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Well, these are some options. No clue what I'll have to choose, so I'm just gonna have to do a quick rundown of the options we have at the moment. (Please note, the two main things I'm going to be looking at right here are the immediate, relative-to-the-current-situation point, as well as the assumed connection to our developing worldview via [Reflective].)

[ ] Try to get the three scouts you've broken through to to stand down entirely and surrender at once. It will basically announce that a fight is about to begin, but cut the scouts' numbers very neatly. You're certain you can manage this, the way things are right now.
For me, this would be the "safe" diplomacy option as far as [Reflective] goes. Due to the text, we're almost guaranteed (excepting an act of god to the contrary) to succeed, giving us a minute, but almost certain win for our diplomacy skills. In the short term, though, it means we will lose the element of surprise in the coming fight. At this moment, I'm not too worried about the element of surprise, seeing as Berra showed up with several teams worth of warriors, each of which I can assume would be at least helpful in a fight... thus, this is one of the options I'm currently leaning towards.

[ ] Try to deepen the divide among the scouts, pushing harder to convince more of them that you don't have to be enemies. You doubt that the leader will have the patience to let you convince the new doubters to stand down completely afterwards; they'll probably attack rather than let the disunity spread. The resulting fight would be fairly chaotic, with uncertain loyalties in the mix. This would be tougher -- both sides of the argument are getting entrenched -- but you know you can do it, and you wouldn't lose anything you have now by trying.
This, as I see it, would be the "semi-safe" option for [Reflective] Diplomacy. On the one hand, it literally says that we won't lose anything by trying. On the other, with this option there is a very real chance that if we cause a breakdown in negotiations we would see this as a loss instead of a win. And should we choose this and negotiations break down we might be dropped into an interesting game of "Who's our enemy, What's our friend, and I Don't Know's playing both sides against each other." While the "you can't lose" aspect of trying harder is nice, the chaos that it might bring to the battlefield really turns me away from this option.

[ ] Try to negotiate a complete cease-fire. It'll mean making promises backed by your position of authority, and definitely will take some of your people scrambling to get Meerak to a radio to vouch for your sincerity and trustworthiness, but if you convince enough of the scouts that a fight isn't necessary right now, you may be able to pressure the leader into admitting that a surrender is his only choice. But you're not even sure if it's possible...
This option, in my opinion, is the "gamble" diplomacy option. I mean, it seems really good... if we can pull it off. Should we succeed, this would be a Major victory for Kakara, and might well become a defining moment in creating our future personality. That being said, it also seems like it has the most potential to go wrong. We might end up screwing up with dad, making promises without him. We might end up getting screwed on the radio angle, if only by simple bad luck of our people not getting Meerak on the radio fast enough to vouch for us before it's necessary. The leader is already suspicious that we're stalling for time, so we'd also have to do this FAST, something I'm not entirely sure we can do. And then there's the real chance that a million other things can go wrong... mayhaps Dandeer sent a rescue party for her precious son whom she loves so very much... you get my point.
The way I'm thinking though, I'm pretty sure that if we try this and it fails for whatever reason, it will probably have a pretty negative effect on Kakara, especially if it comes down to violence and someone gets hurt. And as someone who is already confused about her Pacifism, handing her a massive failure in diplomacy probably won't do her any favors... thus I'm a little hesitant to vote for this one.

[ ] Give the order to attack immediately. You can't risk the civilians. With the ambush your father has set up and the scouts' division and distraction, this will be over in a heartbeat.
This is the other option I'm leaning towards, if only because it is the "get shit done" option. Plus, it fits in with our current mindset a la [Reflection]: value life, be willing to step in.

So I dunno... gonna have to give this one a little more thought.
I like this vote, but I'd also like to plan a small contingency, if possible.

[X] Try to negotiate a complete cease-fire. It'll mean making promises backed by your position of authority, and definitely will take some of your people scrambling to get Meerak to a radio to vouch for your sincerity and trustworthiness, but if you convince enough of the scouts that a fight isn't necessary right now, you may be able to pressure the leader into admitting that a surrender is his only choice. But you're not even sure if it's possible...
-[X] If their leader accuses you of buying time for more forces or notices the forces your father has positioned, admit that of course they came when your school was attacked, but they have agreed to hold back so as not to interfere with the first real diplomatic contact you've had other than with Meerak.
Hm. My thoughts on the update- not on the debate, which I lack time to follow.


