"I'll gloss over the details that got us here, but within the turning of the next solstice we must let go of one enemy, take up a shield for a friendly stranger, and bring forth a dragon and dragon egg to the east," the Spirit Chief explained.

Okay, so we can totally do the opposite of what these guys want to imply, while still following the letter of their advice?

Like, let go of the Treachery CB with the TH, send the Red Banner to defend the Metal Workers against the Storm Wolves, then send the Dragons Banner and Yenyna east to garrison Txolla.

Epic Troll face ensues.
[X] No (???)

It's set up so if we go in, the prediction has a very decent chance of coming true. (Curse our awesome might!) Which would vindicate it.
So I vote no, because when things don't go bad (Praise our awesome might!) we get rid of this nonsense.

Sure, we'll probably miss out on a Genius Mystic, which is too bad, and may hurt the rewards for being able to somewhat predict the weather, but I don't want us running off whenever some weirdo decides the stars told him to murder random neighbors.
The peace faction is voting to go to war, with a massive empire that if we don't attack will most likely collapse considering what happened the last few times someone try to rule over the thunder speakers and Swamp people, while the war faction wants to beat the shit out of a small kingdom that is right next to our core lands.
[X] Yes (Forfeits the CB against the Highlanders, declares war against the Thunder Horse, brings Yenyna out of retirement, ???)

Love of Wisdom to the rescue!

If we say yes one of two things will happen:
1) we get an actual century of everything being wonderful.
2) we don't, which conclusively debunks astrology forever.

On the other hand, if we say No I really do not believe that all century will pass without at least something bad happening and this will give legitimacy to astrology.

If we want to purge the hokum from Astrology leaving us with the science of the Astronomy we have to challenge it. Much like with the pox warding we have to take a risk and put our values to the test to improve them.

As for the idea that we might accidentally "confirm" astrology is true, when was the last time we had 100 years where everything was perfect?

Of course, it's also possible that our genius mystic has accidentally discovered something real, either actual magic or some combination of meteorology and socio-economics, and the actions we're being told to take are important because of what our civilization will do to carry them out rather than for their own sake. Like telling someone that they must chase down a rabbit on foot to gain the favor of the god of health to protect against the family curse of heart attacks, when the important part is that running enough to catch the rabbit will improve your cardiovascular health.

Tl; DR
If we want to prove Astrology wrong we have to put it to the test. It's the Ymaryn way.

Also, we get some awesome KotH bonuses, and if we loose to much prestige we'll lose them, so the war isn't bad on it's own.
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I remember a while ago, back about the time we first got Love of Wisdom, we had a similar scenario where there was a prediction about the Doom Comet returning and what to do about it. I think we ignored it, and it turned out fine.
The first one in a turn, yes.
If we do Kick x2 or more, does that count as a single stability hit or multiple? Similar question for other related -X Stability choices for X >= 2.

1) Yes
2) Ehhhhhhh... sort of? Thus far the predictions have come true, but it has only been a few years
Has it predicted anything other than weather effects? Mine collapses or riots or other such things?
[X] Yes (Forfeits the CB against the Highlanders, declares war against the Thunder Horse, brings Yenyna out of retirement, ???)

Love of Wisdom to the rescue!

If we say yes one of two things will happen:
1) we get an actual century of everything being wonderful.
2) we don't, which conclusively debunks astrology forever.

On the other hand, if we say No I really do not believe that all century will pass without at least something bad happening and this will give legitimacy to astrology.

If we want to purge the hokum from Astrology leaving us with the science of the Astronomy we have to challenge it. Much like with the pox warding we have to take a risk and put our values to the test to improve them.

As for the idea that we might accidentally "confirm" astrology is true, when was the last time we had 100 years where everything was perfect?

Of course, it's also possible that our genius mystic has accidentally discovered something real, either actual magic or some combination of meteorology and socio-economics, and the actions we're being told to take are important because of what our civilization will do to carry them out rather than for their own sake. Like telling someone that they must chase down a rabbit on foot to gain the favor of the god of health to protect against the family curse of heart attacks, when the important part is that running enough to catch the rabbit will improve your cardiovascular health.

Tl; DR
If we want to prove Astrology wrong we have to put it to the test. It's the Ymaryn way.

No also puts it to the test and does not have confirmation bias on the side of superstitious idiocy.
Then bloody well question things. Simply accepting that this prediction is true and acting upon it is exactly how you lose a scientifically minded trait.

