We do. Word of AN. They're trying to make us fail the Trader quest so the Traders can create a Power 8 Spitequest with extra spite and we won't have the buffer from Division of Power to ignore it with..We do not actually have to deal with patrician spite. DoP gives us one free fail.
Priests are confused at present. However if we fulfill their temple quest they should both have power and offer better quests next.That's a good point.
Also, another thing.
What about supporting Priests some more? They are only one of 'high-class' factions who oppose slavery. Temple is great maybe one-turn another Temple somewhere else? And let passives/active Policy finish the started Temple?
Please don't torpedo the government reform we need.Sorta like this.
Narratively we follow-up on previous decision by hunting down the slavery-minded. Combines with EJ. However, provinces can take it, so whatever.
[X][Main] Great Dam
[X][Secondary] Upgrade Temple - Horse Valley
[X][Secondary] Build Temple - Sunrise Grove
[X][Secondary] Enforce Justice
[X][Secondary] Suppress Faction - Patricians
[X][Secondary] Invite to Games - Forhuch
[X][Secondary] Support Faction - Traders
[X][Guild] Efficient Charcoal Kilns
[X][Guild] Plant Cash Crops - Textiles
[X][Guild Secondary] Salterns
So, idea: Suppress Patricians + Support Traders + EJ + Temple for Priests = ideally, we want to punish slavers (EJ+Suppress), elevate anti-slavery faction (Priests) and, hopefully, split Traders from slavers.
Thats what we just did. Thats why the upper classes are pretty fucking pissed.@Academia Nut , is it possible to make faction more anti-slavery?
And are traders especially invested (and how) in continuing the lax enforcement of half-exile rules (our brand of slavery basically)?
See, you can make Traders ambivalent on slavery once you show them how much money paying the poor can generate. They will fight you the whole way, but this is the only way to develop Economic Theory beyond the intuitive "I got money, they don't" zero sum game.
If we're lucky the priests extend their ecological study experience to study the economy as if it was an ecossytem.
I seem to recall us having big problems with them a while back. Not even counting the fact that they're pretty directly responsible for the current crisis.
Priests always support the prevailing social values and resist foreign values(until they become internal values, then the priests will support it). Always. They're great if you want status quo. Not great if you want change.The problem was not with the priests, the problem was with our military not being sufficient to enforce the Gods' will!
Unless you are thinking of a different time the priests caused trouble, either way I am certain I can pin the blame on something else. If nothing else, there's always the latent influence of Arxyn...
The basic thing is that the priests are always fickle as a faction. So take slavery. What are the issues from the priests' perspective?
-Purity - Foreigners being inherently more corrupt because they don't practice good hygiene, do not live in harmony with each other and the spirits. We must fix that, and the half exile system tells us how this can be achieved.
-Tradition - Slavery may or may not be inherently corrupt, because the half-exiles do the same things, and that obviously doesn't corrupt people, so if we do slavery like we do half-exiling, we can obtain the benefits without the spiritual costs.
-Justice - Double standards are unjust and corrupt. Thus slavery should either be accepted as being as just as the half exiles or the half exiles abuse rooted out.
-Justice + Purity - If slavery is corrupt, then by using half exiles like slaves, we are contaminating our entire society's spirits. We must protect everyone and punish those responsible.
-Justice + Purity - If labor is cleansing for half exiles, then it is cleansing for all the impure. It would be unjust to deny purification for the foreign.
Turns out you can use the same social value to argue both ways eh?