Okay, since things have slowed,
Explaination time
Economy 27/27 (+5) [+5-4]
Wealth 7/24 (+1) [+9]
Desired Actions
[X][Main] Great Dam
[X][Secondary] Upgrade Temple - Horse Valley
[X][Secondary] Upgrade Temple - Horse Valley x2
[X][Secondary] Palace Annex - Great Hall
[X][Secondary] Enforce Justice
[X][Secondary] Invite to Games - Forhuch
[X][Secondary] Support Faction - Traders
[X][Guild] Efficient Charcoal Kilns
[X][Guild] Plant Cash Crops - Textiles
[X][Guild Secondary] Salterns
Dam costs 2 Econ and 2 Wealth
Economy 25
Wealth 5
Fully upgrading temple costs 6 Econ
Economy 19
Wealth 5
Palace Annex costs 3 Econ
Economy 16
Wealth 5
Enforce Justice costs nothing and gives Centralization and Stability
Invite to Games costs no Economy or Wealth
Support Faction costs no Economy or Wealth
Charcoal Kilns costs 2 Economy and 4 Wealth and releases 3 of our Forests
Economy 15
Wealth 1
Forests 27 (37)/34
Crops costs 5 Econ and give 7 Wealth
Economy 10
Wealth 8
Saltern costs 3 Economy and gives 2 Wealth.
Economy 7
Wealth 10
Balance does a Main Expand Economy
Economy 19
Wealth 10
Then we hit the midturn payout
Economy 25
Wealth 20
That is plenty to work with
Temple has to be fully built by ourselves as the Priests Political Faction does not have enough sway to have our Passive Policies do it. On the other hand this does open them to building Markets so it works out. Palace Annex is needed as we need King Approval to get it done and it upgrades our Government. Enforce Justice ensures that our we have the Centralization to deal with the disorder from the ruling, additional Stability to deal with anything that may pop up, and narrative weight to upkeeping the ruling. Inviting the Forhuch to ensure that relations are good between us and additional Diplomacy payoff for more Wealth. Supporting the Traders allows us time to build the Warships next turn as well as getting us closer to having another Faction that can contest the Patricians.
Kilns is used to ensure that our Provinces do not use the Wealth themselves and gives us a bigger buffer for our forests. Cash crops to increase our Wealth further so that we could Build the Warships next turn and still have enough for a Main Raise Army if needed and the Highlanders act up. Finally the Saltern as it gives us more wealth and gets us halfway to another Wealth passive income.
In the near future, we should build up the power of our temple-and-priest system. They would be a good counterbalance to the bloody tantrum-having children that the nobles, guilds, and merchants are now. There's nothing to change systems thoroughly like holy war. It's a nasty solution but the n-g-m trio are acting like enemies so if they're going to act like enemies, we can treat them like enemies.
We can stir up anger against the highlanders, militarize our society with heavy direction from the priestly class, and when the ngm trio start shit, we accuse them of being agents of the highlanders and our then-militarized society will eat the ngm trio alive.
This is the same strategy the christian iberians used to go from squabbling mountain kingdoms to a global superpower and even if I have deep, deep issues with the catholic iberians, they had a thoroughly comprehensive understanding of power that gave them global influence.
This is why I am trying to upgrade the Temple, as that allows another center for our Priests while also raising their faction power.
May I tempt you to vote for it as well?