Is there a writeup for Gilded Age/Golden Age anywhere?Not seriously, I think. It's not terribly efficient, and may or may not end the Gilded Age, which we may or may not want.
But I'm pretty sure the only other safe option from Mills and Survey for that secondary is Gymnasiums.
Do the HK have cavalry?Maul the mercenary companies, still unsure about the damage to the Highlanders, although it should be significant.
That seems to be a common problem for us, tbh.
Gilded Age gives us some wealth income from cities and various Golden Age purchase options, which can include dedicated actions for Megaprojects, sounds like it also gives us Megaproject support/extra actions or something.
Both Survey and Mills are fine in that plan.Does Build Mills secondary screw anything up if we do the offensive plan? Is Survey the only good alternative?
Thank you! I'm glad to have that cleared up.Point of note, many of them will actually not adapt well to rural life. Some will, but a large portion will be rather miserable because they aren't used to the type of work and the change in access to social amenities.
Also, if you pop the cities you lose the faction power and it will take a few turns for the faction to reform at 0 or even negative power.
I'm honestly not surprised. AN has been showing us that the HK is currently running on super-religion infused fanaticism, and have steamrolled pretty much everyone up to this point. That's not something you challenge lightly.Yeah, I'm pretty surprised about how pessimistic it looks. I thought our light calv alone would be enough to sweep them out of the lowlands based one the wrecking we got from the pure.
Bonus from the Law mega project. Check the description on the front page.I understand what you mean by the rest of the sentence but what is a "Law Bonus"?
Well, I'm not AN(obviouslyI'm honestly not surprised. AN has been showing us that the HK is currently running on super-religion infused fanaticism, and have steamrolled pretty much everyone up to this point.
@Academia Nut do we know how many men are the HK fielding? Or really anything about how the HK has managed to overrun everyone around them so easily? I mean, they are a pretty small civ, yet they went on a conquest spree that would have been draining to us, and we are several times their size. How could they be pulling this off?
Are they looting the territories they take bare to fund this effort? Because I'm not sure how they are managing to fight a war of such high intensity for so long otherwise...
What do you mean by this? He won't be happy with any of them? It doesn't matter? What?
They didn't overrun much, really. Some colonies that were abandoned, minors that could've been bullied into joining by Txolla, and the first real opponent Hamurri, that are not that strong and were not concentrating on the HK has managed to overrun everyone around them so easily?