I'd rather keep the forest policies.

Also, are we certain that the Dam will give us EE in time to finish the yeomen quest?

25 - 5 + 1 - 6 = 15/30

Depending on where we build the dam thing, if it's closer to lowland than it's probable that we get greater stretch of core land secured water supply. But likely to be more work required.
It's 1. We currently have 1 Infrastructure progress per turn thanks to our cities popping. This change puts us at 5.
Hmm. K.

@VoidZero uh.... what...? Core-land secured water supply? That sounds like ur trying to say water supply secured for the core lands, which would be more if it's farther from the lowlands, as water flows downward.

The lowlands would get a steadier water supply but considering that they're, well, low they don't need it as much as our hilly core does.

But we're not building the dam anywhere other than where we would get a canal out of it.
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Hell. It's about damn time.

[X][Main] Great Dam
[X][Secondary] Great Dam
[X][Secondary] Great Dam x2
[X][Secondary] Great Dam x3
[X][Secondary] Great Dam x4
[X][Secondary] Change Policy - Passive (Forestry + Forestry -> Infrastructure + Infrastructure)
[X][Guild Main] Plant Poppies
[X][Guild Main] Build Docks
[X][Guild Secondary] Expand Snail Cultivation
[X][Main] Great Dam
[X][Secondary] Great Dam
[X][Secondary] Great Dam x2
[X][Secondary] Great Dam x3
[X][Secondary] Great Dam x4
[X][Secondary] Change Policy - Passive (Forestry + Forestry -> Infrastructure + Infrastructure)
[X][Guild Main] Plant Poppies
[X][Guild Main] Build Docks
[X][Guild Secondary] Expand Snail Cultivation

eh, fine. Ham on the dam.
[X][Main] Great Dam
[X][Secondary] Great Dam
[X][Secondary] Great Dam x2
[X][Secondary] Great Dam x3
[X][Secondary] Great Dam x4
[X][Secondary] Change Policy - Passive (Forestry + Forestry -> Infrastructure + Infrastructure)
[X][Guild Main] Plant Poppies
[X][Guild Main] Build Docks
[X][Guild Secondary] Expand Snail Cultivation

eh, fine. Ham on the dam.

> No Influence
But why though.
Hmm. K.

@VoidZero uh.... what...? Core-land secured water supply? That sounds like ur trying to say water supply secured for the core lands, which would be more if it's farther from the lowlands, as water flows downward.

The lowlands would get a steadier water supply but considering that they're, well, low they don't need it as much as our hilly core does.

But we're not building the dam anywhere other than where we would get a canal out of it.

I thought the dam was to regulate the water flow for the river that is flowing from our core to HK/Txolla area? This would incidentally allow our irrigation to expand as our river is now fuller than before and more stable, assuming we are building the dam at the border area.
> No Influence
But why though.
Cost + re-read passage & didn't find anything that seemed to make it urgent + I want the Dam done so we can finish the lowland canal asap. I consider it to be of theoretically equal urgency to the benefits of the influence action but of much less value.
If I wanted to ignore the above I would do a secondary roads and a secondary TM - SP to try to forestall international incidents.

Side comment: I dislike the SP.
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I thought the dam was to regulate the water flow for the river that is flowing from our core to HK/Txolla area? This would incidentally allow our irrigation to expand as our river is now fuller than before and more stable, assuming we are building the dam at the border area.
It would not make the river fuller than before. Water is trapped by a dam and released at a lower level than prior due to increased evaporation & absorption around where it was trapped. It would make the area prior to the dam more full, that area being the badlands i.e. not the best place for farming.

It would make the flow more stable, however. Which doesn't really increase EE other than maybe if we redo all our irrigation with the knowledge that it's less likely to be damaged. But that's a kind of marginal improvement if we're any good at irrigation, and we are.

Like, it will increase EE. But since we're building it in the badlands it won't increase it much. The canal might increase EE, but since it's drawing water from elsewhere it won't increase it much.
Propsal for next full turn assuming we had no incident of any sort. :V

Main-Great Dam
Secondary-Level 1 or level 2 temple at Dam location

Secondary-Hunt Trouble Maker
Secondary-Enforce Justice
Secondary-Distribute Land

The green ones is to satisfy Priest faction to have them return to root of farming and other earthy pursuits, and the invertible injury and learnings. This will also dilute the powers the noble and guilds have, as the priests will contest more effectively. RA maximum also helps as the myth king passes on.

