Well... um...

It depends on the variety of vampire. I mean...

Have you seen the outfits vampires wear these days?
Which would then start lighting them on fire.

Also, I have this mental image of a vampire that screams and runs when a priest reads "Dear Penthouse, I never thought this would happen to me..."

And they would be cut off from the internet forever. Pop-ups and banners would make them extinct!

Edit: I blame you. You wanted a discussion of sacred porn.
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I didn't even mention the theft of Iron.

Who cares if they realized they overplayed their hand within half a turn? If we rolled more poorly it would have been GG no RE. That's pretty much the definition of having pushed us to the brink.
Not against the HK it wouldn't have been. They were just an unimportant sideshow in, well, everything.
Artisan Competitions seems likely to give us a tech or innovation drip/boost, so i'd consider it fairly high priority...
It's valuable, no question, and it's got nice social implications... but Trails are needed to keep from exploding again, and the Dam is pretty critical to certain tech advances too, plus gets us a point of stability. Possibly our third point of stability.

Once we're done with those two, I'd be up for considering our circumstances and getting Artisan Competitions done.

Or if Artisan Competitions is a Guild project, I'd be willing to start it the moment the Docks finish. Whichever.
Hopefully the Admin will build some roads. I really want to hopefully unlock some sort of social value or megaproject involving either automatic maintenance of roads due to building them becoming a regular skill for our citizens, or a giant expansion of roads using some brand new material that would allow them to last a lot longer without need for maintenance. I also just like building roads and centralization in general :p
The morally do gooders can't learn to simple stop when they already lost
That is not even remotely helping anything. Shit, i would have voted against the HK invite if i'd finished my analysis sooner, and your sniping still pisses me off. Seriously, the argument is heated enough, we don't need people sniping at each other
(especially since being a sore winner is about as bad as being a sore loser...)

It's valuable, no question, and it's got nice social implications... but Trails are needed to keep from exploding again, and the Dam is pretty critical to certain tech advances too, plus gets us a point of stability. Possibly our third point of stability.

Once we're done with those two, I'd be up for considering our circumstances and getting Artisan Competitions done.

Or if Artisan Competitions is a Guild project, I'd be willing to start it the moment the Docks finish. Whichever.
True, the dam is really important...i guess my thought was more "if this is like the games and a 2-3 action project we can get out without any net stat loss, lets just do it, because why not?"
Actually why do we have to do the trade missions? I don't think anyone has actually come to us to trade. I really think we need some kind of passive to increase connections with our neighbors so we don't have to waste actions on that stuff.

I remember suggesting sending people across the land where they will act similar Wandering Knights from Warhammer Fantasy Battles and Quarian's from Mass Effect. Basically people on a pilgrimage to bring something of value back to the People but at the same time helping those in need.
In an attempt to continue this vein, does anyone have ideas on how to pursue something like this? Or would we have to simply rely on random narrative chance? Because, personally, I think the People are perfectly suited for this sort of thing.
Peace through superior firepower

...which means being better at killing. That is just how it works.
Artisan Competitions seems likely to give us a tech or innovation drip/boost, so i'd consider it fairly high priority... of course, that also depends on what our admin hero does...but if we're still on megaproject support, and want to continue megaprojects, then i personally would put Artisan Competitions pretty high up there; Great Forge (orwhatever it ends up called) would be first, but we probably wont have the forest slots by the time Hertythn dies.
Nope, I consider it lower than all the other existing plans and problems we are in, because those have been in queue much longer.
...Well i'm still potentially misunderstanding. Which of the following is your understanding of things?
I was saying the same thing you were. Just tried to say it differently to avoid confusion. Only for it to happen anyway. ._.
You say this like doing good is a problem. And besides, someone's gotta. Remember: "Evil will always succeed when good men do nothing."
Yes but if you stop now, then when the next time you need to argue against something you'll have a more likely chance of winning that argument instead of wasting everyone's time on this one which you cant win.
Actually why do we have to do the trade missions? I don't think anyone has actually come to us to trade. I really think we need some kind of passive to increase connections with our neighbors so we don't have to waste actions on that stuff.

I remember suggesting sending people across the land where they will act similar Wandering Knights from Warhammer Fantasy Battles and Quarian's from Mass Effect. Basically people on a pilgrimage to bring something of value back to the People but at the same time helping those in need.
well, every time we try to do the Trade policy, it gets shrugged off. the perils of limited actions.
Actually why do we have to do the trade missions? I don't think anyone has actually come to us to trade. I really think we need some kind of passive to increase connections with our neighbors so we don't have to waste actions on that stuff.

I remember suggesting sending people across the land where they will act similar Wandering Knights from Warhammer Fantasy Battles and Quarian's from Mass Effect. Basically people on a pilgrimage to bring something of value back to the People but at the same time helping those in need.
*Bungie reconstitutes*
The second thing is probably a specialized Merc Company. I have no idea how to get there but it'd be fun.

As to a policy that is passive connection we only need to setup the Trade Passive.
i guess my thought was more "if this is like the games and a 2-3 action project we can get out without any net stat loss, lets just do it, because why not?"
I'd say because we've got a whole bunch of problems right now - we're back down to 0 stab, for one, trails is ever looming, and we're probably going to war with the Highlanders - and actions are our most critical resource.