Alien with Power Level 500,000, looking at Jaron

"Is that boy trying to fight? Can't he see that it's hopeless?[/i]"


"That boy won't quit as long as he can still draw a breath. None of my teammates will. Me? I've got a different problem. I feel like I live a social life made of cardboard! Always taking care to hide from something. To hide from someone. Never allowing myself to really challenge the people I disagree with, even for a moment, or someone could cry. But you can hear me out, can't you, scouts? What we have here is a rare opportunity for me to cut loose- and show you just how persuasive I really am!"

[talk talk talk talk]


Also, WHEW that Deceit check was close.
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I will further note that, based on Poptart's description of the rolls during the fight at the end of the Prologue...

in terms of opposed Communications checks, it sounds as though these scouts were literally as outclassed as little children trying to fight a grown man. Because these rolls were about as lopsided as the combat rolls between Berra- an adult, full-power Super Saiyan, in his prime, with decades of combat training in a vast array of techniques- and two barely-transformed super-saiyan nine year olds.
I will further note that, based on Poptart's description of the rolls during the fight at the end of the Prologue...

in terms of opposed Communications checks, it sounds as though these scouts were literally as outclassed as little children trying to fight a grown man. Because these rolls were about as lopsided as the combat rolls between Berra- an adult, full-power Super Saiyan, in his prime, with decades of combat training in a vast array of techniques- and two barely-transformed super-saiyan nine year olds.
We are good at talking. We can talk the talk, we have trouble walking the walk.
I will further note that, based on Poptart's description of the rolls during the fight at the end of the Prologue...

in terms of opposed Communications checks, it sounds as though these scouts were literally as outclassed as little children trying to fight a grown man. Because these rolls were about as lopsided as the combat rolls between Berra- an adult, full-power Super Saiyan, in his prime, with decades of combat training in a vast array of techniques- and two barely-transformed super-saiyan nine year olds.

We are a social build.
Can someone draw a picture of Kakara floating looking the scout leader in the eye? It is a really funny image in my head.
I am a bit surprised that our communication is only talented. I would think that we are Exceptional by now. Or I am guessing we will be soon right after this. Might even level up decit as well.
Speaking of surprise, I am experiencing it at the fact that Dandeer hasn't ordered a vegetan rescue operation since the aliens attacked her son's school.
This... concerns me actually. Do we or dad know if she knows of the attack? If she comes storming in she could ruin the whole discussion, because as previously stated, she doesn't give a crap about humans.
Maybe we could tell dad to make sure no one tries to interfere? Of course that opens up the problem of if things DO go south, he wouldn't be close enough to help on time...
I need to think on this one...
I am a bit surprised that our communication is only talented. I would think that we are Exceptional by now. Or I am guessing we will be soon right after this. Might even level up decit as well.
As Poptart said, we are earning xp and when we chose command training over PM we had a chance to level both communication and intrigue. We didn't but we should be closer still to it now so we might level up communication.
Oh shit. I just realized each level of negotiation will probably require progressively higher levels of deception. And is it just me or wouldn't trying to do the full cease fire have a sizable chance of causing the chaotic fight where we don't know which of the scouts to attack anymore? I mean, it makes sense that if we're trying to go further than widening the divide that there'll be a stretch of failure that works like that.
I am a bit surprised that our communication is only talented. I would think that we are Exceptional by now. Or I am guessing we will be soon right after this. Might even level up decit as well.
Honestly, I've been thinking for a while now that we might have a bit of a bias with regards to how good or bad the various skills levels indicate. Like, I'm fairly sure "Untrained" is average, and "Competent" is the average trained professional. Can you give us a better idea on this, @PoptartProdigy?