The purple is to start cleaning the corruption and stupidity from our stability swings, as well as setting up proper form of distribut land when the government is stable and fully in control. This way we have clear rules and laws to limit everyone's land desire. This also helps with the iffy lower courts problem last update.
A lvl 2 Temple at the Dam site (or where the canal will be built) is actually fairly good. That place will be a major traffic nexus and the temple there will project influence deeply into the Lowlands piggybacking on the trade barges whom are probably happy to give priests a free ride as they provide blessings and medical care.


Would it be better to switch Annex for Hunt Troublemaker?

We already saw that Governors were abusing their position to screw the monotheists and actually cause damage and given the road situation, odds are we haven't found it all, even if the Sacred Shore Governors punishment causes a few to clean up their act.

It only costs us Intrigue, gives us a heads-up on brewing trouble and the Annex has a lot of time if it isn't outright built using Province Actions.


Regarding the Dam:

Even in the Cataracts, it will create a lake (or at least a flooded section). It doesn't matter how infertile the area is, as the Dam is well suited for Chinampas, which according to some will really boost agriculture. But that is up to AN to decide.

What I find more intriguing is to plant Cotton on Chinampas. Cottons biggest issue is that it requires absurd amounts of water but ideally no rainfall.

Chinampas have more than enough water, the area doesn't see that much rain, I think, and it would be directly on one of the major traderoutes.
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Propsal for next full turn assuming we had no incident of any sort. :V

Main-Great Dam
Secondary-Level 1 or level 2 temple at Dam location

Secondary-Hunt Trouble Maker
Secondary-Enforce Justice
Secondary-Distribute Land

The green ones is to satisfy Priest faction to have them return to root of farming and other earthy pursuits, and the invertible injury and learnings. This will also dilute the powers the noble and guilds have, as the priests will contest more effectively. RA maximum also helps as the myth king passes on.

The purple is to start cleaning the corruption and stupidity from our stability swings, as well as setting up proper form of distribut land when the government is stable and fully in control. This way we have clear rules and laws to limit everyone's land desire. This also helps with the iffy lower courts problem last update.
Can we afford to build another palace annex? I thought we needed to get four, and we've got two now.
Cost + re-read passage & didn't find anything that seemed to make it urgent + I want the Dam done so we can finish the lowland canal asap. I consider it to be of theoretically equal urgency to the benefits of the influence action but of much less value.
If I wanted to ignore the above I would do a secondary roads and a secondary TM - SP to try to forestall international incidents.

Side comment: I dislike the SP.

Nothing that would seem like it's urgent?

Around the time this whole thing was being dealt with, word got back that the various experts sent over to "aid with plague" recovery had managed to coax the Western Colonies into going along with the core territories, for the time being.

This was, perhaps, why the colonies were somewhat more willing to listen to the king once he had shown interest in supporting them. While some saw the Storm People as a viable alternative to the king in Valleyhome, others saw them as a threat.

They mostly are listening to us because we might be useful against Storm People who might be enemies. If SP are smart and try diplomancing western vassals instead of going full murderface, we are fucked unless we win back their loyalty.

A lvl 2 Temple at the Dam site (or where the canal will be built) is actually fairly good. That place will be a major traffic nexus and the temple there will project influence deeply into the Lowlands piggybacking on the trade barges whom are probably happy to give priests a free ride as they provide blessings and medical care.


Would it be better to switch Annex for Hunt Troublemaker?

We already saw that Governors were abusing their position to screw the monotheists and actually cause damage and given the road situation, odds are we haven't found it all, even if the Sacred Shore Governors punishment causes a few to clean up their act.

It only costs us Intrigue, gives us a heads-up on brewing trouble and the Annex has a lot of time if it isn't outright built using Province Actions.

I don't think we can rely on provinces to choose Annex with that 2 Econ. Especially since Annexes are not a thing provinces generally "want" to build. There is only a limited number of slots and I imagine that, hypothetically, if players wanted one Annex but provinces built another it would be absolutely silly situation.

So I think it's not the best idea, sorry.
@Academia Nut , two questions if you please.
1. Can provinces build Palace Annexes?
2. Can provinces do Hunt Troublemakers?
Duude. I thought we were Anatolian/Levantine/Nomadic, not Welsh. I look at these names and had the same feeling when I did my first CK2 playthrough - how am I supposed to enunciate this?

Other than that, major props.
So, I know it is an extreme necro of a post some ~1500 (Jesus Christ, boys) pages back but I wanted to address it.

Languages are fun, and conlanging is oftentimes moreso. From the hints that AN has dropped us we know that Yamarish(or whatever) is a mishmash of languages and sounds due to the mishmash nature of the culture itself. Predominantly, Welsh and Aramaic are common overtones. The former is the cultural base the Ymaryn formed from, and the latter was the extremely widespread result of a combination of similar Semitic languages that formed over the entire region (irl).

