Also a minor factor is that a deep layer of Terra Preta also prevents the soil from becoming hard packed and dry as easily. We likely do use an excess of Black Soil for that reason. Deep TP layers means that the field is more likely to resist droughts better and also be easier to plough and root in.

Wonder if our crops have been adapting deeper root networks to take better advantage.

Too deep a layer can be actively harmful to plants as the lowest points will still accumulate organic mass if the roots get that deep, which leads to anaerobic decomposition. Which in turn releases gases toxic to plants.

Another big issue is that the water storage can become actively harmful. This usually means the roots rot/drown or in some soil types it resembles a moor and you get stuck in it like quicksand* after very heavy rainfalls. You need very good drainage at that point.

Broadly speaking, for most crops you want something like 30 cm as you can actually work that with a plough or otherwise get air down there. I expect the Ymaryn to notice at some point that adding more Black Soil doesn't really help and that they can just use manure directly, lowering the mass needing to be transported (as only the manure has the high amounts of nitrogen).

*Walking over a seemingly dry patch and suddenly be stuck up to your knees is not fun, believe me. At least the Ymaryn don't have any mechanization yet. Then it would be real fun.
Why are we founding a march? Don't we need that martial? And wouldn't the new march have the double wealth problem that makes raising martial difficult?
Folks, why does leading vote have Hunt Troublemakers and Balanced? Balanced is confirmed to be able to take it; replace it with doubling down on EJ to get more centralization for PSN and more stability..and more narrative value.
I don't particularly care one way or the other, but if I was to give a reason, it would be that I am a bit paranoid about what the HK might be doing and want to head off any other crises heading our way. Plus a Hunt and Enforce seems like it could be synergystically effective, in a different way than two Enforces is.
Quest wants a lvl three temple, it's natural to upgrade the the existing lvl 2 one.

No, it doesn't.

Priests (2)- Power: Adds faction power to RA. Objective: Have a new level 2 temple somewhere within 1 turns. Success: +1 RA tolerance. Failure: -1 Stability

And bankrupt in which way?

Warships currently costs 10 wealth. We have 7. You're setting us up for a bad stability hit and guild panic.
Why are we founding a march? Don't we need that martial? And wouldn't the new march have the double wealth problem that makes raising martial difficult?

March eats 5 martial and 2 economy + 2 Econ extension. No wealth cost currently. Supposed to prevent nomad going through that narrow pass into lowland.
Ah, our fractions wont be able to do anything because they don't have enough money due to the prices being raised?

Somewhat. More that the independent religious action has its own pool of resources, and they currently don't have enough to build a temple. They will probably plant textiles or something like that to raise funds to study stars next turn to build up the Mysticism they need to fund a temple or library.
[X][Main] Great Dam
[X][Secondary] Found March - Spirit Channel
[X][Secondary] Palace Annex - Great Hall
[X][Secondary] Enforce Justice
[X][Secondary] Enforce Justice x2
[X][Secondary] Invite to Games - Forhuch
[X][Secondary] Support Faction - Traders
[X][Guild] Salterns
[X][Guild] Plant Cash Crops - Textiles
[X][Guild Secondary] Efficient Charcoal Kilns

Minor change: EJ x2. Provinces can (and hopefully will) take Hunt Troublemakers, and Main EJ is always nice to ensure laws are followed.

@Academia Nut , was Purity strengthened or damaged or neutral via this outcome?
Somewhat. More that the independent religious action has its own pool of resources, and they currently don't have enough to build a temple. They will probably plant textiles or something like that to raise funds to study stars next turn to build up the Mysticism they need to fund a temple or library.

So organized religion are more like a subsidiary state than a faction so to speak?
...Actually, looking at it, we CAN get more time on a faction quest by supporting that faction and all it really costs is Culture.

All it costs is a measly 4 Culture.
Plus a secondary.
Plus an increase in faction power that is liable to be undesirable.

Which is why we should reave uses of such a support for when we actually intend to finish the quest, or can't afford to fail. Not especially convinced that we actually want to burn all that wealth on naval, even with the quest bonus.
I have to go to my grandma's and tactical voting must be a thing. I don't know what I'll need to vote for so I'll vote blank for now.

[X] blank
@Academia Nut what would happen if we did things like this:
a intrigue mission (Against the Patricians)
a support faction (yeomen)
and a distribute land?

From what i understand this intrigue would get the patricians out of the deal, give yeomen enough money to pay for the distribute land, i'm right?
They don't have the resources, so no.

Okay, Altered Plan

[X][Main] Great Dam
[X][Secondary] Upgrade Temple - Horse Valley
[X][Secondary] Upgrade Temple - Horse Valley x2
[X][Secondary] Palace Annex - Great Hall
[X][Secondary] Enforce Justice
[X][Secondary] Invite to Games - Forhuch
[X][Secondary] Support Faction - Traders
[X][Guild] Efficient Charcoal Kilns
[X][Guild] Plant Cash Crops - Textiles
[X][Guild Secondary] Salterns

Dropping the Troublemakers as the Balance Policy is likely to take it. As saddened as I am to not do the March despite my best efforts, we should work to keep the Priests on our side. Doing the Horse Valley as that way the Religious Settlements will do their temple on their own dime anyway.
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