Making the provinces do it. Also, we are too low on LTE right now and can't do more than a {M} Expand Econ without eating disease roll penalties.
The plan most people are passing will spend more than 12 econ just on guild actions. Provinces will refund 12, sure, but that still leaves us under cap instead of getting the up to 7 econ-to-wealth overflow that we could be getting without spending a drop of LTE.
I have taken some of the complaints about my plan into account and revised it:
EDIT: actually planting luxuries is much better in terms of wealth gained in relation to econ expansion costs, so I'm doing luxuries as a main

[X] [Main] Great Dam
[X] [Secondary] Found Free City - Sacred Forest
[X] [Secondary] Found Free City - Stallionpen
[X][Secondary] Palace Annex - Great Hall
[X] [Secondary] Temple - Horse Valley
[X][Secondary] Proclaim Glory
[X] [Secondary] Support Faction - Traders

[X] [Guild] Salterns
[X] [Guild] Plant Cash Crops -Luxuries
[X] [Guild Secondary] Plant Cash Crops - Textiles
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The plan most people are passing will spend more than 12 econ just on guild actions. Provinces will refund 12, sure, but that still leaves us under cap instead of getting the up to 7 econ-to-wealth overflow that we could be getting without spending a drop of LTE.
We eat disease roll penalties even if we only touch overcrowding, even of we don't end the phase at overcrowding. Though ending the phase there is likely worse.

We'll have to overflow via [PSN] instead, hence why I'm advocating a [Main] Enforce Justice. And the province might do 3x Expand Econ in my plan if they think the disease rolls are worth it.
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[X] [Main] Increase Cement Production
[X] [Secondary] Build Roads

[X] [Secondary] Expand Economy

[X] [Secondary] Enforce Justice
[X] [Secondary] Build Watchtowers
[X] [Secondary] Launch Intrigue Mission
[X] [Secondary] Diplomatic Mission: Harmurri

[X] [Guild] Increase Cement Production
[X] [Guild] Expand Forests
[X] [Sec. Guild] Support Artisans
{S} Kiln + {M} Dam is only 4 wealth, we've got 7 available. 2x Dam + {S} Kiln spends 6, which is the most we can spend (since everything is even-costing now)
Also, we really want them to be spending their actions on useful things. Every action not spent on something we want done is a wasted action.
Oh wait we have it as a secondary...

Switching it and Salterns. A secondary already completes a Saltern and gives wealth.
Already noted and worked on :V
[X] [Main] Great Dam
[X] [Secondary] Found Free City - Sacred Forest
[X] [Secondary] Found Free City - Stallionpen
[X][Secondary] Palace Annex - Great Hall
[X] [Secondary] Temple - Horse Valley
[X][Secondary] Proclaim Glory
[X] [Secondary] Survey Lands

[X] [Guild] More Warships
[X] [Guild] Plant Cash Crops - Textiles
[X] [Guild Secondary] Plant Cash Crops - Textiles
We have 7 Wealth

Warships cost 10.

Not available this turn, please vote

[][Secondary] Support Faction - Traders

To make it available next turn.
Ok, some diffs before i start heading towards sleep
Actions relative to last turn: Diff Checker
Actions relative to AN's sneak peak of the new actions: Diff Checker

@Academia Nut diplo, intrigue, econ, EE, and wealth project incomes are all out of date, between the policies and the wealth cost changes.

So it looks like some of our actions also have better output as a result of these action changes. Makes sense, really. Paid labor generally puts out higher production.

For this turn, the only specifics I'm absolutely sure of, besides the dam, are EJ, Proclaim Glory, and Kiln. We have the centralization space to use on EJ, and between that, and Proclaim Glory, it neatly wraps up our lowered stability and legitimacy. More importantly, both actions are narratively appropriate for what isn't going on in society and the former should help root out some new corruption before it sets in. A use of Kilns is just necessary to keep us from running over our forest tally. We have enough infrastructure policies running to blitz baths and ironworks, and the guilds and traders are going to be pushing wealth generation, some of which use forests. A 4 buffer just isn't safe to wait on when we have the action available.

However, there are some others that are rather important.
  • We might as well finish off the palace for the foreseeable future and claim the extra Gardens bonus.
  • The Forhuch are edging in on our salt dominance. We also desperately need the wealth income that comes from another supported saltern.

