Good point. I'd argue that getting the stability is more important than some of what you're doing but that's not trivially objective so I rescind my complaint.

Yeah, I realize not everybody shares my priorities and thinking Trade Mission is needed to keep eastern neighbor calm is perhaps me being overly cautious. Matter of preference at this point, as long as differing perspectives do not lead to some horrific combo in the tally making everything go to hell.

They are not crazy and out factions are unlikely to "force" them to. I imagine they'll take some more Expand Econs, surveys, watchtowers,as always Study Stars, and other no-econ no-wealth cost actions.

[X] ctulhuslp

I like snails. Losing the forestry policies, not so much, but I'll have faith for now. I'm going to nag everyone's ear off about trees if they don't get replaced soon though.
How soon depends on how soon we build 4 Great Hall expansions and hit government upgrade, allowing us Repeated Action Expand Forests for the version with forest-themed innovation roll each turn.
[X][Main]Great Dam
[X] [Secondary] Study Health
[X] [Secondary] Expand Econ
[X] [Secondary] Trade Mission - Forhuch
[X] [Secondary] Trade Mission - Storm People
[X] [Secondary] Build Docks
[X] [Guild] Plant Poppies
[X] [Guild] Expand Snail Cultivation
[X] [Guild Secondary] Expand Snail Cultivation
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So the speculation says the Government Upgrade is a nobility senate type thing (I think). What do you think it could do? Just AN's action reforms? I'm hoping for some sort of better regional representation.
Here's my best attempt at a current vote count:
Vote Tally : Original - Paths of Civilization | Page 5010 | Sufficient Velocity [Posts: 125253-125557]
##### NetTally 1.9.9

Task: Main

[45][Main] Great Dam
[2][Main] Grand Hall Annex
[1][Main] Expand Econ
[1][Main] Build Roads
[1][Main] New Trails

Task: Secondary

[34][Secondary] Change Policy - Passive (Forestry + Forestry -> Infrastructure + Infrastructure)
[30][Secondary] Expand Econ
[22][Secondary] Influence Subordinate - Tinriver Colony
[16][Secondary] Trade Mission - Forhuch
[15][Secondary] Palace Annex - Great Hall Expansion
[11][Secondary] Expand Econ x2
[8][Secondary] Great Dam
[8][Secondary] Great Dam x2
[7][Secondary] Influence Subordinate - Tinriver Colony x2
[6][Secondary] Build Roads
[5][Secondary] Grand Hall Annex
[5][Secondary] Great Dam x3
[5][Secondary] Great Dam x4
[4][Secondary] Influence Subordinate - Greenshore
[4][Secondary] Distribute Land
[4][Secondary] Survey Lands
[4][Secondary] Survey
[3][Secondary] Influence Subordinate - Tinriver
[3][Secondary] Build Docks
[3][Secondary] Palace Annex - Great Hall
[3][Secondary] Distribute Land x2
[3][Secondary] Trade Mission - Freehills
[3][Secondary] Trade Mission: Storm People
[2][Secondary] Dam 4-6? action commitment, -2 Econ per action x3
[2][Secondary] Dam 4-6? action commitment, -2 Econ per action x2
[2][Secondary] Grand Hall Annex {S}
[2][Secondary] Grand Hall Annex x2 {S}
[2][Secondary] Hunt Troublemakers
[1][Secondary] Great Hall Annex
[1][Secondary] Change Policy-Trade
[1][Secondary] New Settlement - Internal reorg
[1][Secondary] Expand Forests
[1][Secondary] Dam 4-6? action commitment, -2 Econ per action x4
[1][Secondary] Dam 4-6? action commitment, -2 Econ per action x5
[1][Secondary] Dam 4-6? action commitment, -2 Econ per action x6
[1][Secondary] Build Roads x2
[1][Secondary] Integrate Colony - Txolla
[1][Secondary] Triangle Canal 8-11? action commitment, -3 Econ and -1 Tech per action
[1][Secondary] Triangle Canal 8-11? action commitment, -3 Econ and -1 Tech per action x2
[1][Secondary] Study Health
[1][Secondary] Great Hall Annex x2
[1][Secondary] Build Watchtowers
[1][Secondary] More Blackbirds
[1][Secondary] More Carrion Eaters
[1][Secondary] More Spiritbonded