For reference, Aramaic and it's immediate predecessors gave rise to pretty much all of the languages you see around the Mediterranean. Aramaic in particular, is an immediate predecessor to Arabic and Modern Hebrew. Surprisingly, it isn't really a dead language. Portions of The Torah are written in Aramaic and many orthodox practitioners of Judaism and Islam can read and speak it.

So, what does Ymarish sound like? Well, it's a bit of a paradox. Welsh is spoken on the tip of the tongue and is a lilting, graceful language. (Tolkien used it as the base for Elvish). On the other hand, the Aramaic languages are spoken with the back of the tongue with longer vowels. (Its part of why you see the glottal stop show up so much)

So, some specific sounds that you might want to know:
"LL" is a sound unique to welsh, and its a bit like a "th" in "thanks" but not. It is made by placing the tip of the tongue behind your front teeth and blowing air past it.

"CH" is a glottal sound(I'm not a linguist) that is present in numerous languages, but is stereotypically herbrew. If you see a "ch" in spelling, it is this sound. Don't think of it as a harsh "ch" in "church" or "catch". Those are done with the teeth, listen to Gal Gadot speak to get an idea.

Vowels are probably universally long, deep, and drawn out. As a result of Aramaic influence.

So, here, listen to the beautiful Gal Gadot for some hebrew:

And this guy for some welsh:

If you noticed, Gal sounds a lot like she has a French accent. Try and translate that onto the Welsh the other guy was speaking and you've got the sound probably right.
1. Can provinces build Palace Annexes?
2. Can provinces do Hunt Troublemakers?

1. At the moment no.
2. Maybe

Going to have to go back over and edit a few things because the actions are a mess. For the next time the actions come up, I will be compressing a few things:

1.) There will be a singular 'Support Holy Orders' action
2.) The various cash crops will be reorganized, into three broad categories of 'Luxuries' (incense, spices, wine, etc.), 'Drugs' (pretty much just poppies at the moment), and 'Textiles' (hemp and cotton).
3.) There will be a couple of other actions collapsed as I comb over the list
[X] [Main] Great Dam
[X] [Secondary] Great Hall Expansion
[X] [Secondary] Great Hall Expansion x2
[X] [Secondary] Expand Economy
[X] [Secondary] Expand Economy x2
[X] [Secondary] Survey Lands

[X] [Guild Main] Plant Cotton
[X] [Guild Main] Build Docks
[X] [Guild Secondary] Expand Snail Cultivation
Adhoc vote count started by Horologer on Nov 3, 2017 at 8:52 PM, finished with 125694 posts and 62 votes.
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given the VERY different growing conditions necessary, i think cpmbining hemp and cotton might be a mistake

Eh, hemp was grown practically everywhere (it has more than enough variants to be universal crop)
And cotton requires a somewhat dry and warm clime, which is the entirety of the ancient world, and the known world of Ymar. Only notRussia is too cold and wet for it.

Sides, if we get flax, jute or other fabric plants that requires special conditions, so long as said conditions are met in some part of Ymar, the issue can be waved away.

Hmm, would losing certain provinces then restructure the luxury market?
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[X] [Main] Great Dam
[X] [Secondary] Great Hall Expansion
[X] [Secondary] Great Hall Expansion
[X] [Secondary] Expand Economy
[X] [Secondary] Expand Economy
[X] [Secondary] Survey Lands

[X] [Guild Main] Plant Cotton
[X] [Guild Main] Build Docks
[X] [Guild Secondary] Expand Snail Cultivation

If you want double actions, use something like:
[] [Secondary] Great Hall Expansion
[] [Secondary] Great Hall Expansion x2
[] [Secondary] Expand Economy
[] [Secondary] Expand Economy x2

re: Dam. To kick or not kick?

I'd rather sit at 3 and wait for either Golden Age or inevitable refugees.
Besides, we are spending a lot of Econ coming turn, and kicks still cost Econ, so we cannot do it regardless.
1. At the moment no.
2. Maybe

Going to have to go back over and edit a few things because the actions are a mess. For the next time the actions come up, I will be compressing a few things:

1.) There will be a singular 'Support Holy Orders' action
2.) The various cash crops will be reorganized, into three broad categories of 'Luxuries' (incense, spices, wine, etc.), 'Drugs' (pretty much just poppies at the moment), and 'Textiles' (hemp and cotton).
3.) There will be a couple of other actions collapsed as I comb over the list

Interesting. I'd love to see Support Holy Orders lead to cross discipline training, leading to our version of monks/holy knights. Something akin to the Sixth Order from Raven's Shadow by Anthony Ryan...

A man can dream.