[X][Main] Great Dam
[X][Secondary] Enforce Justice
[X][Secondary] Proclaim Glory
[X][Secondary] Palace Annex - Great Hall
[X][Secondary] Hunt Troublemakers
[X][Secondary] Support Faction - Traders
[X][Secondary] Invite to Games - Forhuch
[X][Guild] Salterns
[X][Guild] Plant Cash Crops - Textiles
[X][Guild Secondary] Efficient Charcoal Kilns
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[X][Main] Great Dam
[X][Secondary] Found March - Spirit Channel
[X][Secondary] Palace Annex - Great Hall
[X][Secondary] Enforce Justice
[X][Secondary] Expand Econ
[X][Secondary] Invite to Games - Forhuch
[X][Secondary] Support Faction - Traders
[X][Guild] Salterns
[X][Guild] Plant Cash Crops - Textiles
[X][Guild Secondary] Plant Cash Crops - Textiles
[X] [Main] Great Dam
[X] [Secondary] Found Free City - Sacred Forest
[X] [Secondary] Found Free City - Stallionpen
[X] [Secondary] Palace Annex - Great Hall
[X] [Secondary] Upgrade Temple - Horse Valley
[X] [Secondary] Upgrade Temple - Horse Valley x2
[X] [Secondary] Enforce Justice
[X] [Guild] Salterns
[X] [Guild] Plant Cash Crops - Textiles
[X] [Guild] Salterns x2
Against the support of traders, as we can not complete the quest. A land war is expected. During the war, no one will spend wealth on the fleet, instead of the army.
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[X] [Main] Great Dam
[X] [Secondary] Found Free City - Sacred Forest
[X] [Secondary] Found Free City - Stallionpen
[X][Secondary] Palace Annex - Great Hall
[X] [Secondary] Temple - Horse Valley
[X][Secondary] Proclaim Glory
[X] [Secondary] Support Faction - Traders

[X] [Guild] Salterns
[X] [Guild] Plant Cash Crops -Luxuries
[X] [Guild Secondary] Plant Cash Crops - Textiles
Guys we really need that enforce justice to make sure the half-exile reform sticks and the outrage does not perpetuate a culture of abuse to punish them for daring to require pay.
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[X][Main] Great Dam
[X][Secondary] Found March - Spirit Channel
[X][Secondary] Palace Annex - Great Hall
[X][Secondary] Enforce Justice
[X][Secondary] Expand Econ
[X][Secondary] Invite to Games - Forhuch
[X][Secondary] Support Faction - Traders
[X][Guild] Salterns
[X][Guild] Plant Cash Crops - Textiles
[X][Guild Secondary] Plant Cash Crops - Textiles
Luxuries are not a guild action, so I believe your vote is invalid.
Well in that case...
[X] [Main] Great Dam
[X] [Secondary] Found Free City - Sacred Forest
[X] [Secondary] Found Free City - Stallionpen
[X][Secondary] Palace Annex - Great Hall
[X] [Secondary] Temple - Horse Valley
[X][Secondary] Enforce Justice
[X] [Secondary] Support Faction - Traders

[X] [Guild] Salterns
[X] [Guild] Efficient Charcoal Kilns
[X] [Guild Secondary] Plant Cash Crops - Textiles
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  • We might as well finish off the palace for the foreseeable future and claim the extra Gardens bonus.
...How important is this? I do not see an immediate need for it?
  • Cash Crops - Luxuries uses a great deal less EE (we are already getting a little tight) while only producing 1 less wealth and 2 less diplo.
Plant Cash Crops – Luxuries [Yeomen] – These crops are those that make life a bit more vibrant, flavourful, and exciting. Available: Wine, Dyes, Spices
That is not a Guild Project.
In the near future, we should build up the power of our temple-and-priest system. They would be a good counterbalance to the bloody tantrum-having children that the nobles, guilds, and merchants are now. There's nothing to change systems thoroughly like holy war. It's a nasty solution but the n-g-m trio are acting like enemies so if they're going to act like enemies, we can treat them like enemies.

We can stir up anger against the highlanders, militarize our society with heavy direction from the priestly class, and when the ngm trio start shit, we accuse them of being agents of the highlanders and our then-militarized society will eat the ngm trio alive.

This is the same strategy the christian iberians used to go from squabbling mountain kingdoms to a global superpower and even if I have deep, deep issues with the catholic iberians, they had a thoroughly comprehensive understanding of power that gave them global influence.

I'd recommend we buy off one of the factions in the ngm trio and turn them against the others. I am leaning towards buying off the guilds myself.
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They're doing this and supporting the Traders? Wow, nasty.

On the bright side no need for war this turn-and since the HK has not yet attacked the Harmurri I see no reason to attack them now. Yes, they may yet do so and they are growing in power-but we cannot break our nonaggression merely for might-be. If they begin to attack again on the midturn we will hit them then.

start a lovely tradition of the CIA it is called a false flag attack
In the near future, we should build up the power of our temple-and-priest system. They would be a good counterbalance to the bloody tantrum-having children that the nobles, guilds, and merchants are now. There's nothing to change systems thoroughly like holy war. It's a nasty solution but the n-g-m trio are acting like enemies so if they're going to act like enemies, we can treat them like enemies.