Task: Guild

[39][Guild] Plant Poppies
[18][Guild] Expand Snail Cultivation
[12][Guild] Plant Poppies x2
[10][Guild] Build Docks
[2][Guild] Plant Cotton
[2][Guild] Expand Vineyard
[1][Guild] Build Goldmine
[1][Guild] Build Warships
[1][Guild] Efficient Charcoal Kilns

Task: Guild sec

[31][Guild sec] Expand Snail Cultivation
[9][Guild sec] Plant Cotton
[1][Guild sec] More Warships
[1][Guild sec] [Secondary] Improve Annual Festival

Task: Kick

[1][Kick] Dam

Total No. of Voters: 51
Current winning vote is:

[45][Main] Great Dam

[34][Secondary] Change Policy - Passive (Forestry + Forestry -> Infrastructure + Infrastructure)
[30][Secondary] Expand Econ
[22][Secondary] Influence Subordinate - Tinriver Colony
[16][Secondary] Trade Mission - Forhuch
[15][Secondary] Palace Annex - Great Hall Expansion

[39][Guild] Plant Poppies
[18][Guild] Expand Snail Cultivation

[31][Guild sec] Expand Snail Cultivation

I would strongly recommend swapping the [Guild] Expand Snail Cultivation for a [Guild] Plant Poppies x2. It costs us the same amount of econ, and in exchange gives us +4 additional Wealth at the cost of a bit of LTE. That's extremely worthwhile.
I imagine it would give us a better view of what our core regions need to prosper.
Yeah I'm definitely hoping for provincial representatives. Envoys from the governors of our subsidiaries would also be nice. Vice or assistant advisors for our current Martial, Spiritual, etc. advisors would be nice to limit incompetency risks and bias.
[X][Main] Great Dam
[X][Secondary] Trade Mission - Forhuch
[X][Secondary] Influence Subordinate - Tinriver Colony
[X][Secondary] Expand Econ
[X][Secondary] Palace Annex: Great Hall Expansion
[X][Secondary] Change Policy - Passive (Forestry + Forestry -> Infrastructure + Infrastructure)
[X][Guild] Plant Poppies
[X][Guild] Plant Poppies x2
[X][Guild Secondary] Expand Snail Cultivation
[X][Main] Great Dam
[X][Secondary] Trade Mission - Forhuch
[X][Secondary] Influence Subordinate - Tinriver Colony
[X][Secondary] Expand Econ
[X][Secondary] Palace Annex: Great Hall Expansion
[X][Secondary] Change Policy - Passive (Forestry + Forestry -> Infrastructure + Infrastructure)
[X][Guild] Plant Poppies
[X][Guild] Expand Snail Cultivation
[X][Guild Secondary] Expand Snail Cultivation
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[X][Main] Great Dam
[X][Secondary] Trade Mission - Forhuch
[X][Secondary] Influence Subordinate - Tinriver Colony
[X][Secondary] Expand Econ
[X][Secondary] Grand Hall Annex
[X][Secondary] Change Policy - Passive (Forestry + Forestry -> Infrastructure + Infrastructure)
[X][Guild] Plant Poppy
[X][Guild] Snail Cultivation
[X][Guild Secondary] Snail Cultivation
It seems you have used my vote. Would you consider switching to the latest version of my vote?

[X][Main] Great Dam
[X][Secondary] Trade Mission - Forhuch
[X][Secondary] Influence Subordinate - Tinriver Colony
[X][Secondary] Expand Econ
[X][Secondary] Palace Annex: Great Hall Expansion
[X][Secondary] Change Policy - Passive (Forestry + Forestry -> Infrastructure + Infrastructure)
[X][Guild] Plant Poppies
[X][Guild] Plant Poppies x2
[X][Guild Secondary] Expand Snail Cultivation
AN really needs to just move a time zone over so he'll be updating right before i sleep most nights, instead of right after :p
Action list, as mentioned in update, isn't updated yet, but here are the civ sheet diffs:
Diff Checker (Civ Sheet)
Diff Checker (Civ Sheet BBCode)

@Academia Nut would you like me to go through and spot any needed changes in the action list to help speed things up, or would you rather i wait and double check the changes you make? I have a few lingering and mostly minor changes stored up from past A&D posts (like suppress faction not having the right stab cost, or still having way out of date forest counts listed), and i can go through and check more carefully if you want?
Also, a couple other minor issues:
Max wealth should be 25, not 22 (10 (Base) + 17 (Provinces) + 2.5 (5 Guild Power) - 4.5 (9 RA Mylathads) = 25)
Province listing doesn't have the new provinces from gulvalley integration and the new border hills province
Judging from diplomacy income, disrupted trade is halving that as well as trade income, but its not mentioned

Again, all minor things, but until i do the math to check the income and expense calcs, or you update the action sheet thats really all there is to check :p
(Aside from i guess "did the main plant poppies really not take us from significant to leading trade power?", but thats less "this is an error" and more "i dont suppose you missed somethign and things are better for us?" :p)
It seems you have used my vote. Would you consider switching to the latest version of my vote?

