"I am frightened, but aroused."

rofl: I ship it. I get the feeling she'd be more likely to try and gut him like a fish if they meet again, though.
Kings Do Not Kneel (Three): Gain +1 Martial every phase during a Take the Crown or Great Power war
Gain +2 Diplo -> Overflows to +2 Culture
This is nice. Makes taking The King Still Stands a much better choice.
A lot of options to pick from. Hmm, some of these will be very tentative votes, I think. May change depending on analysis.
[X] [Mystic] Search the entire kingdom for someone who might understand her and put her at ease (-1 Mystic, -1 Econ, -1 Wealth, -1 Culture)
This is the very least we could do for her. She really has no one since her brother was killed.
[X] [Hero] Organizing all of this was hell, but one clerk refused to buckle (Heroic to Genius level administrator)
Our Administrator Heroes are awesome, Genius ones must be epic and that would be fascinating to see.
[X] [Prov] Integrate Stallions (-6 Diplo, +5 Econ, +5 Econ Expansion, +8 Mysticism, +4 Culture, +2 Tech, +10 Martial, new core province)
I mean, we've been planning on doing this forever so might as well. Gulvalley is also not a bad choice.
[] [React] Build more aqueducts (-2 & -3 Econ to complete aqueducts in Redshore and Redhills)
[] [React] Main Plant Poppies
[X] [React] Megaproject - The Games
-[X] [React] Kick Megaproject
The Megaproject, I guess? It's a choice between these three, I think.
[X] [Policy] Infrastructure (+1 Free Progress to an infrastructure project (Aqueduct, governor's palace, saltern, etc.)/turn) x1
[X] [Policy] Special: Forestry (+1 Sustainable Forest and -1 Econ Expansion/2 turns)
This one is pretty easy. More infrastructure and start working on spreading our forests.
[] [Bonus] Upgrade a random value
[X] [Bonus] Free Main Proclaim Glory
[] [Bonus] Free Main Build Theatre
[] [Bonus] At least two technology upgrades (exploding rolls)
I want them all

Since I've picked the Games, guess I'll go for Proclaim Glory to boost our stability. Actually, if we pick the Games and Proclaim Glory, then I think we'll end up with 3 stability at the end of it and a completed Megaproject. Pretty ridiculous when you think about the war we've just fought.