The Procrastination Pokemon
Well, the Storm Ymaryn did split off a while ago, and they are a slaver group, but I don't think they're that obsessed with the crown of Valleyhome.
...yes? Patricians are a class of people; the government is drawn entirely from that class of people, but that still doesn't make them the same thing. In France, the court, the governors, the ministers, i.e., the government, was also drawn entirely from nobles; that doesn't mean there weren't nobles' revolts.
Oh, that reminds me. @Susano and @loserthree is there any chance I could convince you to consolidate onto my plan? It has the best chances of preventing Distribute Land, and at this point I'm pretty sure we need to focus exclusively on defeating it if we want even a chance at winning here.
Your plan literally encompasses both of ours... but it makes sense, voting explicitly against DL... hm...
He just voted Wiadi above you
Don't suppose I can get you on-board with the civil war as the quickest way to damage/alter said trait?
@ctulhuslp, I have to say that you have been wonderful to talk to, I mean that, I've been lurking for ages and my grasp on history is not as great as it is on the present. (Though I have looked up most of what I've been talking about...Spooky stuff.) Thank you.
Either way, I do wonder if we would get a GA choice of settling DL without causing Super bad Nobles is in the cards, cause that, along with a genius Admin / maybe Heroic Intrigue king to help weed out the bad apples and set an example would be my goal towards managing the situation...Cause if its not, and we don't get some Nobless Obligation trait then we may be up the creek without a paddle...Not that I'm saying that Nobles are the worse of our problems. (I'm just waiting for the bronze age Sea People * With iron weapons* to appear and stat raiding, or worse Merchant princes in the form slavers)
I get where you're coming from, but I think you're making a tiny mistake here:
You're separating the Patricians and the government.
The entire basis of power for the Patricians right now is that they're the hereditary trained administrator and military class. They are the people who order wars, and until recently they were the majority of the people that fought them. They count government coins, send government messages, and write official histories. They elect Kings. For Crow's sake, they invented a Senate just so they could be it and try to tempt over new players from r/prequelmemes!
This isn't the way to do what you want done here. Civil war is not the Ymaryn way. If you think they're wrong, invite them to your fire and convince them that you're right. But first, maybe try to build any faction whatsoever in the entirety of Ymar that agrees with your opinion, you know, as a powerbase?
So we don't prevent it by social consciousness, but by royal strength and power. Even central absolutism is better than... this (in fact, before constitutionalism came in Europe, absolutism had already swept away feudalism. So how we just skip feudalism straight to absolutism?)This happened to the notion of "aristocracy is not above the law", it is too late to fix it now.
I doubt it will help any at this time, so no, sorry.
It's the same reason I am so fervently opposed to going over the forest limit: we stumbled onto the concept which is way beyond time period to fully study and philosophize, so it can irrevocably break in wrong situation. This happened to the notion of "aristocracy is not above the law", it is too late to fix it now.
"ships in the night" and all that
I do invite them to my fire. I invite them to throw away all their pretty baubles and humble themselves to begin black soil production. If they do that they will be allowed to live. The Ymaryn way is taking the trappings of the elite and throwing them in the fire.I get where you're coming from, but I think you're making a tiny mistake here:
You're separating the Patricians and the government.
The entire basis of power for the Patricians right now is that they're the hereditary trained administrator and military class. They are the people who order wars, and until recently they were the majority of the people that fought them. They count government coins, send government messages, and write official histories. They elect Kings. For Crow's sake, they invented a Senate just so they could be it and try to tempt over new players from r/prequelmemes!
This isn't the way to do what you want done here. Civil war is not the Ymaryn way. If you think they're wrong, invite them to your fire and convince them that you're right. But first, maybe try to build any faction whatsoever in the entirety of Ymar that agrees with your opinion, you know, as a powerbase?
You know what they say - allYou know what I hate the most about this? It's not the inequality, social stratification and injustice that will inevitably flow from this, it's not even aristocratic oligarchy, we know from history that it is a functional system assuming we can survive the transition... it's that it makes the Ymaryn less unique...
It makes us a large xenophilic power with an obsession for technology.... sounds like every SV civ quest ever.
About the only unusual quality that remains is environmentalism.
Unfortunately, that won't do much for the count.[X] [Secondary] Civil War
[X] [Secondary] Civil War x2
[X] [Secondary] Civil War x3
[X] [Secondary] Civil War x4
[X] [Secondary] Civil War x5
[X] [Secondary] Civil War x6
[X] [Secondary] Civil War x7
[X] [Secondary] Civil War x8