The Scientific Method's core is literally assuming your own hypothesis is trash, then do everything you can think of to try to disprove your own hypothesis, and then letting other Science-inclined individuals to take a swing at your theory.

Only then can it be accepted.

If we pick [] Blindly Obey Astrology, it will be a long term, possibly crippling negative for civilization and progress.
[X] Yes (Forfeits the CB against the Highlanders, declares war against the Thunder Horse, brings Yenyna out of retirement, ???)

Love of Wisdom to the rescue!

If we say yes one of two things will happen:
1) we get an actual century of everything being wonderful.
2) we don't, which conclusively debunks astrology forever.

On the other hand, if we say No I really do not believe that all century will pass without at least something bad happening and this will give legitimacy to astrology.

If we want to purge the hokum from Astrology leaving us with the science of the Astronomy we have to challenge it. Much like with the pox warding we have to take a risk and put our values to the test to improve them.

As for the idea that we might accidentally "confirm" astrology is true, when was the last time we had 100 years where everything was perfect?

Of course, it's also possible that our genius mystic has accidentally discovered something real, either actual magic or some combination of meteorology and socio-economics, and the actions we're being told to take are important because of what our civilization will do to carry them out rather than for their own sake. Like telling someone that they must chase down a rabbit on foot to gain the favor of the god of health to protect against the family curse of heart attacks, when the important part is that running enough to catch the rabbit will improve your cardiovascular health.

Tl; DR
If we want to prove Astrology wrong we have to put it to the test. It's the Ymaryn way.
Or they get lucky this time around and Astrology becomes the profession used to control the nation despite it being bullshit
[X] Yes (Forfeits the CB against the Highlanders, declares war against the Thunder Horse, brings Yenyna out of retirement, ???)

Go east, fuck up the TH. The Highlanders are, at this point, squeezed on all sides by us, and their land, while similar to our own homeland, isn't really much of the lowland floodplains. The TH, on the other hand, literally hold the rest of the floodplains.

I can definitely see how 'the gods' (calling you out @Academia Nut) would say that dropping the HK for now to just blow up the TH is a good idea, and I agree with all of it, save perhaps forcing Yenyna herself to come out of retirement (though, considering the rest, I'll still go for it).
[X] Yes (Forfeits the CB against the Highlanders, declares war against the Thunder Horse, brings Yenyna out of retirement, ???)
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I honestly wouldn't saying yes due to our various values and legacies. There's various benefits from; us doing it and not getting the expected result plus Lore of Wisdom should mean we get something, it should mitigate if not turn into a pro the debiliating value we just got due to going directly against it, and the Thunder Horse does have some territory that would be nice to conquer - specifically the former Thunder Speaker territory. There's a nice river boarder to build defense against, we should be able to exploit our longboats, and we can access to another natural wonder on that site.

Or it could just be a quick war where we force a white peace on the both of them, or white peace plus participation in our Games. This should be particularly helpful given the Thunder Horse border or are in the influence range of not-India, and some of them coming to see what's what would be pretty amazing. Even better when you consider our various technology traits given we woudln't have interacted with them before.
[X] Yes (Forfeits the CB against the Highlanders, declares war against the Thunder Horse, brings Yenyna out of retirement, ???)
Also, why are all Geniuses we seem to produce autistic, schizophrenic or otherwise insane? It is weird. This should not be the case, there were plenty of historic figures i'd peg at genius level that weren't completely bonkers.

If this trend holds i think it says something about the setting.
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[X] Yes (Forfeits the CB against the Highlanders, declares war against the Thunder Horse, brings Yenyna out of retirement, ???)
Provinces – [Sec] Sailing Mission, [Sec] Study Stars, [Sec] New Settlement, [Sec] New Trails

Thought this was interesting, I guess provinces might sorta prioritize completing quests if we put them on balanced?
Since we didn't tell them what to do specifically, they worked in the interests of the factions, in this instance the Yeomen.

Also, why are all Geniuses we seem to produce autistic, schizophrenic or otherwise insane? It is weird. This should not be the case, there were plenty of historic figures i'd peg at genius level that weren't completely bonkers.

If this trend holds i think it says something about the setting.
AN seems to be going for an idiot savant kind of thing with geniuses, in which they are all "spirit touched", and are bad at most things, but are super good at one particular things above everyone else.
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