You're separating the Patricians and the government.
...yes? Patricians are a class of people; the government is drawn entirely from that class of people, but that still doesn't make them the same thing. In France, the court, the governors, the ministers, i.e., the government, was also drawn entirely from nobles; that doesn't mean there weren't nobles' revolts.

What the Patricians would do is start such an uprising. Our power base would literally be the loyalists to the king and the old order. Only the Patricians care enough about DL to threaten Civil War; everybody else would be against a revolution against the King. We could use the mass levies of the Urban Poor or the Spiritbonded of the Priests.

Oh, and


anything but giving in.
Oh, that reminds me. @Susano and @loserthree is there any chance I could convince you to consolidate onto my plan? It has the best chances of preventing Distribute Land, and at this point I'm pretty sure we need to focus exclusively on defeating it if we want even a chance at winning here.

Your plan literally encompasses both of ours... but it makes sense, voting explicitly against DL... hm...

How about I just do this :

[X] Susano

You know what I hate the most about this? It's not the inequality, social stratification and injustice that will inevitably flow from this, it's not even aristocratic oligarchy, we know from history that it is a functional system assuming we can survive the transition... it's that it makes the Ymaryn less unique...

It makes us a large xenophilic power with an obsession for technology.... sounds like every SV civ quest ever.

About the only unusual quality that remains is environmentalism.
Does it leave these last few seasons?
The stack of sheets before him looms in the waning daylight, filled with the sweetest and the slowest poison of them all.

Unforseen, unforgiving.
"It will make taxation so much easier...",
"Enlighten me, but how this will be different from the Administrators we have now?",
"A tree in the forest does not live unchanged, and as years pass, it becomes not the one it was before.",
"We care for our offspring, how could you leave the land to your children barren and ailing?",
"Solitary ownership will give our brightest a chance to excel, not to be held back by the community. No longer would you be able to shed your responsibiilty to the land, finding false security from your consience in the knowledge that others will make up for your laxity."
This is what he hears if he asks. Why do they not see?

It is as if you would suck all the nourishment from your garden to have the gardener walk and feed every grass and bush from his hand. He shudders, feeling an ache from his shoulders bent by many winters of work in one of the libraries of the Palace of the King of Ymaryn People. YOUR garden? Has this corruption seeped into him unknowingly already? He touches a small Mylathad figurine standing near him on the table.

The gardener may be fair, and every grass and bush will have its due water and food. May be. This is what unsettles him. But why would you do that if the plants can take their food themselves? They, us, were taught to share, to care, to welcome. Surely all together the People can make the most harmonious land?

Surely. The stack of sheets before him looms in the waning daylight, on it written are the words of Dragon King Alyxunmyn himself. His job is to only add the finishing touches to the project, paint the petals of flowers with colors of the Truth. Petals on the stalk of un-Truth, hidden well beyond the bark of heavy words of law.

And he will do it, he realises with a deep sigh, for how can you not have your duty fulfilled to its utmost extent?
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Don't suppose I can get you on-board with the civil war as the quickest way to damage/alter said trait?

I doubt it will help any at this time, so no, sorry.
It's the same reason I am so fervently opposed to going over the forest limit: we stumbled onto the concept which is way beyond time period to fully study and philosophize, so it can irrevocably break in wrong situation. This happened to the notion of "aristocracy is not above the law", it is too late to fix it now.

@ctulhuslp, I have to say that you have been wonderful to talk to, I mean that, I've been lurking for ages and my grasp on history is not as great as it is on the present. (Though I have looked up most of what I've been talking about...Spooky stuff.) Thank you.

Either way, I do wonder if we would get a GA choice of settling DL without causing Super bad Nobles is in the cards, cause that, along with a genius Admin / maybe Heroic Intrigue king to help weed out the bad apples and set an example would be my goal towards managing the situation...Cause if its not, and we don't get some Nobless Obligation trait then we may be up the creek without a paddle...Not that I'm saying that Nobles are the worse of our problems. (I'm just waiting for the bronze age Sea People * With iron weapons* to appear and stat raiding, or worse Merchant princes in the form slavers)

Thanks. :oops:
We had a shot at more strong loyalty; we choose evolution of Arete instead. Given that this was the first shot at evolving Loyalty since we got it back in the "Fey Mood" days, I am not holding my breath.

That said, we more and more need to level up Justice and Symphony lines, because PK + Arete are making us too volatile in the wrong ways.

I get where you're coming from, but I think you're making a tiny mistake here:

You're separating the Patricians and the government.

The entire basis of power for the Patricians right now is that they're the hereditary trained administrator and military class. They are the people who order wars, and until recently they were the majority of the people that fought them. They count government coins, send government messages, and write official histories. They elect Kings. For Crow's sake, they invented a Senate just so they could be it and try to tempt over new players from r/prequelmemes!

This isn't the way to do what you want done here. Civil war is not the Ymaryn way. If you think they're wrong, invite them to your fire and convince them that you're right. But first, maybe try to build any faction whatsoever in the entirety of Ymar that agrees with your opinion, you know, as a powerbase?

Well, yes? I am voting what is basically BungieOni, with correction for using Sea Control Agenda (Harbours+Warships+Sailing Missions is pretty much the thing to take against pirates, especially with quests needing Harbour and Warships) and thus not taking Harbour+Warships manually.

I realize that we need basically capitalism and educated urban middle class to have a realistic shot at opposing marriage of aristocracy to government.
...not quite that. Capitalism, even primitive, can be enough; aristocracy started losing power to traders, from a certain point of view, with Renaissance. At least in some countries.

