flat on your back, and me-

Shinji blushed and swallowed. His plugsuit suddenly felt awkwardly tight in places. He read the next couple paragraphs of vividly detailed description of what Asuka wanted to do with him with increasing speed.

-until you can't walk. And then we'll do it again after you make me another delicious dinner.

Have I mentioned yet today that I love your cooking? And your music. And your nice, thick-

His plugsuit got uncomfortable again. A couple more interesting paragraphs followed.

-all night. And then fall asleep in your arms.
... ... ... ... ...Am i the only one imagining when Asuka and Shinji do have their "victory night" they are going to do it when Misato and Kaji are home, and it will be very loud and intense? Too the point that Kaji looks at Shinji with a look of pure astonished respect, and Misato looking at Asuka with envy?
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