I don't think we need to go that far.
We can do
{M} War Mission
{M} War Mission x2
{G} Great Docks
and that would do it.
It also sets our provinces to burning econ for docks, which is nice because we have that in spades and it means we don't lose too much EE from income overflow.
Hello everyone and welcome to another episode of 'zamin over-analyses everything'. Today's episode will have to be a bit short since I don't have a lot of time, but I'll do my best to make this entertaining (and informative) for you guys.
[][Mystic] Search the entire kingdom for someone who might understand her and put her at ease (-1 Mystic, -1 Econ, -1 Wealth, -1 Culture)
[][Hero] Organizing all of this was hell, but one clerk refused to buckle (Heroic to Genius level administrator)
[][Prov] Integrate Stallions (-6 Diplo, +5 Econ, +5 Econ Expansion, +8 Mysticism, +4 Culture, +2 Tech, +10 Martial, new core province)
[][React] Megaproject - The Games
-[][React] Kick Megaproject
[][Policy] Special: Forestry (+1 Sustainable Forest and -1 Econ Expansion/2 turns)
[][Policy] Infrastructure (+1 Free Progress to an infrastructure project (Aqueduct, governor's palace, saltern, etc.)/turn) x1
[][Bonus] Upgrade a random value
"So... what's the king asking for this time?" Hertythyn asked as he picked up the documents for the season's orders.
"He wants us to search every Person in the Land for someone who can understand the madness of the Dragon General, organize the average village rough housing between boys into an organized system of games and military practice, and begin the process of integrating and spreading out the warriors of the Stallions to compensate for losses in the war," his assistant Ullystyn said by way of explanation.
Hertythyn's right eye twitched slightly before he nodded and said, "Right, guess we'll just have to turn his magic into actual miracles."
"It's why you're here boss," Ullystyn pointed out.
More seriously, it looks like we lucked out by choosing an Admin Hero. He's probably smoothed over a lot of potential problems and allowed our actions to succeed.
Complying with the demands of the king and nobles was no mean feat, but Hertythyn and the clerks under him managed to pull it off. The search for someone who might be able to interact with Yenyna on her level was no easy task, but through a couple iterations of the screening process they managed to bring a young man to the capital with a most peculiar condition. Also afflicted by spirits, he suffered from fits where his body locked up in spasm and he would have strange, frightening visions. It had started happening late enough in life that he could not receive the sort of training to become a proper priest and shaman - he did not really have the aptitude for it anyway - and his guest could not be trusted not to throw a fit at some inopportune time so he could not even do any particularly heavy, complex, or dangerous task, leaving him in a rather miserable sort of limbo within society. Still, given his visions, he had been brought to interact with Yenyna to see if there were any points of similarity that could aid in the priest's understanding of the spirits.
To everyone's delight, the Dragon General found him absolutely adorable in her own strange way, and while he was obviously a little awed to be brought before her, he also didn't react badly to her the way some did. While both suffered from their conditions, the spirits they carried within them also seemed to get along and there was a definite soothing effect. Yenyna and Giidygyry could also have strange discussions about what they saw in their fits, and with priests recording their discussions, new insights were definitely made.
Awwwww! Glad to see that action succeeded. Beserker-Dragon-chan really deserved to have a friend of her own.
Giidygyry sounds like he suffers from epilepsy, what with the fits and all. I wonder if picking the medical hero would have given us some kind of proto-psychology theory from this action.
That one priest in the back - records said that someone like him was always there - who distantly shouted "Kiss already!" was given a savage beating before being put on black soil detail for a year. Although Desdydyn did have to admit that he did hope these two spirit afflicted people might find something more than just comfort in each other's presence.
There's always that one guy. I get the feeling that AN has a lot of fun writing about our priests' shenanigans.
By the time of Desdydyn's passing the clerks had also managed to organize the veterans of the conflict and the various holy sites into a coordinated network of sacred games to help maintain war readiness, morale, and to find the best examples of the People to hold up as examples for the rest. There was almost a riot at one point from a bunch of warriors going at some of the athletics competitions a bit harder than was entirely sensible, but the clever clerk organizing it all had decided to employer a bunch of hardened veterans ahead of time as competition judges, and thus with some judicious application of wooden cudgels the event had been contained and new rules to minimize contact in a few events were put in place. All in all the situation very rapidly became a new draw for Redshore, and some internal tensions between warriors were eased in that instead of trying to kill each other over slights they were directed to take it to the games to prove who was better.
People got shanked over the games now, but the rate was somewhat lower, so that definitely helped!
Bit sad to see Desdyndyn go. He was a good king. At least he managed to live long enough to see the war end.