A bunch of turns ago, we loved the Yeoman. Then they started the Lost Sons crisis.
The nobles stopped the Yeomen, so then we liked them.
And now this.

None of the factions is permanently good or evil.
Jeeze I am sad that the wonder Dam lost too but that's a bit much don't younthink?
Not really our innovations are hampered, we have a war up and coming, all our factions are pissed, our ruling class are trying to maximize our problems, one wrong action means we will be bankrupt, and we are fragile enough that if another liquidity crisis or a plague or pirates come we would be fucked.
Okay, since things have slowed,

Explaination time

Economy 27/27 (+5) [+5-4]
Wealth 7/24 (+1) [+9]

Desired Actions
[X][Main] Great Dam
[X][Secondary] Upgrade Temple - Horse Valley
[X][Secondary] Upgrade Temple - Horse Valley x2
[X][Secondary] Palace Annex - Great Hall
[X][Secondary] Enforce Justice
[X][Secondary] Invite to Games - Forhuch
[X][Secondary] Support Faction - Traders
[X][Guild] Efficient Charcoal Kilns
[X][Guild] Plant Cash Crops - Textiles
[X][Guild Secondary] Salterns

Dam costs 2 Econ and 2 Wealth

Economy 25
Wealth 5

Fully upgrading temple costs 6 Econ

Economy 19
Wealth 5

Palace Annex costs 3 Econ

Economy 16
Wealth 5

Enforce Justice costs nothing and gives Centralization and Stability

Invite to Games costs no Economy or Wealth

Support Faction costs no Economy or Wealth

Charcoal Kilns costs 2 Economy and 4 Wealth and releases 3 of our Forests

Economy 15
Wealth 1
Forests 27 (37)/34

Crops costs 5 Econ and give 7 Wealth

Economy 10
Wealth 8

Saltern costs 3 Economy and gives 2 Wealth.

Economy 7
Wealth 10

Balance does a Main Expand Economy

Economy 19
Wealth 10

Then we hit the midturn payout

Economy 25
Wealth 20

That is plenty to work with :)

Temple has to be fully built by ourselves as the Priests Political Faction does not have enough sway to have our Passive Policies do it. On the other hand this does open them to building Markets so it works out. Palace Annex is needed as we need King Approval to get it done and it upgrades our Government. Enforce Justice ensures that our we have the Centralization to deal with the disorder from the ruling, additional Stability to deal with anything that may pop up, and narrative weight to upkeeping the ruling. Inviting the Forhuch to ensure that relations are good between us and additional Diplomacy payoff for more Wealth. Supporting the Traders allows us time to build the Warships next turn as well as getting us closer to having another Faction that can contest the Patricians.

Kilns is used to ensure that our Provinces do not use the Wealth themselves and gives us a bigger buffer for our forests. Cash crops to increase our Wealth further so that we could Build the Warships next turn and still have enough for a Main Raise Army if needed and the Highlanders act up. Finally the Saltern as it gives us more wealth and gets us halfway to another Wealth passive income.
In the near future, we should build up the power of our temple-and-priest system. They would be a good counterbalance to the bloody tantrum-having children that the nobles, guilds, and merchants are now. There's nothing to change systems thoroughly like holy war. It's a nasty solution but the n-g-m trio are acting like enemies so if they're going to act like enemies, we can treat them like enemies.

We can stir up anger against the highlanders, militarize our society with heavy direction from the priestly class, and when the ngm trio start shit, we accuse them of being agents of the highlanders and our then-militarized society will eat the ngm trio alive.

This is the same strategy the christian iberians used to go from squabbling mountain kingdoms to a global superpower and even if I have deep, deep issues with the catholic iberians, they had a thoroughly comprehensive understanding of power that gave them global influence.
Absolutely :)

This is why I am trying to upgrade the Temple, as that allows another center for our Priests while also raising their faction power.

May I tempt you to vote for it as well?
March eats 5 martial and 2 economy + 2 Econ extension. No wealth cost currently. Supposed to prevent nomad going through that narrow pass into lowland.
Alright, but the no wealth cost is supposed to be for our current periphery states. The new march would be new, and therefore expected to follow the new ideas of the Ymaryn which include the double wealth cost for martial. We want the march to build up a strong military strength, but how can they do that if they can't use the half-exiles as free labor?

How quickly can the new march stand on it's own that would make forming it actually helpful? I agree we need it, but I would prefer we form it during a golden age, to shed excess stats. The nomads haven't currently displayed conflict with the Ymaryn, but nomads are like bees searching for flowers during the information era. You never know when you'll see them for the last time.
Strategic voting time to prevent spite cocks.
Lets see the leading vote...
One Main and Six Secondary actions, and Two [Guild] and One [Sec Guild] action

Main Core:
[][Main] Great Dam
Votes: 20
Priority high. We do not want to risk this at all.

