Seriously, there's no reason to make this a war to the knife. Tribute is something we can afford, and it leaves us both still strong to handle our homefront concerns, and it allows each side to save face. It's a wonderful opportunity to end Great War One.
Actually, this is a great opportunity. If we can peace out the Khemetri, we get to CUT TRELLI OUT OF TRADE!

Like, most of the goods we trade with trelli are indirectly with Khemetri,

[] Plant Khemetri Trading Post
Deviously evil Wise Wolf.

Also gives the Trelli a great excuse to attack us out of panic as their funds disappear. And we want them to take a stab at us.
Let's just get the peace for now. In two turns after we recover we can conquer the Highlanders. Next time they won't be there to stab us in the back while we're fighting the Khemetri.
[X] Offer tribute (-5 Prestige, -10 Wealth, keeps King of the Hill, chance of +1 Stability)

They probably still have troops at home to ship in, since their supply distance are too long to for them to immediately apply their full force.

The fact that we havent seen our own perspective here worries me as well. For all we know something is burning up north while we are brawling here.
[X] The war will continue (War continues, have mid-turn actions before next War Mission rolls to potentially regenerate forces)

In the grim darkness of the far past, there is only WAR!
I like the image of a feathered dragon.
one of the reactions will almost certaintly include making the warband into a proper mercenary band.
[X] Offer tribute (-5 Prestige, -10 Wealth, keeps King of the Hill, chance of +1 Stability)

I was originally believing this would be a permanent tribute, basically bribing them off of killing us, but with AN word, it is clearly more the sons attempt to hint that he'd love to stop, but first he would have to rule for that...
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The Legacy is useful if we are fighting in a defensive war.
Not taking peace now would be actively wanting to fight the Khemetri, and I doubt it would be taken as a defensive war for Divine Stewards purposes.

Even with our genius general we're still in danger of losing Gulvalley.
Plus, it is the way of the People to accept peace when it is offered. and the Prince obviously understands the power of peace and the horrors of war.

We should send them a trade mission next turn though, while the Prince is still alive, in order to preserve good relations with each other.

The legacy is explicitly about king of the hill wars, which this war is. It has absolutely no fucking use or advantage in any other context. In short it's a shit legacy, but this is the one day where the stars align and shine just so, making this legacy actually useful. So yes I say we bloody use it, we sacrificed a chance to upgrade we have reserves for it for fuck sake (gee who would av thought we could possibly use a quick martial boost).

And yes I have partaken of a bit of salt.
Yeah, a good point, we've still got the constant threat of steppe herpes up north. Best to get this over with now that we have a chance to let both polities walk away happy, rather than bleeding ourselves white. We get our clay back, we pay some cash (Which we have in abundance, especially since our econ is still high), and we remain two Great Powers.

Like, this all basically happened practically because of a mistake anyway, let's not make it a war to the knife when we don't have to.

A reminder to everyone. The Byzantine Empire and the Sassanid Empire were the greatest Empires of their age, but because neither were willing to compromise they fought each other to near extinction. Then the Islamic Tribes under Muhammad and Ali came out of the Arabian Peninsula and destroyed the the latter and cut the former down to a fraction of it's former size, as they were too exhausted to fight off another army led by Heroic Generals and Leaders.

That's the most likely end scenario for us if this war goes on. We will punch each other into the ground and then some other fucker takes us both out.
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Seriously, there's no reason to make this a war to the knife. Tribute is something we can afford, and it leaves us both still strong to handle our homefront concerns, and it allows each side to save face. It's a wonderful opportunity to end Great War One.

Because at lot of people aren´t ether happy with them getting something out of a war that they started or want to see them crash so that they aren´t a danger for us for a long time both of these need us to keep fighting.
If we press them now there will be no other next big fight for centuries

There is still a father-son nomad hero team in the north, and you have three major groups of them anyway. The father is cool with you guys, but he'll be gone soon, and if there is one thing nomads love, its rich and militarily distracted neighbours.

@Academia Nut How would the Khemetri react to us growing Poppies after paying them tribute? How would the Khemetri react to us sending them a Trade Mission?

"That's cool."

Huh... So, how will the Khemetri react to losing King Of The Hill?

So long as they get a nice bribe out of it, they'll deal.
[X] Offer tribute (-5 Prestige, -10 Wealth, keeps King of the Hill, chance of +1 Stability)
ok which option follows in most with our founding policy of eye for an eye?

If we offer them tribute, their king - the one properly responsible for the war - will die. I'm new here, but I seem to recall something about proportionate justice, not rivers of blood for every offense.

[X] Offer tribute (-5 Prestige, -10 Wealth, keeps King of the Hill, chance of +1 Stability)