And it looks like we've just invented football, complete with hooligansoverenthusiastic fans coming to cheer for their local teams. Giving the referees a big stick to whack troublemakers probably helps to keep them in line.
Megaproject Completed! The Games - An organized series of athletic events and mock battles to maintain fighting trim and vent the aggression of less composed warriors, this also helps foster friendly rather than destructive rivalry between major settlements. Increases Martial Tolerance by 2, gives +1 Culture for every 2 True Cities, and opens up new possibilities.
True Cities are becoming more and more powerful as we go along. The +1 Culture per 2 True Cities is probably because their local teams will become rivals. Something like what Manchester City and Manchester United have today?
Choose a bonus
[] [Mega] Upgrade Best of the Best to Life of Arete
[] [Mega] Randomly upgrade an Honour Code Value
[] [Mega] Free Upgrade of Holy Sea to a temple
[] [Mega] Free Main Proclaim Glory
Hmm... I'm kinda torn between the first two. I really want to see what Arete gives us, but upgrading an Honor Code Value would also be nice. I'll probably go for Arete this time, though.
Social Value Upgraded We Have Reserves -> Swords and Ploughshares
Farmers can fight in wars, the marching of armies can pound out roads, and axes are good for splitting wood and skulls.
Pros: Gain +1/3 of Econ as bonus Martial, chance of negating Martial (and thus Econ) damage dependent upon Econ strength, increased power of Raise Army and Retraining
Cons: Damage to Martial can carry over to Econ (additional damage from Honour of Elites does not count)
And We Have Reserves got upgraded after all! It's... well, it honestly doesn't really look like a big difference, but it does improve our Raise Army and Retraining actions.
Before we look at our actions, here's this turn's special circumstances:
Special: At least one partner guaranteed for International Games if completed this turn Special: Increased innovations for Build Mills this turn
One Main and Two Secondary actions, and One Main [Guild] action. Entering the midturn under 2 Wealth costs 1 Stability, but over 10 Wealth gives 1 Stability
AN is giving us a limited time bonus for a new Mega-Project. Are you really surprised that people are jumping on it?
Also, it looks like the Guilds punishes us for having low wealth and rewards us for having high wealth. I wonder if this is a one turn thing or if it's a feature of this economic system?
Note that we can't do a War Mission against the Highlanders just yet. AN explained that it's because we have a peace treaty with them. It does expire next turn, though.
Now, let's look at our new Mega-Projects...
International Games - Festivals of pure sport have been organized across the land, and more friendly rivalries develop between different settlements. Could this extend to different kingdoms? (3 action commitment, -3 Diplomacy, Mysticism and Culture per action) [CA]
So it's kinda like the Iron Age Olympics, eh? I'm pretty sure the Khemetri are the 'guaranteed' partner we get for completing it this turn. We were just at war with them a short while ago, and now we're inviting them to play football.
... I wonder if this'll trigger an upgrade to Cosmopolitan Acceptance?
Triangle Canal - There is land in the north where the soil is mostly clay and can be cut efficiently, allowing for a great canal to be cut between the two forks of the Black River, from which smaller irrigation canals can be built to water the land of the Stallions, massively increasing the available well watered land (8-11? action commitment, -3 Econ and -1 Tech per action)
So this is the biggest Mega-Project we have access to right now. From the text, I'm guessing it increases Econ/Econ Slots for the Stallions and possibly speeds up trade/movement through the area. It might also provide a defense against the northern nomad hordes when they come Waaghing in our direction again.
Right now the winning vote is:
[] [Mega] Upgrade Best of the Best to Life of Arete
[] [Main] International Games
[] [Secondary] New Trails
[] [Secondary] Change Policy - Megaproject Support
[] [Guild] Plant Poppies
International Games - Festivals of pure sport have been organized across the land, and more friendly rivalries develop between different settlements. Could this extend to different kingdoms? (3 action commitment, -3 Diplomacy, Mysticism and Culture per action) [CA]
New Trails - There are many settlements with only marginal trails, so more could be useful. 2/3 to next Centralization cap increase (7/16)
* S: -1 Econ, +1 Centralization, +1 Diplo, other effects
* M: -2 Econ, +2 Centralization, +2 Diplo, other effects
Plant Poppies [Guild] - Within some temple grounds there are gardens where the poppy grows, and the milk of the poppy can be harvested. Expanding production should have interesting effects.