Also, we've got Traits out the wazoo:
Compelling Presence: When you speak, people listen. Something about your words draws and fascinates those around you. You have an almost indefinable charisma about you that draws people's attention whenever you have something to say. Minor bonus to all Communication checks and moderate boosts to take charge of a situation.
Decisive: While level-headed, you recognize that when a crisis beckons the time for waiting has passed and the time for action has come. In a time-critical situation, gain a small bonus to all actions that resolve or defuse the situation swiftly.
Inquisitive: You like to know things and are none too shy about poking around until you find them out. Gain a small bonus to all actions to gather information.
Level-Headed: You are a calm girl, at heart. You don't react to provocation easily, and keep your head when somebody is doing their level best to set you off. Gain a small bonus to all calm or patient actions.
Oddball: What everybody can agree on is that your mind works in strange ways. You tend to take people off-balance. Gain a slight bonus to any check involving you acting in unconventional ways, and a moderate bonus to take others off-guard in doing so.
Socializer: You don't have many friends, but you like people, and it's hurt you deeply to be able to talk to so few of them. But when you get the chance, you tend to seek out others. Gain a small bonus to all Communication checks.
We benefited from no less then 4 small bonus, and 2 moderate bonuses in addition to our base skill. If it was for Reflective, we'd have these as well:
Convictions: A fearful whisper, let loose by Dandeer Vegeta, made you fear for your integrity and possible likeness to Lord Vegeta. Upon confronting this, you found...nothing. You aren't like him, and your behavior was not out of line. You were in the right, and the knowledge of this has strengthened your faith in yourself. Gain a small bonus to all actions taken in what you believe to be in the service of right. DISABLED BY "REFLECTIVE."
Pacifist [Foundational Trait]: After hard experiences and a great deal of thought, you have refined your earlier opinions on fighting and violence. Where once you avoided them out of simple distaste, you now do so out of moral obligation. They aren't unpleasant, they're wrong. You still need to learn how to live this way in a society filled with hot-blooded fighters, but you have your beliefs. You gain combat traits, abilities, and skills more slowly, and may encounter barriers to improvement that cannot be surpassed without exceptional pressure. You experience moderate vote weighting at all times against courses of action that result in violence. You gain a small bonus to any check that de-escalates a situation or peacefully resolves it. This may be developed further...DISABLED BY "REFLECTIVE."
Open-Armed: You know that there are more questions to answer about your beliefs, but you've answered at least one. Those who oppose you don't have to be hurt in order to stop. You can offer them the chance to turn back. Gain a minor bonus to all attempts to "redeem" your opponents from their courses of action. DISABLED BY "REFLECTIVE."
That'd have been another 3 small bonuses. I wonder how crazy we could get with all those traits fully upgraded? :D
Yeah, with these rolls you're getting some live XP there, no question.
If we successfully negotiate a cease-fire, would that be enough for us to unlock Elite for Communication? Or would that require doing so with the entire fleet? :whistle:

Side-note: I've been wondering, if/when we complete "A Cause" in a satisfying manner, would/will gain some sort of permanent reward? Like, +5 Willpower permanently, to indicate that while not longer having such a thing driving us forward, we've grown from the experience?

Edit: Oh, and can I just thank you for brightening up my day? Woke up really sick, so it took me a few hours to get to reading, but it really cheered me up. :)
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Honestly, I've been thinking for a while now that we might have a bit of a bias with regards to how good or bad the various skills levels indicate. Like, I'm fairly sure "Untrained" is average, and "Competent" is the average trained professional. Can you give us a better idea on this, @PoptartProdigy?
"Untrained," refers to somebody who has no particular proficiency. "Competent," is how you'd describe somebody who's good at something. "Talented," is somebody good enough to teach in the subject -- very well learned and qualified, but not necessarily the bleeding edge. "Exceptional," is how you define those at the top of their craft -- the best. "Elite," and, "Legendary," refer to true genii -- the best of the best, and the best of them.
If we successfully negotiate a cease-fire, would that be enough for us to unlock Elite for Communication? Or would that require doing so with the entire fleet? :whistle:
Not yet. :p
Side-note: I've been wondering, if/when we complete "A Cause" in a satisfying manner, would/will gain some sort of permanent reward? Like, +5 Willpower permanently, to indicate that while not longer having such a thing driving us forward, we've grown from the experience?
There will be something, be assured of that.
Edit: Oh, and can I just thank you for brightening up my day? Woke up really sick, so it took me a few hours to get to reading, but it really cheered me up. :)
I'm glad. :)
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