They're allowed to do basically anything but they will try to generate resources, yeah. Main Expand Economy is an option I'd be happy to see them use since we're spending the full output from the baby boom so getting some extra would be nice, and it'd ensure Sacred Forest doesn't pop.

+4 econ is easily worth losing the +1 Diplo from better trails IMO.
I don't think "basically anything" applies while on a specific policy, so they're almost certainly just going to expand econ, yeah. Which like you said is pretty useful, though i personally would rather see a main docks for boat innovations, as my vote suggests :p Even if our subordinates take boat and dock actions, we need a lot of innovations to catch up to the trelli. Personally i'm hoping for enough actions, and good enough rolls that we get 4+ innovation triggers this turn, and just get to pick a design to finish :V (and while that doesn't seem likely, i think, say, 4 boosted chances for innovation is way better than 3)
Also the reason for preferring the main trails is not the +1 diplo, its 1. the narrative effects, since the main will lead to bigger and better roads 2. the likely increased chance of getting tech out of it, especially since we have mortar now, and 3. the possibility that we'll get 2 progress towards increasing cent cap with a main
Honestly even if 3 isn't the case i think finding out whether its the case is worth a lot, cause it helps us plan a lot better
Good point!

[X][Main] Grand Palace
[X][Main] Grand Palace x2
[X][Main] Proclaim Glory
[X][Secondary] Build Docks
[X][Secondary] Build Docks x2
[X][Secondary] Influence Subordinate - Lowland Minors
[X][Secondary] New Trails
[X][Secondary] New Trails x2
[X][Secondary] Support Subordinate - Western Trade Post
[X][Secondary] Trade Mission - Trelli
[X][Secondary] Trade Mission - Highland Kingdom
[Q][Tertiary] Space Mission - The Moon
I'm not sure what a vote like that is supposed to accomplish. Like, if you were voting for everything except one option, I could maybe see it, but you've basically voted for everything on the tally. That is equivalent to voting for nothing.
I wonder if the TS negaverse will keep fuming at us because they seem to be unable to get anywhere in religious pilgrimage because we kept increasing our connectivity through better ships and better trails.
I'm not sure what a vote like that is supposed to accomplish. Like, if you were voting for everything except one option, I could maybe see it, but you've basically voted for everything on the tally. That is equivalent to voting for nothing.
I'm voting for everything I'm okay with winning. Welcome to approval voting, it kicks the worst part of First Past The Post in the face when voters are able to use it (and actually do it).
It seems that everyone is figuring out approval voting now. They realized that they don't HAVE to not vote for their favorite options while still engaging in strategic voting.
Anyway here is the tally
Vote Tally : Original - Paths of Civilization | Page 3073 | Sufficient Velocity [Posts: 76826-77212]
##### NetTally 1.9.9
[1] Proclaim Glory

Task: Main
[44][Main] Grand Palace
[19][Main] Grand Palace x2
[10][Main] More Boats
[5][Main] Found Mercenary Company
[3][main] Build Docks
[3][Main] Proclaim Glory
[2][Main] More Boats x2
[1][Main] New Trails
[1][Main] Integrate March
[1][Main] Build Docks x2

Task: secondary
[30][secondary] New Trails
[21][secondary] New Trails x2
[15][Secondary] Build Docks
[13][Secondary] Build Docks x2
[5][Secondary] Found Mercenary Company
[5][Secondary] Found Mercenary Company x2
[4][Secondary] Support Subordinate - Western Trade Post
[4][Secondary] Influence Subordinate - Lowland Minors
[4][Secondary] More Boats
[4][Secondary] Expand Economy
[3][Secondary] Trade Mission - Highland Kingdom
[2][Secondary] Study Alchemy
[2][Secondary] Trade Mission - Trelli
[2][Secondary] Study Metal
[1][Secondary] Trade Mission-Thunder Speakers
[1][Secondary] More Boats x2
[1][Secondary] Trade mission-Into the Wild (Eastern Sea)
[1][Secondary] Expand Econ
[1][Secondary] Trade Mission - Tin Tribes
[1][Secondary] Influence Subordinate

Task: Kick
[1][Kick] Grand Palace
[1][Kick] Palace
Total No. of Voters: 64

Hopefully this will help people consolidate as we have a lot of single digit votes.

From what I can see, it 's a combination of people wanting increased cent to take WC later, and people wanting more roads to work towards increasing the cent cap.

I'm personally not too bothered by not voting for docks because AN said that our subordinates can also proc these innovations, and our trading posts should at least do some boat/dock actions if none of the other subordinates do.
Well it doesn't really help any of the options win really :/
It seems that everyone is figuring out approval voting now. They realized that they don't HAVE to not vote for their favorite options while still engaging in strategic voting.
I personally still dislike it.
Changed mind. If subordinates can proc innovations using the special we should just make trails.