*S: -2 Econ, -2 Econ Expansion, +2 Mysticism, +2 Wealth
*M: -3 Econ, -3 Econ Expansion, +2 Mysticism, +5 Wealth, +1 Martial, new trade good
With the benefit of Megaproject Support policy, we should be able to finish the International Games and reap their benefits by the mid term. It's a low hanging fruit with a potentially big reward (I don't think any other nation has ever done this before, so the rewards should be pretty impressive), so I can understand why a lot of us are going for it. Heck, I honestly think that it fits our nation perfectly due to how well it fits with Best of the Best, Love of Wisdom and Cosmopolitan Acceptance.
New Trails because, well, we always need trails. It'll also raise our Centralization stat as well as its cap.
Poppies should give us a new trade good as well as provide a boost to our flagging Wealth stat. It'd also be hilarious when the Khemetri visit and realize that we're planting poppy flowers everywhere using the seeds they gave us all those years ago.
All in all, this looks like a pretty decent turn all around. Gives us a chance to take a breather, build back up, and completely crush the Highlanders next turn once our peace treaty expires.
Also while i'm really needing to sleep, @BungieONI or @Umi-san or @Sivantic or @veekie , one of you check the math to see if we can start docks with our guild action and still get wealth up higher? We'll only need at most 2 of our 3 possible megaproject actions from provinces for the games, afterall
If we do games +docks+trails that is...
-9 myst, -9 Culture, -9 Diplo, +1 diplo, and -4 econ, -1 Econ.
Econ: 14+12=26-4-1=21-5(Overflow->Wealth)
Wealth: 2+4=6+1(Efficient Economy)+5(Overflow)=12(Ding fucking Ding) I think I did the math right on the overflow there.
I don't think we need to go that far.
We can do
{M} War Mission
{M} War Mission x2
{G} Great Docks
and that would do it.
It also sets our provinces to burning econ for docks, which is nice because we have that in spades and it means we don't lose too much EE from income overflow.
Given their walls I think Terrify will give more bang for our buck than another war mission. They're a settled people, remember, and they know we can wipe the floor with them. My hope is that Terrify will push them to surrender outright. Our last secondary could be another mercenary company to lower our martial before whatever black magic is allowing us to avoid the red wears off.
Right now, we are at 18 EE. We get +12 Econ Income, so -12 EE, but since Econ overflows we will have +2 EE from True City refunds. This means that even with all of our EE drain, we still have 8 EE before we do anything. Plant Poppies burns 3 EE but refunds 2 EE from Econ spending, so that brings us down to 7 EE. Trails will also refund 1 EE from econ spending, so 8 EE. Kinda low... except we are about to finish at least one aqueduct from Infrastructure Policy, and possibly two. That puts us at either 12 EE or 16 EE by the midturn, which is where we want to be anyways. If our provinces use their two unoccupied secondaries to do anything that spends econ, that is more EE yet
I'm really tired and all that math looks really impressive and you're super awesome for beinag able to keep track of our sources of EE change. I wanted to rate your post impressive but there's no impressive rating so I just gave you a hug instead.
Thank you for doing the math, now I know just how much of a huge op superpowered kingdom we are right now holy shit.
[X] [Mega] Upgrade Best of the Best to Life of Arete
[X] [Main] New Trails
[X] [Secondary] New Trails
[X] [Secondary] Change Policy - Defense
[X] [Guild] Plant Poppies
[X] [Mega] Upgrade Best of the Best to Life of Arete
[X] [Main] International Games
[X] [Main] New Trails
[X] [Main] Expand Forests
[X] [Secondary] Expand Forests
[X] [Secondary] New Trails
[X] [Secondary] Change Policy - Megaproject Support
[X] [Secondary] Expand Forests x2
[X] [Guild] Plant Poppies
Are you really surprised, given my vocal support for a certain other (objectively superior, if you ignore the unfortunate parts) pairing?
One of the weaknesses of my Shipping Goggles is that they really aren't good at supporting multiple ships. They have a nasty habit of OTP'ing and seek to remove any complications that might stand in their way-
I do not support multiple OTPs either. My goggles instead tend to just pull them all together. That way Yenyna can have two husbands. One cute little househusband to cuddle with and a yummy work husband to dance with.
With the benefit of Megaproject Support policy, we should be able to finish the International Games and reap their benefits by the mid term. It's a low hanging fruit with a potentially big reward (I don't think any other nation has ever done this before, so the rewards should be pretty impressive), so I can understand why a lot of us are going for it. Heck, I honestly think that it fits our nation perfectly due to how well it fits with Best of the Best, Love of Wisdom and Cosmopolitan Acceptance.
No, I'm pretty sure there was this other civilization in the area who managed to build two Mega-Projects in a single turn and got the Rush Builders Legacy from it, but I just can't remember the name of them.