But, like. I'd say "cheap newspapers + majority of urbanites can read them" is a moment when countdown starts for sure, for whatever the consequences will be. Not happening for a long time yet.
This happened to the notion of "aristocracy is not above the law", it is too late to fix it now.
So we don't prevent it by social consciousness, but by royal strength and power. Even central absolutism is better than... this (in fact, before constitutionalism came in Europe, absolutism had already swept away feudalism. So how we just skip feudalism straight to absolutism?)
Wow, that's a lot of pages if I wanted to completely catch up.

...I'll just point out that while yes, Alyx and his brilliant son could probably win a civil war, he actually thinks the patricians' plans sound like they will work well.

@Academia Nut Can you clarify whether doing DL once means the floodgates are open for the patricians to take unlimited DL henceforth, or whether there are still restrictions on them? Eg they can only sub-divide what we've given them, so they can only take it as many times as the king has, or something like that?
Oh, and


anything but giving in.

How about I just do this :

[X] Susano


Many thanks! I doubt it'll be enough even so, but this is the best shot we have. I'll try to keep it up to date as the vote evolves.
He just voted Wiadi above you

I mean, yeah, but if he trusts Susano's judgment more than mine (which is entirely reasonable) then it makes sense to throw his vote in there in case things change.
I doubt it will help any at this time, so no, sorry.
It's the same reason I am so fervently opposed to going over the forest limit: we stumbled onto the concept which is way beyond time period to fully study and philosophize, so it can irrevocably break in wrong situation. This happened to the notion of "aristocracy is not above the law", it is too late to fix it now.

Fair enough, thought I'd give it a shot. I'm still of a mind that we should try even if it might not work, but I'm probably the member of the thread who'd be second-most okay with seeing our civ fracture, after AN himself. So I can understand not wanting to take these kinds of risks if you don't think they have a good chance of being useful.
He just voted Wiadi above you
"ships in the night" and all that

It's fine, right.

What matters is that the voters Remain Firm in their Opposition.

Be brave in the face of adversity!

Don't give up on justice and righteousness when things get hard. You'll never have it easy enough to do the right thing without difficulties.

Civil War is preferable to Land Distribution!

We just need the People to get religious about it the way they did about the Trees...
Inserted tally
Adhoc vote count started by Ancient Scholar on Dec 4, 2017 at 5:37 AM, finished with 139039 posts and 57 votes.
I get where you're coming from, but I think you're making a tiny mistake here:

You're separating the Patricians and the government.

The entire basis of power for the Patricians right now is that they're the hereditary trained administrator and military class. They are the people who order wars, and until recently they were the majority of the people that fought them. They count government coins, send government messages, and write official histories. They elect Kings. For Crow's sake, they invented a Senate just so they could be it and try to tempt over new players from r/prequelmemes!

This isn't the way to do what you want done here. Civil war is not the Ymaryn way. If you think they're wrong, invite them to your fire and convince them that you're right. But first, maybe try to build any faction whatsoever in the entirety of Ymar that agrees with your opinion, you know, as a powerbase?
I do invite them to my fire. I invite them to throw away all their pretty baubles and humble themselves to begin black soil production. If they do that they will be allowed to live. The Ymaryn way is taking the trappings of the elite and throwing them in the fire.
Epitaph for Nahachaphuria

So ends the noble experiment of Ymar in trying to sidestep the worst of history's abuses.
They walked too fast yet not fast enough...
They won in war and in peace yet for that they defeated themselves
And in the end cruel fate did claim the dreams of sleeping spirits​
[X] [Secondary] Civil War
[X] [Secondary] Civil War x2
[X] [Secondary] Civil War x3
[X] [Secondary] Civil War x4
[X] [Secondary] Civil War x5
[X] [Secondary] Civil War x6
[X] [Secondary] Civil War x7
[X] [Secondary] Civil War x8
Everyone who has given in a voted for DL listen to me! Don't give up hope, we can still fight. It's like being in an abusive relationship or bullying. Just because you know they will hit you if you try to stop them is no reason to surrender and give in. It only makes things worse. I have felt plenty of times that things were hopeless in this quest. That we would crash and burn against the unending tide of calamity that hounds our every step. I say no more! We most fight and we will keep fighting until we win!

You know what I hate the most about this? It's not the inequality, social stratification and injustice that will inevitably flow from this, it's not even aristocratic oligarchy, we know from history that it is a functional system assuming we can survive the transition... it's that it makes the Ymaryn less unique...

It makes us a large xenophilic power with an obsession for technology.... sounds like every SV civ quest ever.

About the only unusual quality that remains is environmentalism.
You know what they say - all roads paths of civilization lead to Rome.
[X] [Secondary] Civil War
[X] [Secondary] Civil War x2
[X] [Secondary] Civil War x3
[X] [Secondary] Civil War x4
[X] [Secondary] Civil War x5
[X] [Secondary] Civil War x6
[X] [Secondary] Civil War x7
[X] [Secondary] Civil War x8
Unfortunately, that won't do much for the count.

May I encourage you to vote []Susano or []Wiadi ?

The author had said this demand is MEANT TO BE UNREASONABLE! You can't expect to work out a equitable solution by giving in to bullies! THAT'S HOW THEY GET YOU!

Stand up to your fears! Live your values! Prove the worth of your words!

If you give in every time things get tough, people who can make things tough for you will own you all your life!
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