Okay, here's my hat thrown into the ring...
[] Plan Training Montage
-[] Maintain Grades
-[] Better Living Through Ki
-[] The Ship Has Been Sunk, Now Hand Out the Life Preservers
-[] Train Maya
--[] Rise slowly to displayed power levels close to her maximum, and keep pacing her, to push her to excel and be safer in combat.
-[] A Scion's Stewardship, Human-Facing
-[] A Scion's Stewardship
-[] Command Theory
-[] Train Tien Style
--[] Train with Mom
-[] Study Jaffur's Form
--[] With Mato
-[] Research Project: Perfect Multiform
-[] Transcendence
-[] Train With Sensei
-[] Study Magic
-[] Contact Jaffur
[Plan de-X'd, because it had seventeen actions. Revised version of the plan is found on Page 602,
My priorities and reasoning:
1) We keep our grades up, but we don't burn irreplaceable actions on improving them for
indirect social benefits.
2) There's enough support for Better Living Through Ki that I wanted to throw it in. Training our friends in hopes that they'll at least understand what we're dealing with and not die of going 'squish' in case war breaks out again seems like a good idea. I could be talked out of it. I want to train Maya specifically because she is a
very valuable ally, not just a soldier in Berra's army.
Also, remember
Berra has an action economy too. His actions are being used to organize the saiyans to fight the aliens, and to lead the transition to a new phase of the Masquerade following the breach. Making him burn an action training Maya may not be a good deal, especially since he probably has fewer total actions than we do.
3) Putting a lot of actions into training leadership skills and generalship is likely to pay off in the long run, as well as giving us much greater influence over events in the short-term than we've had in the past (
except, perhaps, at Second Garenhuld).
4) Training Tien Style is just common sense; training Jaffur Style with Mato is a good way to bring him into our circle of allies and friends in a useful way. Even if he's legally barred from going super-saiyan for now, that may change in the future if things get crazy, and he can still operate on the power levels we need to fight the scouts if he trains for it. The Style may also let us 'punch above our weight' in useful ways in future combats.
5) Continuing to make progress towards Perfect Multiform, Elite Ki Sense, Machine Sense, and other benefits of refining our phenomenal ki talents seems important. If Kakara has the potential to be more than the average (high-end) saiyan warrior in terms of
physical abilities, it is going to pass through skills like that.
Furthermore, we may need those skills in two years, or five. Delaying a year and making no progress on them isn't going to be in our interests over the long haul.
6) Training with Sensei to improve our Seer powers is a must. Contacting Jaffur is basically a must, especially since he's already starting to break out of the Seal from his side. Studying magic to learn a little about its potential is something we've considered for a long time, and it'll help us get a better sense for what Dandeer is capable of as a threat. That way, we don't have to
either take shots in the dark to 'prepare against' unknown threats. AND we don't have to just trust that other people can cover for us.