It's not like the Dam's going to be costing us much in the way of resources either, honestly, and there's a reason it's not my priority #1.
Yes but if you stop now, then when the next time you need to argue against something you'll have a more likely chance of winning that argument instead of wasting everyone's time on this one which you cant win.
I mean, the same is true for you. You have won. So why exactly are you so insistent on people stopping? It seems to have you have run out of arguments so you desperately need to remind everyone which vote has won in the end instead.
At the moment combining Retraining with other things is likely our best bet. We just need to make a list of things that would work with, and possible interactions.

Decided to compile a list of actions I feel would have the strongest narrative potential:

New Trails - There are many settlements with only marginal trails, so more could be useful. 2/3 to next Centralization cap increase (7/16)
* S: -1 Econ, +1 Centralization, +1 Diplo, other effects
* M: -2 Econ, +2 Centralization, +2 Diplo, other effects

Build Watchtowers - Stone and brick towers for warriors to sit in and scan the horizon for trouble, these towers can help stave off raids and improve response against attacks. (35% coverage)
*S: -1 Econ, +5% coverage
*M: -1 Econ, +10% coverage

Build Wall - The practice of building city walls has reached new heights with access to superior tools making the cutting of stone simpler (14/45 significant walls, 4/45 massive walls)
*S: -2 Econ, +1 significant walls
*M: -4 Econ, +1 massive walls

Obvious ones here. Rome had the right idea.

Build Mills - By harnessing the power of flowing water, work can be done, freeing up considerable amounts of labour
*S: -2 Wealth, -1 Tech, +3 Econ, potential for innovation
*M: -3 Wealth, - 1 Tech, +4 Econ, increased potential for innovation

More Boats [Guild] - The things are expensive but oh so useful, so having more of them will increase your capacity for trade, travel, and fishing
*S: -2 Econ, -1 Wealth, +1 Tech; +1 Econ end of turn, +1 Econ, +1 Econ Expansion and Diplo next turn, additional effects
*M: -2 Econ, -1 Wealth, +1 Tech; +1 Econ, Econ Expansion, and Diplo end of turn, additional effects
* used 8 times

I feel like there may be some synergy here too. If we end up doing any city sieges, these could have a narrative bonus due to soldiers who had operated crossbows and siegecraft coming home and being told to work on machinery of a more peaceful nature. Additional effects and innovation rolls makes me hopeful. As a bonus, we could potentially Main Retraining, Mills and Boats all in one turn for maximum synergy.
In an attempt to continue this vein, does anyone have ideas on how to pursue something like this? Or would we have to simply rely on random narrative chance? Because, personally, I think the People are perfectly suited for this sort of thing.
Peace through superior firepower

...which means being better at killing. That is just how it works.
Yeah, even today, if diplomancing/bribery doesn't work, and neither do sanctions (which are just really harsh talking combined with refusal to trade), you're left with killing.
Yes but if you stop now, then when the next time you need to argue against something you'll have a more likely chance of winning that argument instead of wasting everyone's time on this one which you cant win.
I could've won if my backup wasn't asleep! Besides, my original argument got utterly sidetracked by the war debate, and I let it. My original point was what @Susano said when they came into the thread - Make The Games a diplomatic neutral zone, where war doesn't matter.
*Bungie reconstitutes*
The second thing is probably a specialized Merc Company. I have no idea how to get there but it'd be fun.

As to a policy that is passive connection we only need to setup the Trade Passive.
I figure that if we keep one in a particular spot that calls for specialization for a century or two that it'd specialize
*Bungie reconstitutes*
The second thing is probably a specialized Merc Company. I have no idea how to get there but it'd be fun.

As to a policy that is passive connection we only need to setup the Trade Passive.
Between Road building company, Festival company, and Trade company, which do you think is the most critical? Why?

What are some reasonable costs for such powerful entities?
One of the things I really want to do now is to combine a [Main] Retraining option with one of the following.
  • Raise Army: will hopefully increase our ability to train and retire martial forces, giving us a more structured military training set.
  • New Trails or Build Watchtowers: May start the beginnings of an engineering corps, having martial prowess require knowledge of construction and such as a component to it, or give us an interesting option in upgrading our workforce to be more organized.
I'm sure I'm missing other ideas, does anyone have any? I know @Karugus is big on this sort of thing.
Both of those sound pretty good, but I'm also growing increasingly intrigued with the idea of Raise/Retrain +Build Walls- the idea of fortifying a location for its strategic positioning rather than to protect any immediate population or resources.

Retrain+Integrate/Expand Settlements has interesting narrative implications in using retired soldiers as the nucleus of a colony- and that's both something we need to look out for and something we can leverage.

Retrain + Expand Forests might also be interesting in developing our foresters and potentially expanding the recruitment base for Blackbirds.

But you've covered the real meat of what I find intriguing. Engineering corps and the idea of using retirees to help train the next generation in a more formalized system. I'm also interested to see how it plays with Arete as well.
I mean, the same is true for you. You have won. So why exactly are you so insistent on people stopping? It seems to have you have run out of arguments so you desperately need to remind everyone which vote has won in the end instead.
Because you an others on your side of the argument keep on implicating that everyone who disagrees with you have no points and that were all secretly genocidal assholes.