If we can afford it certainly. Though this mostly applies to Econ/Actions, we do have the perfect narrative to ship literal boatloads of priests to speak of the evils of Greed and to pursue Truth and Love.
Big if though. Recent turns had made figuring out what actions we're likely to be able to pick between rather difficult.
We're looking to get 12 Econ incoming as of the start of next turn for a total of 18. 6 of that is going to pay the upkeep of our cities (unless the Free Cities go City Support), but the remaining 12 we can play with. A [Main] Influence Subordinate only costs 3 Econ.
As for the rest of our stats, we'll be fine as long as we take something the boosts Wealth during our Guild actions. We don't need much, even a lowly Porcelain Works would be enough. Plant Poppies is also an option, but it costs a bit more LTE. Either one would hopefully give us a Leading trade good to help increase Wealth further.
I'm hoping that creating a Merc company right now will end the Second Sons crisis. Even if it doesn't, we should still have the stats available.
Are people who want to take Trell willing to give up e.g. the level-2 ironworks + free megaproject? Because frankly, that is the scale of effort it would take to capture, influence, and hold Trell.
We are likely to have 3 Merc companies that significantly out tech and out skill anyone that could attack them. Given Trelli likely has at least Massive Walls and is one of the most defensible locations on the planet, that should be
more than overkill enough to beat back the bandits and pirates plaguing them. Sure, there might be more bandits numerically (provided they haven't gone to greener pastures or slaughtered each other), but concentration of force counts for a lot. Influencing them, at least to the point where they don't cause problems, should only take 1 [Main] action. Trelli is in the perfect position right now thematically in order to be responsive to being influenced. Our religion is even good at this.
Besides, I think that the Redshore Ironworks is a Secondary action. All of the other Mid-Turn reform actions (except Found Merc Company) are equivalent to a main action and the Ironworks is paired with a {S} Survey Land. We should still have room to do something like:
{M} Enforce Justice
{M} Influence Subordinate - Trelli
{S} Found Ironworks -Redshore
{S} Block Housing - Redshore
We can't start working on the Level 2 Ironworks without those two {S} actions so that as far as we can possibly advance the Guild quest right now. If Level 2 Ironworks is a Megaproject, then we'll likely have to go on Megaproject support the turn after next either way if we want to complete it.