So guys have you already talks about to do the up coming turn ?
I would be concerned about Influence Subordinate affecting the Golden Age. Iiuc, we can only get innovations related to the stats that are maxed (plus materials, because legacy).

No objection to the integration if it's feasible, but I'll point out that we could also gain a new province with a new settlement. Either way, we should try for our ninth province this turn, for extra policy action and extra guild action. Beware the higher stat caps during golden age though. Which might favor the integration, so we get an injection of stats to top us up.


I want to as well now that you mention it.

It's just, what would even require such a thing? Some giant Horde of Nasty from where the Assyrian empire came from in real life?

Anything else would be squished.
Well if we survive to modern day there might be a few things. As far as I know while the great powers might work together sometimes they are almost never actually next to each other. Our ability to support and make up for the others weakness would be amazing.
Inserted tally
Adhoc vote count started by Ancient Scholar on Aug 8, 2017 at 6:36 AM, finished with 99295 posts and 114 votes.
I want to as well now that you mention it.

It's just, what would even require such a thing? Some giant Horde of Nasty from where the Assyrian empire came from in real life?
Let's not think small; why not just integrate, Three Peoples style? We've made an initial tech exchange and brought them into social contact through the Games; repeat that a few dozen times, and our two nations will be building much closer ties.

Seems to me that the whole region has had a notable lack of alliances between equals. Lots of vassalization, arm's length trading, etc, but few proper alliances.
Thinking about it our Con to not lose land is actually a good thing. We are much less likely to shrink our borders in the modern age. All we need to do is keep from collapsing until things stabilize.
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I would be concerned about Influence Subordinate affecting the Golden Age. Iiuc, we can only get innovations related to the stats that are maxed (plus materials, because legacy).
Well I'm pretty fine with trading the innovations for a turn(which I am not sure we would be considering the various overflows) for working on the socio-cultural connection to our vassals that AN says we need to do if we don't want them to try and break away. That just sounds like a mess and something that would light our hair on fire. I'd prefer to avoid that.

Let's not think small; why not just integrate, Three Peoples style? We've made an initial tech exchange and brought them into social contact through the Games; repeat that a few dozen times, and our two nations will be building much closer ties.

Seems to me that the whole region has had a notable lack of alliances between equals. Lots of vassalization, arm's length trading, etc, but few proper alliances.
Yeah. Makes sense considering that they spent literally a thousand years beating the ever loving daylights out of each other.

Soooo what's the current plan to someone who doesn't quite get the mechanics beyond the basics?
It's not completely decided yet, we are discussing it right now actually.

Given WoAN about the Thunder Speakers and Thunder Horse, we need to influence them or they are likely to break away once back on their feet. I'd like to head off that headache and there has been comments posted saying similar things from others. Quote here:
If you don't get on working with the Thunder Horse and Thunder Speakers there's a pretty good chance that once back on their feet they will attempt to break away once again.

So a main or secondary Influence is probably in the pipe.

Also the Guild quest is ending on the next turn(next update basically) so if we want to complete it we should plunk down a Guild Glassworks action. That would actually give some Wealth and Culture to give more room to maneuver without popping the Golden Age. And since it's a Guild thing, it doesn't really interfere with anything else.

The rest is up for grabs.
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Soooo what's the current plan to someone who doesn't quite get the mechanics beyond the basics?
Spend all our Culture getting a Culture Genius that we can then use to gain even more Culture!

... Or wait, that was just my plan, most common people just want a boring old Administrator Genius because they're dull and care about unimportant things like our people being able to get from point A to point B.
Potential Alliance Benefits

For the Khemetri:

- Improved sailing tech
- Iron working
- Hydro power
- Resuming expansion north and east (which is important to their religion), including access to the large and fertile lowlands
- Probably some ridiculous combination of our prestige scores, allowing more colonies
- Access to forest lore, possibly allowing them to benefit from, or replicate, the Greater Sacred Forest

For the Ymaryn:

- Gold (for coinage)
- More trade power, access to more markets
- Lots of tech, probably including a lot of mystic and social advancements
- Possible access to engineering expertise (pyramid bonus)

Plus, of course, unmatched mutual defence.

ETA The list of benefits for the Ymaryn is shorter because we know less about the Khemetri, but they actually may have more to share. As far as we know, they have more population and more megaprojects.
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Potential Alliance Benefits

For the Khemetri:

- Improved sailing tech
- Iron working
- Hydro power
- Resuming expansion north and east (which is important to their religion), including access to the large and fertile lowlands
- Probably some ridiculous combination of our prestige scores, allowing more colonies
- Access to forest lore, possibly allowing them to benefit from, or replicate, the Greater Sacred Forest

For the Ymaryn:

- Gold (for coinage)
- More trade power, access to more markets
- Lots of tech, probably including a lot of mystic and social advancements

Plus, of course, unmatched mutual defence.

ETA The list of benefits for the Ymaryn is shorter because we know less about the Khemetri, but they actually may have more to share. As far as we know, they have more population and more megaprojects.
On the population bit here is what AN said:

You are king of the hill in both shiny and actual human bodies, with the Khemetri in second place and everyone else trailing behind.

That's just a nitpick/clarification though. I agree actually that they may have a sizeable amount of benefits.

Even if they don't though it is still in our advantage to ally them, because the list of things they can gain from us will make them much more tied to us in my mind. Some of those things will benefit from continued contact, and the mutual support itself in the relationship will be a strong tie. Basically our own worth to them is high enough to strongly tie them too us, and getting such a strong country as a close ally would be amazing for us.
The Chinese were the first to use hot air ballooning for signaling. Wonder if we could discover hot air balloon to give ourselves an insane observational advantage.
On the population bit here is what AN said:
Ah, missed that; thanks.

Basically our own worth to them is high enough to strongly tie them too us, and getting such a strong country as a close ally would be amazing for us.
The major barrier that I can see would be their use of slaves.

So, imagine this: The Nile, stretching north and south as far as the eye can see. And all up and down the banks, water wheels and mills and trip hammers.

ETA And behind them, the sun's harsh glare is muted by vast climate-suitable forests.
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Ah, missed that; thanks.

The major barrier that I can see would be their use of slaves.

So, imagine this: The Nile, stretching north and south as far as the eye can see. And all up and down the banks, water wheels and mills and trip hammers.

Slaves did not prevent the use of watermill within the Roman empire, although it probably dis-incentivize mechanization.
Slaves did not prevent the use of watermill within the Roman empire, although it probably dis-incentivize mechanization.
What I mean is that by spreading hydro power, we can reduce their reliance on slave labor, thus making our societies more compatible.

No doubt our water mill tech can be adapted to boost irrigation, too, and being so dependent on the Nile, that will really get their attention.
Oh - I just remembered. The northern trading post is in a precarious position for its first few turns. We should probably Support Subordinate there next turn. The Thunder vassals will become a problem down the road, but they can keep for a turn, which the post maybe can't. Support is cheaper than Influence, too.
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Oh - I just remembered. The northern trading post is in a precarious position for its first few turns. We should probably Support Subordinate there next turn. The Thunder vassals will become a problem down the road, but they can keep for a turn, which the post maybe can't.
Well our genius-admin will likely take care of that, as long as he is sane enough for kinship.

... Still would've preferred a diplo...