Yup, sure

[X][Main] Great Dam
[X][Secondary] Trade Mission - Forhuch
[X][Secondary] Influence Subordinate - Tinriver Colony
[X][Secondary] Expand Econ
[X][Secondary] Palace Annex: Great Hall Expansion
[X][Secondary] Change Policy - Passive (Forestry + Forestry -> Infrastructure + Infrastructure)
[X][Guild] Plant Poppies
[X][Guild] Plant Poppies x2
[X][Guild Secondary] Expand Snail Cultivation
[X][Main]Great Dam
[X] [Secondary] Study Health
[X] [Secondary] Expand Econ
[X] [Secondary] Trade Mission - Forhuch
[X] [Secondary] Trade Mission - Storm People
[X] [Secondary] Build Docks
[X] [Guild] Plant Poppies
[X] [Guild] Expand Snail Cultivation
[X] [Guild Secondary] Expand Snail Cultivation
[X][Main] Great Dam
[X][Secondary] Trade Mission - Forhuch
[X][Secondary] Influence Subordinate - Tinriver Colony
[X][Secondary] Expand Econ
[X][Secondary] Palace Annex: Great Hall Expansion
[X][Secondary] Change Policy - Passive (Forestry + Forestry -> Infrastructure + Infrastructure)
[X][Guild] Plant Poppies
[X][Guild] Plant Poppies x2
[X][Guild Secondary] Expand Snail Cultivation
[X][Main] Great Dam
[X][Secondary] Trade Mission - Forhuch
[X][Secondary] Influence Subordinate - Tinriver Colony
[X][Secondary] Expand Econ
[X][Secondary] Palace Annex: Great Hall Expansion
[X][Secondary] Change Policy - Passive (Forestry + Forestry -> Infrastructure + Infrastructure)
[X][Guild] Plant Poppies
[X][Guild] Plant Poppies x2
[X][Guild Secondary] Expand Snail Cultivation
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[X][Main]Great Dam
[X] [Secondary] Study Health
[X] [Secondary] Expand Econ
[X] [Secondary] Trade Mission - Forhuch
[X] [Secondary] Trade Mission - Storm People
[X] [Secondary] Build Docks
[X] [Guild] Plant Poppies
[X] [Guild] Expand Snail Cultivation
[X] [Guild Secondary] Expand Snail Cultivation

It spends -2(Study)-4(2xTrade Mission) = -6 Wealth, putting us into negatives.
Study actions are now super expansive but effective, yea for increased action efficiency? Good thing wall/watch tower building doesn't give innovation rolls eh?:V
I'd rather keep the forest policies.

Also, are we certain that the Dam will give us EE in time to finish the yeomen quest?

25 - 5 + 1 - 6 = 15/30
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Study actions are now super expansive but effective, yea for increased action efficiency? Good thing wall/watch tower building doesn't give innovation rolls eh?:V

Regardless of 'rolls' both bring innovation by learning to either wall gud or tower gud.

I'd rather keep the forest policies.

Also, are we certain that the Dam will give us EE in time to finish the yeomen quest?

Me too, but we need hygiene and we need financial innovations soon.
Let's hope we don't run out of fuel before we can do repeated actions.
Me too, but we need hygiene and we need financial innovations soon.
*shrug* I just feel that our... is it 5 or 7? infrastructure points/turn is quite satisfactory.

Our hygiene was good enough that our cities were the bastions for our population.
I'm uncertain as to whether people will actually want to invest into an expand forest repeated action.
*shrug* I just feel that our... is it 5 or 7? infrastructure points/turn is quite satisfactory.

Our hygiene was good enough that our cities were the bastions for our population.
I'm uncertain as to whether people will actually want to invest into an expand forest repeated action.

Yes, but we are currently at 1 progress, not 5 or 7, because cities are off.
If we were at 5 I wouldn't be switching.
Ans ninjad.