[][Main] Enforce Justice
Votes: 3

Not really sure what this is doing

Secondary Core:
[][Secondary] Palace Annex - Great Hall
Votes: 20

Priority low. Will deliberately push down the list because the Patricians won't block it

[][Secondary] Support Faction - Traders
Votes: 19
Priority high. Patricians may try to block this to force a quest failure so we eat a spitequest.

[][Secondary] Enforce Justice
Votes: 17
Priority medium. We can do without it but we really prefer to have it.

[][Secondary] Invite to Games - Forhuch
Votes: 17
Priority high. There is a risk of being dumped on this, and we need it to protect our eastern flank.

[][Secondary] Found March - Spirit Channel
Votes: 12
Priority high. The Patricians would happily dump this, keep the Martial and let Txolla eat the Channel.

[][Secondary] Upgrade Temple - Horse Valley
Votes: 6

Priority high. The Patricians could GLEEFULLY deny the priests due to the low priest power to resist. Especially when the whole mess can be seen as their fault

[][Secondary] Proclaim Glory
Votes: 5
Priority low. We certainly could use the Stability, but odds are good

[][Secondary] Hunt Troublemakers
Votes: 5

I'm not really sure what we're doing with this.

[][Secondary] Upgrade Temple - Horse Valley x2
Votes: 5

See above. But once we've started the temple it's more likely for passives to finish it.

[] [Secondary] Found Free City - Sacred Forest
Votes: 4

Currently the Patricians want to spite the Priests and the Urban Poor. They might block this, but we do have time. Not urgent. It does also help with the wealth situation though. More passives!

[] [Secondary] Temple - Horse Valley
Votes: 3

This is a split vote on the sheep vote.

[] [Secondary] Found Free City - Stallionpen
Votes: 3

Not advisable really. Too far away to control.

[][Secondary] Expand Econ
Votes: 3

Split vote this is.

[][Secondary] Expand Economy
Votes: 3

Kind of split

[][Secondary] Expand Economy x2
Votes: 3

Main Guild:
[][Guild] Plant Cash Crops - Textiles
Votes: 18

Priority high. We want the cash but the guilds may deliberately swap one of the Guild actions out for Block Housing unless it would risk running out of Wealth.

[][Guild] Salterns
Votes: 17

Priority low. The Guilds are unlikely to screw us on this one.

[] [Guild] Plant Cash Crops -Luxuries
Votes: 2

Invalid vote

[][Guild] Efficient Charcoal Kilns
Votes: 2

Cash management purposes I presume?

[][Guild] More Warships
Votes: 2

Trying to suicide

Secondary Guild:
[][Guild Secondary] Efficient Charcoal Kilns
Votes: 11

Priority low. The Guilds may muck with this, but it won't kill us if they do.

[][Guild Secondary] Plant Cash Crops - Textiles
Votes: 5

Well we need it for the money.

[] [Guild Secondary] Ironworks -Redshore
Votes: 2

Invalid vote.

Dropped the singletons.

So my current tactical vote:
[X][Main] Great Dam
[X][Secondary] Support Faction - Traders
[X][Secondary] Invite to Games - Forhuch
[X][Secondary] Upgrade Temple - Horse Valley
[X][Secondary] Upgrade Temple - Horse Valley x2
[X][Secondary] Enforce Justice
[][Secondary] Found March - Spirit Channel
[][Secondary] Palace Annex - Great Hall
[X][Guild] Plant Cash Crops - Textiles
[][Guild] Salterns
[X][Guild Secondary] Plant Cash Crops - Textiles

Explanation(please do not blindly copy this vote, it's strategic combo):
-Traders and Games invite pushed to the top where they're completely secure.
-Temples are bumped up to try to get at least HALF of them done, and try to push the zeitegeist towards doing Temples with the passives. I want one temple instance and the second temple at the 7th position so we can passive it
-Justice is bumped up. No matter WHAT wins, we will need the Stability.
-March bumped down. We can wait a turn or two before its gone, so it goes into the "risk Patricians being cocks" zone
-Annex is bumped down. The Patricians will not fuck themselves. I want this, but I don't want this at the top vote. Want this at the 5-6 position

-Salterns are bumped down so that the Guilds will not be able to block the cash crops(which would force us to fail the Warships next turn). They aren't going to block the Salterns.

-Textiles are bumped up a bit in case they decide to torpedo the other wealth sources

This is exhausting to do on mobile. I'll be reassessing this when I get home.