How to deal with foreign gods?
[] [RA] Stamp down on all of this (-2 Stability, +2 Religious Authority)
This is just too big a stability loss (and frankly, not all the incoming spiritual values are bad.)
[] [RA] Increase debates to determine the truth (-2 to +2 Religious Authority based on success of debates, potential shift in Spiritual Values)
This has the benefit of being very much the Ymaryn way. We consider, weight then regulate EVERYTHING.
[] [RA] The correct gods will make themselves known (-1 Religious Authority, potential shift in Spiritual Values)
"Will make themselves known" sounds like the sort of thing that could degrade love of wisdom. Definite no.
How to deal with the lowlanders? (Pick as many as you like)
We should probably only pick one (or at most two) with "potential war with vassal".
[] [Low] Force them to follow the spirit of the law (Potential stability loss, potential war with vassal)
Anti-slavery. Very attractive.
[] [Low] Crack down on their priests (-1 Stability, potential war with vassal, potential +1 Religious authority)
Long term, this probably would do the most for cultural integration. Short term, this does nothing but make them unhappy.
[] [Low] Restrict right to wage war to defensive only (Potential stability loss, potential war with vassal)
Very useful for defusing the lowlands, which is a high priority for us.
[] [Low] Introduce black soil to improve their conditions (Teaches black soil to vassal)
This will provide them with both a rudimentary sanitation and an econ boost. I think it's a nobrainer.
[] [Low] Introduce mill technology to improve their conditions (Teaches water mill to vassal)
This one's more problematic. The lowlands don't need even more ways to use their river advantage.
[] [Low] Permit their use of iron tools (Allows iron tools to be traded to vassal)
Good for their econ, but we'd be putting a timer on how soon iron got out. Maybe a century or so.
[] [Low] Send over assistance (Transfer 1 Econ + 1 Martial)
Not bad as a feelgood gesture, but we don't have the econ to spend.
War Goals for Highlanders
[] [High] Humiliate (+1 Prestige, completes immediately)
White Peace.
[] [High] Extra tribute (+2 Prestige, +2 Wealth, probably completes this turn)
Light Gray peace. You attacked us, so pay up some token luxuries for peace. Very Just, and we could use the wealth.
[] [High] Demand territory (+3 Prestige, +3 Wealth, +2 Econ, +4 Econ expansion, -1 Centralization, requires further military commitment, likely requires more actions)
Keep fighting. I think we've bitten off enough for now...
[] [High] Subjugate (+5 Prestige, +5 Wealth, gain new vassal, unlikely to complete this turn)
This is the 'it's time to conquer the lowlands' play. Which is pretty suicidal with Divine Stewards.
Deploy the Red Banner
[] [RB] Remain at rest
Good for mobility and further cultural integration.
[] [RB] Deploy north to guard against nomads
Not bad, but if the north goes this could lead to the RB going with it. It would also tend to isolate the RB from any reforms we might employ.
[] [RB] Deploy against Highlanders from Valleyhome
Good for cultural integration and defence.
[] [RB] Deploy against Highlanders from Hatvalley
Good for offense, and would get us a better view into Hatvalley culturally.
[] [RB] Deploy to assist vassal against the Swamp Folk
Putting them right back in the culture which they're already going a bit native to. Probably not a wise choice.
Trouble's brewing, how to prepare?
[] [React] Main Expand Econ
We're REALLY low on econ. If we want to support our subordinate, we should do this or Mills.
[] [React] Main Build Mills
I don't like burning through our Wealth with the Tax damage. Otherwise, this is a nice option.
[] [React] Main Improve Annual Festival
Stability and Art; not bad.
[] [React] Main Expand Forests
LTE and study forests. This is a bit underwhelming with our econ at 2.
[] [React] Main Survey
This would prep for more trails. Which we apparently need in spades.
You're having trouble with the management of cities, make Sacred Forest a Free City?
[] [City] Yes (Transfers 2 Econ + 2 Econ expansion, nulls cost of maintenance for Sacred Forest)
Takes away econ and econ expansion (which we need) and reduces the strain on our admin. We could seriously use that now. A tough choice.
[] [City] No
Maintain closer control over Sacred Forest. Would reduce their ability to operate independently. Since we might be raising Religious authority soon, this could end up being important.
Everyone else isn't coping with the weather well
[] [Refugee] Just those who come of their own initiative (Potential stab loss, +2 Econ)
[] [Refugee] Bring in a bit more than usual (-1 Stab, potential further loss, +4-5 Econ)
[] [Refugee] Encourage people to abandon their homes for you territory (-2 Stab, potential further loss, +6-8 Econ)
[] [Refugee] Let everyone know that your environment is stable (-3 Stab, potential further loss, +9-11 Econ, ???)
[] [Refugee] Bring in absolutely everyone you can (-4 Stab, potential further loss, +11-14 Econ, overcrowding, ???)
The usual. I don't think we should take a lot of refugees since we aren't THAT high on stability and are planning to get a big rush of Martial from the Stallions.
My preference:
[] [RA] Increase debates to determine the truth (-2 to +2 Religious Authority based on success of debates, potential shift in Spiritual Values)
[] [Low] Force them to follow the spirit of the law (Potential stability loss, potential war with vassal)
[] [Low] Introduce black soil to improve their conditions (Teaches black soil to vassal)
[] [Low] Send over assistance (Transfer 1 Econ + 1 Martial)
[] [Low] Introduce mill technology to improve their conditions (Teaches water mill to vassal)
[] [React] Main Expand Econ
[] [City] Yes (Transfers 2 Econ + 2 Econ expansion, nulls cost of maintenance for Sacred Forest)
[] [Refugee] Just those who come of their own initiative (Potential stab loss, +2 Econ)