Might be simply part of the Festivals. It's not something people can exactly bring to one place to compete in, but if our Main Forest here generates apiaries or other forestry products...cooking contests?I wonder if Artisan Competition includes forest-measuring contests.
"Place to get swole and philosophical" is wonderful phrase.
According to the IC PoV, their pirates attacked their cities.New, and unfortunate, status. Makes me wonder how bad a "major pirate group" would be... especially back when the Hathatyn had that issue, well before wealth split off, or any number of other tech and social advances...
Just think how bad did it get for pirates and bandits to take a swing at settlements.
I suspect the Swamp Folk might not WANT our mercenaries yet. Mercenaries can be expensive.Yay, more participants than i personally expected!Interesting that the Storm Wolves didn't even bother trying it out, and that the Thunder Horse still hate us for humiliating them in that last war (or maybe still from the sack of Xohyr?). And yeah, not surprised that the ones losing a war want to get closer to the strongest guys around with the best mercenaries... on that note, why haven't the Swamp Folk asked to hire our mercenaries yet?
The big issue with the non-participants however, was that we invited people they were fighting.
I'm thinking it's foreign intervention wars triggers that come with refugee intakes.Huh...this bit of fluff looks like its showing what our "New CBs" from Pride of Acceptance will be: CBs on nations attacking Games Participants, and/or maybe nations we receive refugees from in the last turn or two, and/or maybe trading partners in general? CBs to defend nations whose people will be able to whine to the People about being attacked?
Might help with vassalization
Guild: Assuming that means "Glassworks", that seems odd to me. The fluff later says its cause there's not enough glass for stuff, but...then why do we have it as dominant still?I guess we just have so much internal need, and so much external demand, that we can produce enough to dominate the market but still not have enough for internal use... The success reward is better, cause tech is a bit rare, and we have 3 turns for it, and its a guild action, so its not hard to fit in. The Forest slot is harder...but we just gained an amazing new trait ability for that, so... Yeah i think we should go for it. Not sure if a secondary is enough or not... If its a main, its -2 econ, -2 tech, -1 forest, +2 Wealth, +4 culture, and +innovations. Since we have a tech refund, the quest makes it -2 econ, -1 forest, +2 wealth, +5 culture... and +3 tech if we include "not failing"
We're selling ornamental glass I believe, mostly beads and stuff, but apparently our alchemical industries need more glass.Still a little confused by the need for more glass while we dominate in it...but at the same time, it makes more sense now that i thought about it. We dont have enough production...but everyone else has such shitty or nonexistant production that we still dominate. Also, more tech chances are always good. But yeah, going over the forest limit is bad. We'd almost certainly lose stability and have a religious freakout if we did.
Traders: This one would be a good quest...if it had a reward instead of just a failure penalty :/ Still, we'll "possibly" get this just from opening up iron tools trade, and if not probably just need a main in poppies, or the northern trade post, to succeed. Among other things, every other action can be solved with a single main action, which suggests that this can as well. And we have 3 turns, which makes it much easier.
This here is the big reason for me not to take the Trade trait.What the hell traders! Stahp! No Slavery! ...Considering they have been trading metal against regulations, i am now afraid that they've been circumventing the slavery ban too...we definitely want a level 2 temple and the additional RA that comes with it soon, so yay for hte priests quest for pushing us to do so
Traders are naturally after profit, and slaves are super profitable. Taking a trait to make them even MORE profitable can only hurt.
They'd be asking things similar to what is being asked now on Iron down the line if we boost their power.
-"Just resale, we don't take any of our own"
-"We buy them and free them in our lands, they coincidentally take up minimum wage jobs for us out of gratitude"
-"Maybe we could enslave criminals instead of exiling or executing them. Don't waste them"
-"Just the tip"
Might want to move the Storehouse Annex expansion up the schedule. We can cushion more of it that way.-Of course, that comes with us needing to take at least that many...which combined with the new system (check...2? analyses ago in the AN quote section) to require us to suffer -4 temp econ damage and -4 econ expansion slots whenever there's at least 2 refugee procs in a turn. With our current econ system, thats only -2 econ if we have >=3 centralization, but still something to be wary of. Low econ is dangerous now.
...on the other hand think of our neighbors. Now we're establishing routes to ferry people from their country to ours via the Games. We automatically drain up to 4 Econ whenever they lose Stability. Unlike before, their elites know of the quality of life in Ymaryn lands, and will be tempted to leave to where they'd be accepted and enjoy good status.
Big boon here is that whoever figures something new out loses it to us quickly, but we also circulate techs back out at a slower pace.-Massively increased inward tech spread: Really powerful on paper, though not the best considering we're usually ahead... Still, we're often very lopsided in tech, so this helps us catch what we left behind (like pottery so long ago), and with the Khemetri around we now have a peer to tech steal from![]()
This, including the outflow, is actually good for us. Take the anatomy knowledge, we cannot really advance it ourselves. What if the Khemetri pick up on the anatomy lore, take it home and then...practice it on some of their unfortunates?
The improved anatomy lore will backflow towards us.
While we lose advantages to them, it pretty much ensures we stay on top of the relative advantage game. Whoever gets a new trick, we get it. Then we pass out our old tricks, whatever refinements come to us again. It's thus, only a net demerit when the tech is transferred to a power that can better leverage it, or when transferred to someone so far behind they can't backflow anything.
Oh well, we have Guild actions for those.We have city-busting, forest-raising, and econ saving all available. Mines might be available when we have them, not sure. Alas, only primary needs are allowed, we cant do, say, vineyards.
I suspect it's going to be god-king, since we were nearing that trait previously on our own.Khem: Spiritual values can be powerful, and its possible we could get one focused on the heavens, and increase our study of the stars. On the other hand, we have warnings from our Priests about their religion influencing ours, and they almost certainly have spiritual traits we dont want (god king, for example)
Reminder that we know what their trait enhances. AN mentioned before that the Highlanders run off a trait buffed Enforce Authority.Highlanders: Order = stabiltiy, and stability is king. On the other hand,AN says "The Highlanders can be very rigid about the rules and about enforcement." so its almost certainly oging to make things worse for people who stand out. That'll be lessened by our other values, but still a problem. Also, with Personal Stewards, we can spam enforce justice way easier now, sostab gain is less of a priority
Want to see what a DOUBLE trait buffed Enforce Justice looks like?
Then get the Highlander trait, apply both Justice and Order to it.
I find it unlikely to get those the Trelli claim to fame is Center of Trade and it's going to be the most popular trait amongst our traders because it would double our wealth income.Trelli: Center of Trade would give us ridiculous wealth generation, and give us CBs we can use if we have to war someone but dont have one. It would also open us up to stability hits, and probably make our faction quests for the traders and guilds worse... Honestly if we went with this i'd be hoping for a trade value other than center of trade. Maybe something boosting trade missions, or borrowing power from neighbors? Hmm...
I strongly dislike entertaining the possibility of gaining a trait which would make slavery super profitable, because inevitably we're going to get much more social pressure from the Traders to enter into dubious trades.
Mobility focused. If we do them with the pirate hunt they'd probably have a cavalry wing and a catamaran wing.About the anti-pirate choice. So we'd maintain their skills and knowledge, which would be goodI think they were more horse focused than the red banner?
Usually in the wake of a Great Fire or the like. People avoid the haunted center, so criminals move in to take advantageInformation about Xohyr. This is really interesting...i mean, how often is the center of a city the slums??