Diplomacy 8 [+2]
Economy 5 (+1) [-2]
Econ Expansion 11 [+2]
Martial 7 {9}
Wealth 8 [+2-1]

Stability 1 (confident)
Legitimacy 3 (max)

Centralization 4
Hierarchy 7
Religious Authority 3


Art 9
Mysticism 15 [+1]
Prestige 42

Climate Instability: Random damage to Econ, Econ Expansion, and Stability each turn for the next 2-6? turns (IMMUNE)
King of the Hill: You are the most prestigious polity around, gaining you +1 Diplomacy a turn, but all other groups gain the 'Take the Crown' casus belli
Disrupted Trade:
Wealth gained from trade dominance halved
Tax reform needed - Lose 1-3 Wealth per turn until complete The Law (Iron Age) megaproject. Prereqs to unlock: The Census?, Grand Palace?
PilgrimageLeadingThunder Speakers

Guys pay some Attention to this, the Thunder Speakers took our position as the dominating religion

It's obvious that they either wish to convert us and thus vassalize us or create a religious conflict within our people

We now need to build temples whether we like it or not

E: naturally we need to do this after the coming turn of absorbing the stallions and starting the palace,

My suggestion for this would be to switch policy to spiritual the next turn if we get a white peace with the TH
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I mean, if people really think that integrating Stallions here and now is worth it, okay, fine, but I would prefer us to wait until after Palace because admin burden can't not increase, I suspect.

That works too, I suppose. In that case I would suggest double main palace to complete it faster so we can maintain administrative control.

That's the idea, yes; double Main Palace, Secondary on either Econ propping up, Martial or Wealth or maybe Distribute Lands.
Maybe Poppies?
Or another War Mission...although I'd prefer to have AN's word on possibility of negotiations because I'd really like to make peace with at least one of Swamp People and Thunder Horse.
Oh. Survey to fish for Wildcat trigger for -Centralization.

First you have to demonstrate strength by winning some victories, or they won't even consider peace. Why get some gold when you can kill the guy offering it and take all the gold?

Wonderful. Well,there goes the idea.

Very tentatively,
[X] [Main] Grand Palace
[X] [Main] Grand Palace x2
[X] [Secondary] Build Chariots

Idea: more chariots because they are by far the best unit we have for the Lowlands, Palace now. Will Integrate right after Palace to be pretty sure we are safe from Admin overstrain via integration.
Guys pay some Attention to this, the Thunder Speakers took our position as the dominating religion

It's obvious that they either wish to convert us and thus vassalize us or create a religious conflict within our people

We now need to build temples whether we like it or not

They haven't taken it, they're threatening it, the same as during the midturn. I'm guessing they're focusing hard on boosting their RA, since the climate isn't too awful for them. Hopefully we'll learn more about the negatives and positives of high RA by observation.
[X] [Main] Grand Palace
[X] [Secondary] Integrate March - Stallion Tribes
[X] [Secondary] Integrate March - Stallion Tribes x2
[X] [Main] Grand Palace
[X] [Secondary] Integrate March - Stallion Tribes
[X] [Secondary] Integrate March - Stallion Tribes x2
[X] [Main] Grand Palace
[X] [Secondary] Integrate March - Stallion Tribes
[X] [Secondary] Integrate March - Stallion Tribes x2
[X] [Main] Grand Palace
[X] [Secondary] Integrate March - Stallion Tribes
[X] [Secondary] Integrate March - Stallion Tribes x2

Would have like to forest or road, but this is ok.
I mean, if people really think that integrating Stallions here and now is worth it, okay, fine, but I would prefer us to wait until after Palace because admin burden can't not increase, I suspect.

That's the idea, yes; double Main Palace, Secondary on either Econ propping up, Martial or Wealth or maybe Distribute Lands.
Maybe Poppies?
Or another War Mission...although I'd prefer to have AN's word on possibility of negotiations because I'd really like to make peace with at least one of Swamp People and Thunder Horse.
Oh. Survey to fish for Wildcat trigger for -Centralization.

Wonderful. Well,there goes the idea.

Very tentatively,
[X] [Main] Grand Palace
[X] [Main] Grand Palace x2
[X] [Secondary] Build Chariots

Idea: more chariots because they are by far the best unit we have for the Lowlands, Palace now. Will Integrate right after Palace to be pretty sure we are safe from Admin overstrain via integration.

IMO it should be more like this:

[X] [Main] Grand Palace
[X] [Main] Grand Palace x2
[X] [Secondary] Expand Economy

Ending this war more quickly will free up more actions later. I doubt diplomacy will work until it's clear to them that they will lose.
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I mean, if people really think that integrating Stallions here and now is worth it, okay, fine, but I would prefer us to wait until after Palace because admin burden can't not increase, I suspect.

