A&T Christmas Special Part 2
Well... I apologize for the delay. Family events, travel, and a busted laptop took this from being a Christmas Eve thing to a 'barely got it in before New Year's Eve' thing. But here it is, the rest of the Advice & Trust Christmas Special. This may possibly be canon, once I link it up with the rest of the story, so for now assume it will be.

I hope you like it, and enjoy this last dose of WAFF before the end of the year. 2016 was kind of terrible, so let's end it on a happier note.

Advice & Trust Christmas Special
Part 2

Art? Oh yes Art. Some of these images helped inspire the whole thing. The key ones are located at their point in the story.


Asuka tried not to smile. It wasn't really necessary that Rei help stabilize her legs as she stood on the chair, but she was enjoying it too much to tell Rei to stop.

"And this is a tradition?" Rei asked, her even voice belied by the pink to her cheeks.

"Yup!" Asuka carefully tapped at the nail one more time. She lowered the hammer and admired the nicely thick bunch of mistletoe. "Two people end up standing under the mistletoe at a Christmas party, they have to kiss. That's the rule." She moved her leg enough to alert Rei she was going to move, then hopped down off the chair.

Rei looked at her, cheeks still pink. "Like now?"

Asuka blinked at her, then looked up. They were directly under the sprig of berries. "Um... oh boy."


"Hikari was real cagey about what this was all about. You know what's going on, Shin-man?"

Shinji shrugged, and stirred the pot of soup on the stove in Rei's kitchen. "She was tight lipped for me too, sorry. She just said it was some Christmas tradition she wanted to do that she'd never had a chance to before. But that's not much of a hint, since I don't know much about Christmas traditions at all."

Touji nodded along. "Yeah, if it ain't in a TV show or movie, Christmas is just some foreign thing to me." He looked out into the living room, where Kensuke and his girlfriends were sitting, playing some board game. "Maybe Sakura-san knows some? Her dad's a Christian priest, I think."

Shinji shook his head. "I thought of that too. I tried when they arrived. She just started giggling, and grabbed Kensuke and Miki-san and dragged them into the living room. They keep looking back here and snickering, though..."

Touji looked slightly worried. "Um... now I'm nervous."

"It can't be anything too crazy if Asuka, Hikari, and Rei are involved... right?" Shinji tried.

"I dunno, I think your girlfriend is having a weird influence on mine." Touji thought about it for a second. "Not that I'm complaining, y' understand. Those swimsuits..."

The door to what would have been his room in Misato's apartment, and was Rei's 'dressing room' slid open, and Asuka's Christmas surprise was revealed.

Asuka herself marched out in the lead, grinning, with Hikari and Rei in tow behind her. The First, Second, and Fourth Children all wore variations on the traditional red and white 'Santa' outfit, complete with fur-trimmed hats.

Shinji tried vainly to close his jaw. It had dropped open as soon as Asuka appeared, and refused to stop gaping in surprise.

Asuka was making the 'Santa' look work. "Merry Christmas!" she announced to the partygoers. She planted her hands on her hips and let everyone marvel at her and the other Pilots.

Beside him, Shinji could hear Touji gulp. Hikari looked pretty good in her outfit to. "Oh, I've hope I've been a good boy..."

Asuka caught Shinji's eye and winked. Now he could close his mouth, since all he could do was smile.


Kaworu looked around, smiling at the familiar glows and harmonies coming off the happy couples and one trio around him. Even Ayanami's glow was recovering well from the damage of the last Angel. She was smiling herself, watching a grinning Second Child pull the Third under a specific spot of the entryway to the kitchen, turn him to face her, and point upwards.

Shinji looked up, and said something. Kaworu looked towards the same spot, noting a cluster of leaves and berries hanging from a string near the ceiling. Shinji looked back down and appeared to ask a question. Asuka said something that made them both blush. Shinji stammered something back, and they both drew in close for a slow kiss.

