What are you talking about?Yeah, was not expecting to get -5 Cent cap from all the cities suddenly coming online. The EJs would've been fine if we had maintained our LTE, but we didn't.
We DID maintain our LTE.
What are you talking about?Yeah, was not expecting to get -5 Cent cap from all the cities suddenly coming online. The EJs would've been fine if we had maintained our LTE, but we didn't.
Would you mind telling me which ones?I can count two 'crusades' that count, but we're getting off topic here.
Keyword is 'for now'. Given historical demand for iron and charcoal, what we have won't suffice, so we should be constantly expanding the number of forests we have.
Basing your forestry policy based on what you can consume now is foolhardy, because I guarantee you that we are only going to be consuming a lot more as time go on.
@Academia Nut Given our gangbuster forest expansion, how much coverage we are getting in our land, especially the steppes?
Do we get anything for completing quests early (other than a new quest)?
Yeah, was not expecting to get -5 Cent cap from all the cities suddenly coming online. The EJs would've been fine if we had maintained our LTE, but we didn't.
Also, Ironworks immediately gives us a megaproject which is very nice. Margin of 1 or 2 forests is what we've generally stuck with so far- that's enough to immediately do any one thing that needs to get done without going over the limit. Also we actually want to spend econ to pop a city or two.
@Academia Nut
Do we get anything for completing quests early (other than a new quest)?
Division will occur wherever humanity lives, our people were already divided in how to worship the various gods and how they should look. Also we had a trait called Sacred War that was all about attacking others with different beliefs.
The Crusades were done by a single religion and other monotheistic religions never did try forcibly converting other people. Polythesitic religions were just as violent as monotheistic religions. All wars have a driving strategic goal that's dressed up to bring the masses to the cause.
That has nothing to do with LTE. That is just our EE dipping pretty low.But maintaining enough LTE to ensure that we aren't having such an insane time with True Cities?
We can always just... make more kilns. We've got a lot of space there. there's no strong need to have more supply than current demand so long as we can scale said supply up quickly if demand ever increases.Keyword is 'for now'. Given historical demand for iron and charcoal, what we have won't suffice, so we should be constantly expanding the number of forests we have.
Basing your forestry policy based on what you can consume now is foolhardy, because I guarantee you that we are only going to be consuming a lot more as time go on.
4 over our econ cap is not enough. It's certainly not a crisis, but it's not a happy and secure amount.
Then say that we didn't increase our LTE to where you wanted it to be. Saying that we didn't maintain it is simply false; our LTE is if anything a bit higher then it's been in many turns.4 over our econ cap is not enough. It's certainly not a crisis, but it's not a happy and secure amount.
We can always just... make more kilns. We've got a lot of space there. there's no strong need to have more supply than current demand so long as we can scale said supply up quickly if demand ever increases.
The problem with this is that it significantly increases the probability of the passive spending forests, so we use more actions on kilns on a per turn basis.We stuck with such margin because we had little to no chance of catching up to it.
Now that we have a non-zero chance to eat ~3-4 slots by passives alone (a hell of outlier but a possibililty if narratively there is sudden immense demand for iron) we should strive for 4-5 slots margin IMO.
"Margin big enough passives cannot possibly jump it in a single turn of going full stupid" is reasonable enough estimate I think.
The problem with this is that it significantly increases the probability of the passive spending forests, so we use more actions on kilns on a per turn basis.
Jevon's Paradox isn't a reason to avoid improving efficiency. It's just an example of latent unmet demand, the consequences of which we'l be suffering from without realising it.
That's why I think that deliberately avoiding fulfilling our infrastructure needs is self-defeating. Doing so may have costs, but the costs of not doing so will be greater.
Could we just eat the Stab hit from the Patrician sucking us into negative wealth?
The Crusades were a political move to get rid of a bunch of young men with zero prospects like our SS crisis.Yes, division will occur as with Fuedalism & Capitalism. But you don't see us stopping the fight against them.
Its divided finely enough, that, strangely, we're not divided at all. But united in our diversity.
So long you've the right values, you're part of our religion, whatever god you worship.
And our values are the good values.
As for Sacred War, we dropped it like a hot potato a few millennium ago.
As for crusade.... I'm kinda speaking in a general sense.
For me, crusades are less a conversion war, than a war on "heathens" because they don't worship the same thing.
It's not about violence, but rather... the differentiation between religion.
I'd like Ymarn (and the other parts of the world) to have a religion based on good values, than a God.
X: Oh hey, you're charitable, but you worship another god.
Y: Eh, doesn't matter, we both practice the same values.
In case A: Monotheism
You either get
a) a fight, if X is fanatic, or
b) X: Hmm ok. Walks away.
In case B: Ymarn
X: Oh yeah, doesn't matter. They might be the same guy anyway. Important part is you're a cool guy
Y: You're cool too
They become best friends for life.
It is a myth and a movement to try and validate the Crusades. People try and conflate Arabs and Turks conquering land for the enrichment of their people as being in the name of Islam rather then just wanting lands and wealth. It's a logical fallacy that's has quite the popularity amongst certain groups of people.
Buy TIME. Econ cost is secondary to that because the sooner the Guilds pick up a new quest the sooner we get a burden.What do you mean by "cheaper shit"? Are you just worried about econ cost? Because we have more than enough econ for that, especially with a city policy up.
Hence nominally(i.e. mainly in name).As a nominal believer in a mix of those 2, I can say it is very much not monotheistic.
Depending on the version & mixing, it is Polytheistic, Agnostic, Atheistic, but never Monotheistic.
Taoism at it's base, have a concept (but not a God as it's not anthropomorphized) worshiped as the center. And a bunch of gods (small letters) tacked on.
Buddhism has no comments on Gods, except that Buddha is not a God.
We do actually get something AN didn't mention: Faction Power.Yeah, was not expecting to get -5 Cent cap from all the cities suddenly coming online. The EJs would've been fine if we had maintained our LTE, but we didn't.
Also, Ironworks immediately gives us a megaproject which is very nice. Margin of 1 or 2 forests is what we've generally stuck with so far- that's enough to immediately do any one thing that needs to get done without going over the limit. Also we actually want to spend econ to pop a city or two.
@Academia Nut
Do we get anything for completing quests early (other than a new quest)?
And also a somewhat mixed bag there because Islam didn't really HAVE the same kind of central religious authority, or much in the way of restrictions of priests being unable to hold political office. Thus the Prophet himself and his children were heavily involved in administration and warfare, which probably got interpreted all kinds of ways.It is a myth and a movement to try and validate the Crusades. People try and conflate Arabs and Turks conquering land for the enrichment of their people as being in the name of Islam rather then just wanting lands and wealth. It's a logical fallacy that's has quite the popularity amongst certain groups of people.
Delay one turn, get it on schedule the next turn regardless. Have a 1 turn breather from Guild demands.You'll take my vote for an available instant megaproject reward from my cold, dead hands.
It's not regardless, though, because there's a small chance we won't be able to do it the next turn for whatever reason. If it weren't so outlandish a reward, I'd certainly agree.Delay one turn, get it on schedule the next turn regardless. Have a 1 turn breather from Guild demands.