That's the idea, yes; double Main Palace, Secondary on either Econ propping up, Martial or Wealth or maybe Distribute Lands.
Maybe Poppies?
Or another War Mission...although I'd prefer to have AN's word on possibility of negotiations because I'd really like to make peace with at least one of Swamp People and Thunder Horse.
Oh. Survey to fish for Wildcat trigger for -Centralization.

Wonderful. Well,there goes the idea.

Very tentatively,
[X] [Main] Grand Palace
[X] [Main] Grand Palace x2
[X] [Secondary] Build Chariots

Idea: more chariots because they are by far the best unit we have for the Lowlands, Palace now. Will Integrate right after Palace to be pretty sure we are safe from Admin overstrain via integration.
It shouldn't cause too much admin overstrain due to integration, since mechanically if I recall correctly integration of a subordinate lowers centralization, and narratively they should already have systems in place for governance since they have been almost autonomous for hundreds of years, and it should be easier to keep track of them as provinces instead of as a separate state.
[X] [Main] Grand Palace
[X] [Secondary] Integrate March - Stallion Tribes
[X] [Secondary] Integrate March - Stallion Tribes x2
[X][Main] Grand Palace
[X][Secondary] War Mission - Swamp Folk
[X][Secondary] Change Policy - Megaproject Support

Gogogogo wonder rush. Get the Grand Palace at least to get to administrative benefits before integration so everything isn't suddenly a huge mess.
[X][Main] Grand Palace
[X][Secondary] War Mission - Swamp Folk
[X][Secondary] Change Policy - Megaproject Support

Gogogogo wonder rush. Get the Grand Palace at least to get to administrative benefits before integration so everything isn't suddenly a huge mess.

EDIT: I think I agree with this.

[X] [Main] Grand Palace
[X] [Secondary] War Mission - Swamp Folk
[X] [Secondary] Change Policy - Megaproject Support
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[X] [Main] Grand Palace
[X] [Secondary] Integrate March - Stallion Tribes
[X] [Secondary] Integrate March - Stallion Tribes x2

We should change Policy, we are still on offense Policy. And Infrastructure can work on getting our side mega-projects up to snuff. We need more libraries.

Edit: I am not very attentive to detail.
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[X] [Main] Grand Palace
[X] [Secondary] Integrate March - Stallion Tribes
[X] [Secondary] Integrate March - Stallion Tribes x2
[X][Main] Integrate March - Stallion Tribes
[X] [Secondary] Plant Poppies
[X] [Secondary] Change Policy - Infrastructure

We need to change Policy, we are still on offense Policy. And Infrastructure can work on getting our side mega-projects up to snuff. We need more libraries.
We can't, we need to do at least a secondary war mission.
Why is everyone so focused on building the Palace now? We're sitting at 5 Econ with it being bound to cost 5-7 while we're on Offence policy and our country is basically falling apart.

[X] [Main] Integrate March - Stallion Tribes
[X] [Secondary] War Mission - Thunder Horse
[X] [Secondary] Change Policy - Balanced

Will the Red Banner automatically go along with the War Mission or do we have to put in a sub-vote for that?
I would prefer doing megaproject support and maining war ourselves. Having the provinces war for us for too long seems like a bad precedent, and this way leans us towards palace completion rather than triple (plus Red Banner, plus marches) war.

I'm also not sure about integrating the Stallions when they're supporting the minors. I dunno.
[X][Main] Grand Palace
[X][Secondary] War Mission - Swamp Folk
[X][Secondary] Change Policy - Megaproject Support

I think we can risk delaying the integration for 1 more turn.
This also would let us finish the Palace next turn with integrating them.
IMO it should be more like this:

[X] [Main] Grand Palace
[X] [Main] Grand Palace x2
[X] [Secondary] War Mission - Swamp Folk

Ending this war more quickly will free up more actions later. I doubt diplomacy will work until it's clear to them that they will lose.

We are sitting on Martial 7, which may not be enough to wage a somewhat distant war against two polities set hard on being at WAAAR; and plus at least one of them - Thunder Horses - seems to be martially inclined as the whole society.

It shouldn't cause too much admin overstrain due to integration, since mechanically if I recall correctly integration of a subordinate lowers centralization, and narratively they should already have systems in place for governance since they have been almost autonomous for hundreds of years, and it should be easier to keep track of them as provinces instead of as a separate state.

Could you please choose one?
Either it will not create additional strain, in which case there will be no oversight and there effectively was no integration, or there is more oversight, in which case there is more work to do, more to keep track of and generally more strain. You cannot have both, as far as I understand what the "strain" means.

@Academia Nut , could we get any idea how better/worse/same would integrating Stallions make our administrative situation?

Might also work. Thoughts, anyone?

Not enough war missions. Either Double Main + MP support or Offensive + Double Main Palace.
One secondary would likely seriously damage our vassal.
Will the Red Banner automatically go along with the War Mission or do we have to put in a sub-vote for that?
automatically, as per the paragraph stating the required secondary

the people voting for the double main palace should consider doing an econ action with their extra secondary
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