[X] [Pox] Yes (Khemetri gain knowledge of how to do the Sacred Warding, the People gain Predictive Astrology)
[X] [Iron] Allow finished goods to be traded
[X] [PiA] Highlanders (Probably In Service to Order)
[X] [PDN] Majorly push forward forests (Main Expand Forests, -2 Centralization)
[X] [React] Reorganize army and hunt deserters (Found Mercenary Company + Sailing Mission (anti-pirate))
Choose a Personal Divinity reaction
[] [PDN] Push forward forests (Sec Expand Forests, -1 Centralization)
[] [PDN] Majorly push forward forests (Main Expand Forests, -2 Centralization)
[] [PDN] Bit more black soil (Sec Black Soil, -1 Centralization)
[] [PDN] Lots more black soil (Main Black Soil, -2 Centralization)
[] [PDN] Push forward farms (Sec Expand Econ, -1 Centralization)
[] [PDN] Massively push forward farms (Main Expand Econ, -2 Centralization)

Wait, we are forced to always pick a Personal Divinity-action?!
[X] [Pox] Yes (Khemetri gain knowledge of how to do the Sacred Warding, the People gain Predictive Astrology)
[X] [Iron] Allow finished goods to be traded
[X] [PiA] Trelli (Probably trade related)
[X] [PDN] Bit more black soil (Sec Black Soil, -1 Centralization)
[X] [React] Reorganize army and hunt deserters (Found Mercenary Company + Sailing Mission (anti-pirate))

Adjusting vote. Reorganize army is almost certainly going to win, hoping to take a smaller Centralization hit. Probably in vain but still need to push for it. A little more black soil is fine and some more Econ Expansion to provide a buffer.
[X] [Pox] Yes (Khemetri gain knowledgeof how to do the Sacred Warding, the People gain Predictive Astrology)
[X] [React] Reorganize army and hunt deserters (Found Mercenary Company + Sailing Mission (anti-pirate))
[X] [PDN] Majorly push forward forests (Main Expand Forests, -2 Centralization)
[X] [PiA] Highlanders (Probably In Service to Order)
[X] [Pox] Yes (Khemetri gain knowledge of how to do the Sacred Warding, the People gain Predictive Astrology)
[X] [Iron] Allow finished goods to be traded
[X] [PiA] Highlanders (Probably In Service to Order)
[X] [PDN] Majorly push forward forests (Main Expand Forests, -2 Centralization)
[X] [React] Attempt to root out problems (Main Enforce Justice)

Switched to highlanders both to continue the chain as well hopefully give something against all this corruption
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[X] [Pox] Yes (Khemetri gain knowledge of how to do the Sacred Warding, the People gain Predictive Astrology)
[X] [Iron] Allow finished goods to be traded
[X] [React] Pre-emptively meet forest demand (Main Expand Forest)
[X] [PiA] Highlanders (Probably In Service to Order)
[X] [PDN] Majorly push forward forests (Main Expand Forests, -2 Centralization)
@Academia Nut May I ask what's the current literacy rate of our people? And if that rate is on an upward or stagnant trend?
Not AN, but considering that we have a section of the library devoted to "What not to do" for Artisans, it should be on the rise, since to get to higher ranks in the guilds, literacy is very useful and we've been expanding the artisanal population rapidly.

So for literacy values:
--Fully illiterate - Largely unchanged other than a small initial drop. Farmers still have little use for literacy or means of getting literate, though Love of Wisdom says that we don't mind them doing a little learning in their free time, it remains that they'd probably find it more useful to spend their free time going out there and planting some trees.
--Domain literacy - Large increase. With the switch to the Guild economy, you'd be seeing an increase in rural artisans, who'd have some use for domain specific literacy, largely for processing orders and instructions in their trade.
--Full literacy - Small increase. Guild economy means that most villages and towns need their own clerks and guild factors to handle communications. Objectively speaking still a tiny number of people, but it's more than they had before

--Fully illiterate - Shrinking slowly. While theres still a lot of dumb labor, the increasing usage of mills means less work for brute manual labors. In a city its more practical to acquire literacy, and of course, our cities tended to have libraries, which let them put it to use in the pursuit of Wisdom.
--Domain literacy - Growing slowly. Our urban artisans need some level of literacy to be easier to manage in bulk with messages and memos. But it's mainly as a means of advancement.
--Full literacy - Growing quickly. All the people need even more clerks to handle everything, more guild power means more guild elites must be able to read to contribute or use library resources. Over time this can be expected to grow even more, our entire ruling class needs to be literate to compete effectively using knowledge resources.
Clear no to any Trelli values. They are bastards and taking cues from them will just rub dirt over our society.
Once again, we re-took the same value from the Xoh about 3 or 4 times (it kept being fused into other values, elevating them). From the baby killers. Which we later smashed. So clearly, the source cannot taint social values.
[X] [Pox] Yes (Khemetri gain knowledge of how to do the Sacred Warding, the People gain Predictive Astrology)
[X] [Iron] Allow finished goods to be traded
[X] [PiA] Khemetri (Probably Spiritual Value)
[X] [PDN] Majorly push forward forests (Main Expand Forests, -2 Centralization)
[X] [React] Attempt to root out problems (Main Enforce Justice)
Reminder that we know what their trait enhances. AN mentioned before that the Highlanders run off a trait buffed Enforce Authority.

Want to see what a DOUBLE trait buffed Enforce Justice looks like?
Then get the Highlander trait, apply both Justice and Order to it.
You almost always advocate against Enforce Justice, because you want to do trails instead. Has this changed with wildcat merged in? Are you willing to use it now?

Because if not, there's no point upgrading it.