- Location
- Voidbetweenstars
[X] [Crisis] Bring them back in with the fighting (Change Tinriver from Trading Post to Colony, will claim additional territory when fighting pirates, -1 Legitimacy)
Nah it's them hence why they are referred to as the Western people. The Storm Wolves kept throwing them back so its better to just bring them back in after their failure rather then have our tech leak to nomads.Different idiots. The Western Ymaryn are still getting beat like a drum, this is just the latest warrior wave.
King of the Hill: You are the most prestigious polity around, gaining you +1 Diplomacy a turn, but all other groups gain the 'Take the Crown' casus belli
Efficient Economy: +1 Wealth/turn while above Econ 10
Disrupted Trade - Pirate kingdom is causing a trade disruption and will do so until dealt with
Urban Plague - Outside of the capital and free cities, the major urban centers have been largely abandoned due to plague, will begin repopulating one a turn, assuming EE sufficiently low
Panem: All True Cities and Free Cities cost an additional -1 Econ each per turn as additional food is distributed to the urban poor. Urban Poor faction adds faction power to Urban challenge rolls
@Academia Nut
Will our choice for the Second Sons resolve before or after our main action choices, or is this dependent on Admin rolls?
"Yes sir. The Western People are in something of an unstable back and forth with the Storm Tribes, so the big draw right now is to go south of Tinshore to raid 'bandit' villages, under the assumption that it is both safer and will be more condoned," the man informed him.
EXTRA CELEBRATIONS!Unless the king really screws up, it will resolve most in your favour.
Sometimes people behave like belligerent, braying jackasses.
Sometimes, they realize that when they sit down and talk things out, they realize that they don't need to actually keeping hitting each other.
This was one of the latter cases, thankfully enough. With the fig leaf of 'suppressing piracy', the Trelli were able to swallow the loss of their eastern holdings to Freehills and accept a peace treaty. With just a bit of pressure they were also convinced to allow for (mostly) free movement in the strait. Part of it all was of course that the Trelli desperately needed trade to flow again, and they remained the best stopover point for trade anyway, so while it was obvious that they weren't happy they were more concerned with ending the disruption to trade. For their part, Freehills seemed more than a little interested in taking a swing at the Khemetri colonies, but upon hearing that the People weren't interested in letting them have their mercenaries for such an affair, decided to just work on getting their coastlines secured.
"They're going after the pirates?" The king asked of the advisor giving the report.
Crow hath decided we have suffered enough!Wait... everything just worked out? We did it? Everything went ok? AM I IN THE RIGHT THREAD?
ThisIsFine.jpg, but unironically.
Seriously, is everything actually going our way? Feelin' pretty good right now.
INB4 nomad invasion.
Looks like you called it:Yeah, greater population density means that more high intensity work can be done (ironworks), but also that more resources are required (aqueduct) and greater sanitation is necessary (baths)
More people = more work = more enmities to keep people there.
Yeomen (3* {-2})- Objective: Finish internal reorg within 2 turns. Success: Half current EE converted to Econ, Failure:-2 Econ
[X] [Secondary] Invite to Games - Freehills
[X] [Secondary] Invite to Games - Khemetri
Approval voting for both of these, since both sound pretty good right now.
[X] [Crisis] Bring them back in with the fighting (Change Tinriver from Trading Post to Colony, will claim additional territory when fighting pirates, -1 Legitimacy)
[X] [Main] Proclaim Glory
[X] [Secondary] Build Roads
[X] [Secondary] Build Roads x2
[X] [Secondary] Block Housing (Redshore)
[X] [Secondary] Ironworks (Redshore)
[X] [Guild] Build Porcelain Works
[X] [Guild] Efficient Charcoal Kilns
Brings us up to +2 Stab, begins work on ironworks, gets us dominant in porcelein, and works on lots of stuff.
Especially roads.
Dangit @Academia Nut i dont think my laptop had even had time to finish shutting down before you updated that timeThat said, i'm still trying this "actually go to sleep when i know i should" thing out, so i look forward to AN again updating right after i get ready for bed (and hopefully after i actually fall asleep as well; last night i got to read the update in bed cause i couldn't sleep)
Check the patrician power that just developed. That's right the patrician faction just ended the crisis for usJust a note, it seems like the Yeomen have suffered... temp Faction Power damage?
They lost all their military power and their class size has become reduced. Its now close to impossible for Yeoman to wipe out trade caravans and refuse to pay their taxes by essentially turning their entire town bandit.Just a note, it seems like the Yeomen have suffered... temp Faction Power damage?
Check the patrician power that just developed. That's right the patrician faction just ended the crisis for us![]()
This gets us up to 2 Stab, and it shouldn't eat so much stats that we collapse.
Civilization Stats
Diplomacy 12 [+4]
-Intrigue 4
Economy 10 (+4) [-6+5]
-Sustainable Forests 24/27.5
-Econ Expansion 10 [+6-5] [Overcrowding Min: -5]
Martial 3 (+1) {8}
-Light Cavalry 1
Naval 2
Wealth 16 [-0]
+3 Salt
+2/2 = 1 Strategic
+4/2 = 2 Luxury
-1+2 Units
-5 Maintenance
Total: 0
Culture 24 [+4]
Mysticism 24 [+3-3]
Tech 24 (+2) [+1-1]
Prestige 87
Stability 0 (neutral)
Legitimacy 3 (max)
Centralization 7
Hierarchy 7
Religious Authority 8