At that point in time, Alucard had consumed Warrant Officer Schrodinger and could not perceive his individual identity, thus he did not exist.

On that note though, ND!Rei meets Abridged Alucard

R: "Heee~eey, what'cha doin'?"

A: "Eh, I'm getting ready to take a walk."

R: "Can I come too?"

Elsewhere, both Integra and Yui turn to their respective menservants, "Do you have a sudden, vague sense of existential dread?"
I need this omake.
It must happen.
Please somebody. Anybody.
I do enjoy myself some British ales, mind you. Pale and Red, that is.

I can't speak for the truth of it, but the reputation of British beer is usually... suboptimal.

Ales by small breweries are pretty good. And have you had the Trooper? Officially brewed by Iron Maiden.

I'm not sure what you mean, but the mighty and all-powerful Octobersanctuary is nothing if not magnanimous

You used 'sights' where 'sites' was the right word, so I used 'site' where 'sight' was proper.
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I can't speak for the truth of it, but the reputation of British beer is usually... suboptimal.
The megabrews are pretty pish, sure - but it's not the megabrews that get Belgium onto the list. Stella Artois, Jupiler, and Maes Pils are not particularly special.
What does that mean?
Near the end of the series
he consumed a quantum entity who's existence was predicated on his ability to perceive himself. Being lost within and merged with the Three million Souls that were found in the blood running London's streets, this became impossible. This was the main villain's plan to kill Alucard. And it worked! ...for the Thirty years it took Vlad to kill all the other souls within him while in a state of non-existence, somehow.
Near the end of the series
he consumed a quantum entity who's existence was predicated on his ability to perceive himself. Being lost within and merged with the Three million Souls that were found in the blood running London's streets, this became impossible. This was the main villain's plan to kill Alucard. And it worked! ...for the Thirty years it took Vlad to kill all the other souls within him while in a state of non-existence, somehow.

That's the best description of what happened to Alucard I've yet read and it's still confusing as hell.
Oh, I know what happened at the end of Hellsing.

Still, anyone wanna write the omake?

It gets an automatic like.
I would, but I have no way to have a believable set-up. Why on earth would a British para-military anti-terror agency (because that's what it is, in the end) have anything to do with Nerv?
Remember, we're trying to set it up with Nobody Dies. Logic need not necessarily apply here. Only rules of cool and funny.
And you'd really have to consult GreggHL, not me, since I've never written anything for ND but a SI rant at Yui for being a hypocritical prude.
And you'd really have to consult GreggHL, not me, since I've never written anything for ND but a SI rant at Yui for being a hypocritical prude.

What's he doing these days? From what I've seen and heard, his MO is to start writing a fic, attract audience, abandon fic midway through, give people false hope by starting a rebuild, omitting/rewriting what people actually liked about the 'original' fic and abandoning said rebuild quickly. ND was the first Eva fic I've ever read, and was in fact the reason I started checking the status of fics and last update BEFORE reading. I hadn't noticed there even ARE indicators of such on FFdotnet until I reached the last published chapter of ND.

Then again, my memory isn't what it used to be and it was quite some time ago. I might have read SaWH40k first, but I haven't even gotten to the last published chapter, I found it increasingly hard to digest.

In any case, I would love to try and write a Hellsing / NGE crossover, the former was the first manga I'd read. However, I consider my writing subpar, and I haven't really written anything except school assignments for a long, long time, unless you count the completely discarded NaNoWriMo attempt.
Language's not an issue, but I don't really have an established or even developing style of writing, and I'm largely about pacing. The fact that I usually get story ideas in form of imagining a scene or a few, around which I then try to spin a story, doesn't really help either.
I mean, it isn't like ND being abandoned was a great tragedy. That fic started well, but then should have been put out of its misery already way, way, wayyy earlier.
I mean, it isn't like ND being abandoned was a great tragedy. That fic started well, but then should have been put out of its misery already way, way, wayyy earlier.

At around the part with the weird artificial computer (I think) universe that introduced Glados!Naoko or the one where Mass Effect characters started to appear in droves? Maybe by the time the massive amount of meta-character exchange came around, perhaps?

There was probably an earlier point than any of those, but those are the three instances that I could recall from my foggy memory.
At around the part with the weird artificial computer (I think) universe that introduced Glados!Naoko or the one where Mass Effect characters started to appear in droves? Maybe by the time the massive amount of meta-character exchange came around, perhaps?
For me, way earlier.

When Adam was defeated already at Chapter 15 and the story lost all focus. Whereas before it actually had story elements, like Asuka's relationship to Kyoko, afterwards it was just wacky hijinks or attempts at story that was clearly pulled from Greg's behind instead of being planned. The fic started really, really strong, and after that... yeah just lost all focus. Misato playing Susan Ivanova was the apex of the series, so to speak.
What's he doing these days?

Right now, he's doing an Exalted Quest on SV:
From what I've seen and heard, his MO is to start writing a fic, attract audience, abandon fic midway through, give people false hope by starting a rebuild, omitting/rewriting what people actually liked about the 'original' fic and abandoning said rebuild quickly.
He does that dismayingly often, yes. The latest fic, a Mass Effect/Eva cross, is already into the 'hiatus of the Rebuild' stage.
I mean, it isn't like ND being abandoned was a great tragedy. That fic started well, but then should have been put out of its misery already way, way, wayyy earlier.
Speak for yourself. I was enjoying the madness and characters right up to where it trailed off. I was saddened by the way Season 4 got outright 'it was all a dream'-ed, since it had character growth that I sadly missed
like Kyoko and Pieter's remarriage, or Kei and Kaworu's relationship (plus The Nine).
Hell, I don't even remember what went on in ND anymore, actually.

I mean, It WAS long ago, and I've only read it once and never felt like returning to it. I don't like reading things I know I won't see the end of.
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I was enjoying the madness and characters right up to where it trailed off.

Eh. I don't know, I've personally never really enjoyed randomness for the sake of randomness (which a lot of ND sadly devolved into), and my tolerance for it has grown ever lower since I started my rise into the early twenties. It's gotten to the point where I don't particularly care much for what Gregg does these days, which is a crying shame, because he's a great writer.

The early parts of the story were easily among the best in the fandom, after all. As for the rest, different tastes for different people. :)
I never could finish NDs. It got so off the wall, I lost any interest in it. I can't even remember much detail, except for the flock of Reis.
I lost track of the 100 or so AU/omake that were all considered canon and was reading around the time he seemed to have a breakdown. Since he seemed to hate his readers, I stopped reading.
I think I trailed off around when Shinji got Ree-ified. To me, he worked best as the unfazed everyman -- the calm eye at the center of the storm of quirky lunatics called NERV.
I only barely even touched ND but that was how I found Space Battles originally, following it from TV Tropes.