Ayanami let out a small, happy sigh. Kaworu tried not to be too obvious about vibrating in harmony to the sound. His motion still attracted Ayanami's attention. She turned to look at him, her smile fading away to the careful blankness she'd taken to maintaining around him since the battle, and their conversations afterward. She raised an eyebrow at him. "Yes?"

"Can you tell me what that was about?"

"That was the purpose of this party."

Kaworu cocked his head. "Surely Miss Soryu and Shinji-kun have no trouble finding plentiful occasions to kiss in any given day? Why the unusual outfit and party? And the piece of a bush hung from the ceiling?"

"Asuka informed me that the sight of the Santa outfits inspired a desire in her to take advantage of as many Christmas traditions involving lovers as she can, as she has never had the opportunity to before, nor very much enjoyment in Christmas overall. Ergo, she acquired Santa outfits for her, myself, and Hikari, and organized this party largely with the goal of what she is doing now."

"Kissing him." Kaworu looked again. "Still. Possibly trying to check his teeth for dental health."

Rei gave him a sharp look. "Was that a joke, Rainbow Trout?"

"Yes." Kaworu bit his cheek inside his mouth, trying to keep his face blank.

Rei seemed stuck for a reply to such a direct answer. "Well... stop that," she said eventually.

"Not until you explain just how this is different from their usual kisses. I know they are fond of them, so what makes this different from the ones they exchange daily?"

"One of the traditions involves the special nature of a kiss exchanged under a bit of mistletoe berries, as placed so. According to the original tradition, a male is allowed to 'steal' a kiss from a female without social penalty if they encounter each other under such a sprig. Refusing is viewed as bad luck. It has since its origin expanded into general understanding of 'two people meeting under a sprig of mistletoe at Christmas time are encouraged to kiss', though it has extra emotional significance to established couples. Hence Asuka's desire to kiss Shinji under the mistletoe. She also expressed desire to get Hikari and Suzuhara-san to do so in public."

"I see…" Kaworu looked at the still kissing pair with new thought running across his face.

Asuka took her time about ending the kiss, and the two of them stared at each other without drawing back for a moment, exchanging more soft words with a smile with Shinji. When Asuka finished, they both turned to look at Hikari, who had been watching them with a blush of her own. Hikari suddenly looked nervous as Asuka and Shinji walked her way.

"You look very beautiful in your own Santa outfit, Ayanami," Kaworu said suddenly.

Rei almost jumped. She'd been entirely focused on watching a grinning Asuka pull a shy Fourth Child towards the mistletoe spot, while Shinji was pushing an embarrassed Touji. "I… what did you say?"

"You look beautiful," Kaworu said.

Rei abruptly looked down at her own red and white outfit, like it had only just occurred to her that she was still wearing it. She looked at him, looked down at her outfit again, and looked at the now happily if blushingly embracing pair now under the mistletoe. She whipped her look back at Kaworu. "Do not start getting ideas, Kaworu. This party is for the fulfillment of Asuka's happiness, not yours or mine."

"I said nothing," he said with a small smile. "Just observed you look very nice in red."

"I appreciate the color much more than I did a few months ago," Rei muttered, looking away. "In any case, it is now my task to locate Miki-san and maneuver her towards the mistletoe so she, Kensuke, and Sakura-san may all exchange kisses."

"I thought Miki-san and Sakura-san did not want their relationship publicly exposed?"

"It will only be Kensuke and each of them separately. Miki-san and Sakura-san will not kiss publicly. That will be reserved for the 'after-party'."


Rei sighed. "I will educate you about the structure of parties later, Rainbow Trout. Excuse me." She moved off across the room, homing in on the other bluenette.


Kaworu felt like he might be glowing a bit himself. Kensuke, Sakura-san, and Miki-san had been a peculiar, but very interesting and uplifting arrangement to watch. He'd never observed a true mutual-three-way bond like theirs before. And now, watching the two girls exchange a tender kiss while Kensuke stood next to them smiling, he resolved again to fight the Call, or find a way to end himself before he could not fight any more. He would not destroy this. He could not.

