[X] [Pox] Yes (Khemetri gain knowledge of how to do the Sacred Warding, the People gain Predictive Astrology)
[X] [Iron] Allow finished goods to be traded
[X] [PiA] Highlanders (Probably In Service to Order)
[X] [PDN] Majorly push forward forests (Main Expand Forests, -2 Centralization)
[X] [React] Reorganize army and hunt deserters (Found Mercenary Company + Sailing Mission (anti-pirate))
Did new provinces stop dropping our centralization at some point?
Stallions didn't, though that may have been due to their existing road networks. Enforce Justice is probably safer though.

On that note, adding in approval vote for Enforce Justice. We're taking -2 Centralization/turn now thanks to Wildcat being consumed, luckily we have a freaking awesome Stability+Centralization generator. Also dropping Iron metal trading, finished goods are better.

[X] [Pox] Yes (Khemetri gain knowledge of how to do the Sacred Warding, the People gain Predictive Astrology)
[X] [Iron] Allow finished goods to be traded
[X] [PiA] Trelli (Probably trade related)
[X] [PDN] Majorly push forward forests (Main Expand Forests, -2 Centralization)
[X] [React] Meet yeoman demands (Sec New Settlement + Sec New Roads, meets Yeoman faction demands)
[X] [React] Attempt to root out problems (Main Enforce Justice)
[X] [Pox] Yes (Khemetri gain knowledgeof how to do the Sacred Warding, the People gain Predictive Astrology)
[X] [Iron] Allow finished goods to be traded
[X] [PiA] Trelli (Probably trade related)
[X] [PDN] Majorly push forward forests (Main Expand Forests, -2 Centralization)
[X] [React] Meet yeoman demands (Sec New Settlement + Sec New Roads,meets Yeoman faction demands)
[X] [Pox] Yes (Khemetri gain knowledge of how to do the Sacred Warding, the People gain Predictive Astrology)
[X] [Iron] Allow finished goods to be traded
[X] [PiA] Trelli (Probably trade related)
[X] [PDN] Majorly push forward forests (Main Expand Forests, -2 Centralization)
[X] [React] Attempt to root out problems (Main Enforce Justice)
[X] [Pox] Yes (Khemetri gain knowledge of how to do the Sacred Warding, the People gain Predictive Astrology)
[X] [Iron] Allow finished goods to be traded
[X] [PiA] Highlanders (Probably In Service to Order)
[X] [PDN] Majorly push forward forests (Main Expand Forests, -2 Centralization)
[X] [React] Attempt to root out problems (Main Enforce Justice)
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That means we're likely missing out on a ton of wealth and diplomatic contacts. Frankly, in terms of social values, trade is simply underdeveloped in Ymarrin society, and hence we need to develop that aspect.
This is certainly true, but it's a matter of whether or not we're in a position to do anything about it right now. At the moment, we're at zero Stab, with a potential war coming up, faction demands, a criminal element to root out and rapid urbanization on the horizon. Personally, I'd think we'd want all the chances for stability that we can get, and I don't know if we're going to have time to utilize trade heavily when we've got so many things to get done.
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[X] [Pox] Yes (Khemetri gain knowledge of how to do the Sacred Warding, the People gain Predictive Astrology)
[X] [Iron] Allow finished goods to be traded
[X] [PiA] Highlanders (Probably In Service to Order)
[X] [PDN] Majorly push forward forests (Main Expand Forests, -2 Centralization)
[X] [React] Attempt to root out problems (Main Enforce Justice)
[X] [Pox] Yes (Khemetri gain knowledge of how to do the Sacred Warding, the People gain Predictive Astrology)
[X] [Iron] Allow finished goods to be traded
[X] [PiA] Highlanders (Probably In Service to Order)
[X] [PDN] Majorly push forward forests (Main Expand Forests, -2 Centralization)
[X] [React] Attempt to root out problems (Main Enforce Justice)
Honestly? I wonder if Manus doesn't do a "hey. hey guys, you've gotta see this" to the other mods and just links posts in the thread so they can laugh explosively at the salt and vitriol. Like a demented intellectual version of 'funny injury' or 'bad decision' compilations on youtube.
I could see it.
[X] [Pox] Yes (Khemetri gain knowledge of how to do the Sacred Warding, the People gain Predictive Astrology)
[X] [PiA] Swamp Folk (Probably Honour Value)
[X] [Iron] Allow finished goods to be traded
[X] [PDN] Majorly push forward forests (Main Expand Forests, -2 Centralization)
[X] [React] Reorganize army and hunt deserters (Found Mercenary Company + Sailing Mission (anti-pirate))

Reluctantly convinced to change my vote.