[X] [Main] Grand Palace
[X] [Secondary] New Trails
[X] [Secondary] New Trails x2
Flipping vote because apparently the other way is more popular (tabulation is dumb)

[X][Main] More Boats
[X][Secondary] Found Mercenary Company
[X][Secondary] Found Mercenary Company x2

But the winning current vote ignores the special, which is...something, as usual.
God, apprival voting is ugly.

Like, I don't mind it in principal, as long as we're all playing buy the same rules instead of only a handful of us using completely different voting rules.

But it's still ugly.

Well as long as a single secondary New Trails does not win, I can manage.(feels like a waste of Centralization to do a secondary)

Still prefer taking advantage of the special. We have already seen before that we can grab two advancements if we put enough effort!

Well as long as a single secondary New Trails does not win, I can manage.(feels like a waste of Centralization to do a secondary)

Still prefer taking advantage of the special. We have already seen before that we can grab two advancements if we put enough effort!
That one seems to have been a critical success, since unless i'm missing somethign we only had the one boat action that turn:
Greenshore – [Main] Sailing Mission – Rivers, [Main] More Boats

Although, interestingly enough the rough seas had prompted the traders at Greenshore to go into another boat building period, and they had been working on new designs that could better handle the rougher waters and the increasing frequency with which boats were getting swept out into deep water, far from shore.

What did the boat builders come up with?
[] [Boats] Improve current design (Current design becomes longship)
[] [Boats] New design: speed + size
[] [Boats] New design: size x2
[] [Boats] New design: speed x2
Though i think i emember speculating that AN had just forgotten to roll for innovations the turn before, when we had docks and boats but no innovation chance:
Greenshore – [Main] Build Dock, [Main] Build Boats

But yeah, more boat chances would be great...i have a dream that us, greenshore, western wall, hatvalley, and tinriver will all take boat or dock actions, and we'll roll well enough for 4 design improvements...and just get a vote that's:
Choose which design to start and finish this turn:
[] Finish <Outrigger/seaworthiness proper name>
-[] Start another design with 1 advance
[] Start and Finish new design: Galley
[] Start and finish new design: Trimeme
[] Start and finish new design: <other boat>

I dont think thats likely, but i do think if we do a docks ourselves, and hopefully trigger the narrative effects of symphony, if not the full "free action", from us and our subordinates doing the same thing, that we can get 2 or 3 innovations out of this turn, which will do a lot to catch up with the trelli...
That one seems to have been a critical success, since unless i'm missing somethign we only had the one boat action that turn:

Though i think i emember speculating that AN had just forgotten to roll for innovations the turn before, when we had docks and boats but no innovation chance:

But yeah, more boat chances would be great...i have a dream that us, greenshore, western wall, hatvalley, and tinriver will all take boat or dock actions, and we'll roll well enough for 4 design improvements...and just get a vote that's:
Choose which design to start and finish this turn:
[] Finish <Outrigger/seaworthiness proper name>
-[] Start another design with 1 advance
[] Start and Finish new design: Galley
[] Start and finish new design: Trimeme
[] Start and finish new design: <other boat>

I dont think thats likely, but i do think if we do a docks ourselves, and hopefully trigger the narrative effects of symphony, if not the full "free action", from us and our subordinates doing the same thing, that we can get 2 or 3 innovations out of this turn, which will do a lot to catch up with the trelli...
At the same time, I do think that with so many boats, having more docks will be necessary to both house them and get full use out of them.

If we are going to be trying for a golden age over the next couple of turn, anyone want to conjecture what stats it will be based on?
All of them:V

We are that full on stats.
Yay for not getting crushed underfoot immediately! We're not out of the woods yet, though... I recommend that we send more trade missions to Trelli to a) reassure them that we want peaceful trade, the strategic trading post is just insurance; and b) gather intel about what they're up to.

[X] [Main] Found mercenary company
[X] [Secondary] Build Docks
[X] [Secondary] Trade mission - Trelli

ETA Useful though trails are, right now we should probably take advantage of the special to boost our water connectivity. Especially since we don't know what the Trelli actually plan on doing.
Last edited:
[X][Main] Found Mercenary Company
[X][Main] Found Mercenary Company x2
[X][Main] New Trails
[X][Main] New Trails x2
[X][Secondary] Found Mercenary Company
[X][Secondary] Found Mercenary Company x2
[X][Secondary] New Trails
[X][Secondary] New Trails x2

Man this vote is ugly.