I do not support multiple OTPs either. My goggles instead tend to just pull them all together. That way Yenyna can have two husbands. One cute little househusband to cuddle with and a yummy work husband to dance with.
[X] [Mega] Upgrade Best of the Best to Life of Arete
[X] [Main] International Games
[X] [Secondary] New Trails
[X] [Secondary] Change Policy - Megaproject Support
[X] [Guild] Grand Docks
We can do both! Doing both actions will still leave us over the 10 wealth threshold for stability and it will use Megaproject Support to the maximum potential. Thanks @Abby Normal for the idea.
If we do games +docks+trails that is...
-9 myst, -9 Culture, -9 Diplo, +1 diplo, and -4 econ, -1 Econ.
Broken down, that is:
Three Main actions for Games: 1 Us, 1 Province, 1 Law at -3,-3,-3 apiece
Two Main actions for Docks: 1 Us, 1 Province at -2 econ apiece.
One Secondary action for New Trails at -1 econ and +1 diplo and +1 cent.
Econ: 14+12=26-4-1=21-4(Overflow->Wealth)
Wealth: 2+4=6+1(Efficient Economy)+4(Overflow)=11(Ding fucking Ding) I think I did the math right on the overflow there.
Diplo: 10-9=1+1+1=3
Culture: 15+1=16-9=7+27(reformers refund (yeah. Holy hell. That will pretty much fill both mysticism and tech up and push diplo to 14)
Mysticism: 16+6=22-9=13+2=15+2(refund ... I think)
Tech: 6
Stability: 1+1(Wealth Over 10)=2-1 Symphony=1
Centralization: 3+1=4
The only thing different about this plan than the bandwagon is the lack of poppies. We can do that at any time and no matter what policy we have enabled, it won't get any better or worse. We also don't need the wealth. Our massive econ generation will take care of making more wealth for us without specifically generating it with stats.
On the other hand, doing Grand Docks now will leverage the maximum potential out of this turn. Without it, we are not using megaproject support to its fullest and we do need the Grand Docks as it will enable larger sized vessels and future development in that area.
[X] [Mega] Upgrade Best of the Best to Life of Arete
[X] [Main] International Games
[X] [Secondary] New Trails
[X] [Secondary] Change Policy - Megaproject Support
[X] [Guild] Grand Docks
We can do both! Doing both actions will still leave us over the 10 wealth threshold for stability and it will use Megaproject Support to the maximum potential.
If we do games +docks+trails that is...
-9 myst, -9 Culture, -9 Diplo, +1 diplo, and -4 econ, -1 Econ.
Econ: 14+12=26-4-1=21-5(Overflow->Wealth)
Wealth: 2+4=6+1(Efficient Economy)+5(Overflow)=12(Ding fucking Ding) I think I did the math right on the overflow there.
Diplo: 10-9=1+1+1=3
Culture: 15+1=16-9=7
Mysticism: 16+6=22-9=13+2=15
Tech: 6
Stability: 1+1(Wealth Over 10)=2
Given their walls I think Terrify will give more bang for our buck than another war mission. They're a settled people, remember, and they know we can wipe the floor with them. My hope is that Terrify will push them to surrender outright.
Found a mercenary company, I don't really trust that our martial will stay away from red with it as high as it is, and we need one for the northern trade post in a few turns anyhow.
We can do both! Doing both actions will still leave us over the 10 wealth threshold for stability and it will use Megaproject Support to the maximum potential.
If we do games +docks+trails that is...
-9 myst, -9 Culture, -9 Diplo, +1 diplo, and -4 econ, -1 Econ.
Econ: 14+12=26-4-1=21-5(Overflow->Wealth)
Wealth: 2+4=6+1(Efficient Economy)+5(Overflow)=12(Ding fucking Ding) I think I did the math right on the overflow there.
Diplo: 10-9=1+1+1=3
Culture: 15+1=16-9=7
Mysticism: 16+6=22-9=13+2=15
Tech: 6
Stability: 1+1(Wealth Over 10)=2
We provinces have 2x Main actions now, which means we should expect them to go
{M} International Games x2 (doubled by The Law)
{M} Great Docks
So you are going to be down 2 Econ, and therefore 2 overflow Wealth.
Found a mercenary company, I don't really trust that our martial will stay away from red with it as high as it is, and we need one for the northern trade post in a few turns anyhow.
[X] [Mega] Upgrade Best of the Best to Life of Arete
[X] [Main] International Games
[X] [Secondary] New Trails
[X] [Secondary] Change Policy - Megaproject Support
[X] [Guild] Grand Docks