I'm pretty sure we're not, as it happens. But if we were, I'd expect it to cost a cent.
It'd make a new province in the south-western hills:
New Settlement - There are a few new sites that could have new settlements placed on them: northern Blackriver (+3, moderate mineral, 0/6 province), far north-eastern Redhills (+1, good mineral, 0/6 province), south-western hills (+2, moderate mineral, 3/4 province)
* S: -1 Econ, +1 Econ and Mysticism end of turn, increases number Econ Expansion depending on environment, +1 Province progress
* M: +1 Econ and Mysticism, increases Econ Expansion, +2 Province progress
@Academia Nut a few questions.
1. In case you missed it the first time, what is the progress remaining on Grand Docks? Its rather a different option if its 1 progress left and will finish it vs 1-2 and can vs 2 and won't.
2. To confirm for the quests, when it says "counters start next main", that means for, say, the Patrician quest wiht a deadline of 2 turns:
Turn 0 (This turn) - Quest shown
Turn 1 - First turn Hero has control
Turn 2 - Last turn to complete Patrician Quest, at any point before turn ends
Turn 3 - When main action choice update for this turn drops, quest fails and penalty taken if conditions are not met.
3. Very very minor thing, but wealth income should be [+6-3] with the new Pirate status, shouldn't it?
4. If we do not take the Enforce Justice option this turn, how likely is it that Hethytn will take it this coming main turn?
5. Would the mercenary company being founded to hunt deserters be naval focused, or "just" a regular mercenary company like the red banner that are then put on boats?
6. What exactly is the narrative in Personal Divinity uses? It sounds like its just People taking their own initiative to manage the land more than the State requires, but i'm not sure how that lowers centralization...is it the State granting additional land management rights to people? If so, are those rights hereditary?

The Khemetri are very spiritual and probably have several to choose from. I consider the risk of God-King shenanigans low, because our systems are so different. I will not be bummed out if this loses though since it is a gamble.
Note that the update has our priests explicitly worried about importing the Khemetri's ideas on religion:
"Of course, some of that might be jealousy over the powers the priests of the Khemetri had, now that they were in communication with them, and had a better idea about them. While obviously the People's gods favoured locally, the priests of the Khemetri were backed up extensively by their king, and the People were so welcoming of others that the priests were clearly worried."
While part of that is from losing power, i think it does suggest that this could nontrivially change our religion.

I'm pretty sure we're not, as it happens. But if we were, I'd expect it to cost a cent.
...Why wouldn't we? We're at 3/4 progress to a new province, a secondary new settlement gives +1 progress, and the action specifically says it meets the Yeoman Faction demands, which require a new province
As a general reaction to the Update, which I will get into more depth with in a bit, PiA has a "New CBs" thing. My complete speculation is we will have extra reasons to attack the HK come our freedom from Admin dude.
I think this might be an antislavery CB.

The road to constantinople may be opening for us....
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Note that the update has our priests explicitly worried about importing the Khemetri's ideas on religion:
"Of course, some of that might be jealousy over the powers the priests of the Khemetri had, now that they were in communication with them, and had a better idea about them. While obviously the People's gods favoured locally, the priests of the Khemetri were backed up extensively by their king, and the People were so welcoming of others that the priests were clearly worried."
While part of that is from losing power, i think it does suggest that this could nontrivially change our religion.
I'm getting a little feeling of local concern blow up from that, which is I guess now that I articulate it, part of the reason I voted for the Khem.

Kinda a shrug thing for me.
Inserted tally
Adhoc vote count started by Killer_Whale on Aug 3, 2017 at 11:38 PM, finished with 138 posts and 49 votes.