Kensuke hugged both girls when they finally parted. They pulled him in too, kissing him on each cheek.

Kensuke at last opened his eyes and gave the small group watching them a smile. "Thanks for arranging this 'after-party', Soryu-san. It means a lot to Sayaka and Kyoko to get to do this too, even if we still have to keep it quiet."

Asuka smirked at him. "Hey, Rei vouched for you as a decent sort of Stooge, and I trust my friend. So you and they get a pass. They're cuter than you anyway. You make them unhappy, Rei and I will feed you your own arms and legs."

"Thanks for all of this, Rei," Kyoko told the First Child. "We'd have never even thought of trying something like this with Kensuke if you hadn't talked to us about him."

Rei's smile was a small, tender thing as ever, but Kaworu loved to see it on her face. "Kensuke has been a special friend to me when I needed his help. He showed me he's a good sort of guy. All I did was tell you he was." She shot Kaworu a brief look, before looking back to Kyoko. "And no one here will say anything that might jeopardize your secret. Kaworu is trustworthy, for a stupid fish."

Sayaka just snickered a bit at the nickname. "A fish, huh? Bishie fishie…" She laughed, almost giddy from the mistletoe kiss. "Well, if you say he is, I'm satisfied, Rei." She looked at Shinji and Asuka, the only others around. "And if you can't trust our elite Eva Pilots, who can you trust?"

Kaworu smiled at her. "Thank you for your confidence in me, Miki-san. Excuse me, need to use the bathroom." He vanished around the corner into the bathroom off the kitchen.

"I'm not going to say a dang word about who you pick to love," Asuka snorted. "I already have the best boyfriend in the world, and the best friends, you among them. Anyone who's got a problem with you three can take it up with me, and see how far that gets them. And then I'll sic Shinji on them."

Shinji snorted beside her, but nodded. "I feel a little bad we had to leave Horaki-san and Touji out of this, but she's… still pretty traditional about um… boys and girls. I don't think she'd say anything really bad, but… this avoids trouble."

"Eh, Hikari's a smart girl. She'll come around eventually, I think," Asuka said. "Anyhow, I think it's time to pack it in. It's getting pretty late, even for Christmas Eve, and even if there's no school tomorrow, I still want to be able to sleep in a bit and get some proper Christmas cuddles with my baka."

Kyoko laughed. "Yeah, and Kensuke needs to escort us both home. Better get moving. Goodnight, everyone." Kensuke and Sayaka bid everyone farewell, and the merry threesome departed.

Asuka looked at Rei. "Your turn?"

Shinji looked at her, then Rei. "Huh?"

Asuka gave him a slightly embarrassed look. "Rei caught me under the mistletoe right after I put it up. I couldn't say no, but I did make her promise to make it even with you later. So… give her a Christmas kiss, baka mine. A good one."

Shinji blushed, and tried to meet Rei's eyes, who was doing the same. "Er…"

Asuka gave him a push. "And don't keep a lady waiting. Manners, baka!"

Shinji stumble-shuffled the two steps towards Rei. "Um… Merry Christmas, Rei?"

"Thank you," Rei said, barely above a whisper, her cheeks pink. "You both have given me more gifts than I can express this year. I wished to show you both how I felt and thank you." She put her hands on Shinji's cheeks and pulled him close for a soft kiss. "Merry Christmas, Shinji."

"Anyone else, and I'd strangle them for even touching my Shinji. You… I just can't be mad at all, and I like watching you both blush. Merry Christmas, Rei. We love you too." Asuka pulled Shinji back slowly. "We've got a warm bed waiting. See you tomorrow."

"Goodnight," Rei said, still smiling. Her loves waved a last farewell, and headed back to their own room next door.

Rei held her breath until she heard not just her own front door close, but the one next door open and shut as well.

"You can come out."

Kaworu emerged from the bathroom. "You told me to wait. I am here. I am doing my best not to have 'ideas'." He tugged at his collar, sweating nervously. "It is very ha-… ahem, difficult not to, since I… opened that box you gave me."

