Oh god this is going to be a shitshow just like the last time we had anything tax flavored that needed being voted on.
Choose a philosophy
[] [Law] Honour the gods
[] [Law] Maintain stability
[] [Law] Balance of interests
[] [Law] Community health
[] [Law] Flexibility
[] [Law] Practicality of enforcement
Honour the gods is begging for getting back towards a theocracy, do not pick this.
Maintain stability risks papering over problems and squashing dissent. Sometimes we do need to go unstable just to fix something.
Practicality of enforcement was an old concern...it bears thinking about but we may finally be able to avoid taking it this time.
How can taxes be paid?
[] [Tax] Coin only
[] [Tax] Food or coin
[] [Tax] Labour or coin
[] [Tax] Food, labour, or coin
Food, labour, or coin only is basically no progress and shouldn't be picked.
Can food be sold?
[] [Food] Food should not be traded outside the kingdom, except perhaps in times of crisis
[] [Food] When granaries are full, those with excess should be able to distribute the fruits of their labour as they see fit
[] [Food] The crown will maintain emergency supplies through taxation, the rest is not their concern
The third option is too free market/stupid. Food is still an important security resource. 1 v 2 is about wealth vs maintaining security by starving neighbours.
Change the heir?
[] [Heir] No, compromise is good (Mediocre Admin and Martial, Average Diplo)
[] [Heir] Let the wise lead us (Poor Martial, Mediocre Admin and Diplo, Heroic Mystic)
[] [Heir] A strong general is needed in these times (Mediocre Admin and Diplo, Excellent Martial)
No real horrible bad choice here. Strong general is actually okay if we get jumped by the Trelli as a pick to hedge our bets.
Upon completion of the law, choose a bonus
[] [Bonus] Upgrade government to Classical Elective Monarchy
[] [Bonus] Gain new Social Value slot
[] [Bonus] Randomly upgrade a value
[] [Bonus] Enter Golden Age immediately
[] [Bonus] Gain at least two tech upgrades (Admin and Social biased, exploding rolls)
New low level social values tend to be either bad or have bad drawbacks. We're late enough in the game that we shouldn't be picking a new one up.
None of the others jump out as being actively stupid choices.
[X] [Law] Community health
[X] [Tax] Labour or coin
[X] [Food] When granaries are full, those with excess should be able to distribute the fruits of their labour as they see fit
[X] [Heir] Let the wise lead us (Poor Martial, Mediocre Admin and Diplo, Heroic Mystic)
[X] [Bonus] Upgrade government to Classical Elective Monarchy
Keeping communities healthy should serve as a feeder itself to stability and other things while not focusing wholly on that.
Moving away from food as a currency and as a commodity, giving farmers and out to acquire coin if they're doing well.
I'll take the Heroic Mystic, there are some study type actions that have piled up that we can work on.
Upgrading the government tends to be pretty hard whilst tech advances do come fairly regularly. I understand the appeal of taking those or even a value upgrade since that comes basically never.