Rei's face was red enough to nearly light the room on its own. "It… it worked, didn't it?" Rei sputtered. "You have been… untroubled by the Call since then? Two full weeks?"

"Um… Yes," he admitted. "I… um… have opened it again since the first time. Er… frequently. It… helps a lot?"

"I thought it might."

Kaworu looked at her. She was standing in the doorway to the living room, backlit by the silvery full moon visible right behind her out the glass doors onto the veranda. Her red Santa outfit was highlighted in silver moonlight, making an ethereal counterpoint to her red eyes. He swallowed. "You… are helping. Just being here tonight helped me… reaffirm why I will not let myself answer the Call. Thank you, Ayanami."


He made himself breathe again. "Rei," he repeated.

"You have… earned that," Rei said softly. "If I call Hikari my friend and battle-sister after what we have shared, I can hardly grant you less after the battle with Arael. And… tonight is… do not think this means… anything more. But tonight, while the rules are suspended… I am standing here."

"Standing h-…" His voice caught in his throat. His eyes shot upward. Rei was standing in the doorway to the living room… right under the mistletoe. His eyes shot to hers again.

She said nothing, her face as cool and unreadable a mask as ever. Even his other senses failed him. She shone like a star in his other sight, and the fractured harmony of her Song was as beguiling and steady as ever.

But what she'd just said… He ever so hesitantly took a step towards her. The few meters felt like light-years.

Her expression did not change. He took another step. Another. He was right in front of her, under the sprig too now.

He was in her arms.

"Just… tonight. A thank you and a gift. To a friend," she said quietly. "Just… that."

He tried not to shake. "…my First," he rasped, barely audible.

He felt her tense in his embrace. "What?"

"I… you were my first hug. No one else has ever… This will be my First… Kiss? That's what I meant."

"…stupid fish," she whispered.


Her lips met his.

His mind stopped.

The Call vanished.

There was only the Moon, and the eternal, beautiful night.

Some indescribable infinity later, thought resumed. She let him go, and gently pushed him away, taking a step back. "Merry Christmas, Kaworu."


Well, something like thought had resumed. Somewhat like thought.

Not very much like thought.

"I considered this might occur." Gentle, small hands guided him to turn around and stumble towards the door. Shoes were pressed into his hands. "Your residence is four floors down and three over. Go. Goodnight, Rainbow Trout."

A door closed behind him with a beep. The marginal cool of Tokyo-3's night surrounded him.

"Geep," he said thoughtfully.

Numb feet and a blank mind wobbled towards the elevator. "M'rry Chr's'mas…" he mumbled to the night.

The moon sailed on overhead, serene and glorious.


Merry Christmas, and a Happy New Year to you all. Thanks for reading this year.
I am weirdly torn between pure D'AAAAAWWWWW, and uncontrollable this:

Is there something wrong with me?
Kaworu emerged from the bathroom. "You told me to wait. I am here. I am doing my best not to have 'ideas'." He tugged at his collar, sweating nervously. "It is very ha-… ahem, difficult not to, since I… opened that box you gave me."

Rei's face was red enough to nearly light the room on its own. "It… it worked, didn't it?" Rei sputtered. "You have been… untroubled by the Call since then? Two full weeks?"

"Um… Yes," he admitted. "I… um… have opened it again since the first time. Er… frequently. It… helps a lot?"

"Um… Yes," he admitted. "it has shown no sign of coming down *cough*... coming back since the first time."
After the cancer that was Windows 7, Windows 10 is a positive development. #UnpopularOpinions
We need "unfunny" and "unlike" buttons for post marking.

JK. No, seriously -- my work machines all still run Win7, but I eventually updated all my home non-Linux boxen to Win10. So I flip between 7 and 10 a few times a day, and frankly, I barely notice the difference. I think 7 was cleaner, leaner, and a bit more robust, but I don't feel any "speed bumps" switching between them. And I haven't even customized 10 to have a 7-like front end.
Then again, my dad's laptop got updated to 10 when he hit the "close" button on the "do you want to upgrade" window (that crap I really want to firebomb Redmond for :mad:), and it rendered the machine so dog-slow as to be unusable. And I wasn't able to get the roll-back to 7 to work, so I eventually got him a Chromebook (which really suits his usage model better anyway)
Rei used kiss

It was super absolutely, ridiculously effective.

And aww, that Rei dress (yes I could also comment on Asuka, but eh, not that much of a cosplay fan)... and hey, she got to kiss three people that night. She oughta be happy!
Kaworu felt like he might be glowing a bit himself. Kensuke, Sakura-san, and Miki-san had been a peculiar, but very interesting and uplifting arrangement to watch. He'd never observed a true mutual-three-way bond like their before. And now, watching the two girls exchange a tender kiss while Kensuke stood next to them smiling, he resolved again to fight the Call, or find a way to end himself before he could not fight any more. He would not destroy this. He could not.

Kensuke hugged both girls when they finally parted. They pulled him in too, kissing him on each cheek.

This is so damn WAFFy I'm gonna die

I'm glad that Kaworu gets to reconsider answering the Call because of somewhat crack-y polyamory ship. ;)

"Oh yeah."

"Just… tonight. A thank you and a gift. To a friend," she said quietly. "Just… that."

He tried not to shake. "…my First," he rasped, barely audible.

He felt her tense in his embrace. "What?"

"I… you were my first hug. No one else has ever… This will be my First… Kiss? That's what I meant."

"…stupid fish," she whispered.


Her lips met his.

His mind stopped.

The Call vanished.

There was only the Moon, and the eternal, beautiful night.

Some indescribable infinity later, thought resumed. She let him go, and gently pushed him away, taking a step back. "Merry Christmas, Kaworu."


Well, something like thought had resumed. Somewhat like thought.

Not very much like thought.

"I considered this might occur." Gentle, small hands guided him to turn around and stumble towards the door. Shoes were pressed into his hands. "Your residence is four floors down and three over. Go. Goodnight, Rainbow Trout."

A door closed behind him with a beep. The marginal cool of Tokyo-3's night surrounded him.

"Geep," he said thoughtfully.

Numb feet and a blank mind wobbled towards the elevator. "M'rry Chr's'mas…" he mumbled to the night.

The moon sailed on overhead, serene and glorious.

Impactshipping getting a literal Christmas gift...

That must had hit him with an inexplicable impact. :cool:

Also Kaworu turned to a literal fish if looking at his mental state after that kiss.

And thank you so far for this amazing ride, @Strypgia. It's been a massive joy for me to come discover Advice & Trust this year.
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I wonder if Rei kisses can be weaponized against angels. I mean, considering this one worked so well against Tabris. ;)

So, if you encounter Armisael, Rei... just kiss her ;)
Now I'm worried what Rei actually gave Kaworu to lock himself in the bathroom (I just thought it'd be music dammit!)

Also Rei seems to be giving mixed signals to Kaworu (she really is Asuka's student), and I can see that gettin' people killed honestly (this may be WAFF, but it's still Evangelion, and no one's problems went away because of that).

Wooos, there I go beingcynical. Clumsy me.
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Now I'm worried what Rei actually gave Kaworu to lock himself in the bathroom (I just thought it'd be music dammit!)

Also Rei seems to be giving mixed signals to Kaworu (she really is Asuka's student), and I can see that gettin' people killed honestly (this may be WAFF, but it's still Evangelion, and no one's problems went away because of that).

Wooos, there I go beingcynical. Clumsy me.
Just because A&T is a good 80% WAFF doesn't mean tragedy doesn't lurk, waiting to strike.
Just because A&T is a good 80% WAFF doesn't mean tragedy doesn't lurk, waiting to strike.
Yeah, but I literally looked at a heartwarming, touching scene, and went "that fucker gonna fuck up bad", and while I love being that way for fiction (keeps you sane, trust me) I feel like I should tone it down for something like A&T.