Additionally, the Expand Forest and Study Forest actions are now merged.

For a short wonderful moment I misread that as Expand Economy and Study Forest now being merged. Now that would have been truly bullshit.

Also, I would like to note that we now have access to dinosaurtotally-dragon bones. Which we can make part of our pilgrimages, AKA turn them into part of our religion. This is the definition of awesome.

I wonder how dragons fit into the Ymaryn cosmology, actually. Are they rare creatures occasionally pop up and cause damage? A race of mystical monsters that lived long ago and were eradicated by the heroes of old? Or just another category of spirits?

... Come to think of it:
Crows => Birds
Birds => Modern Dinosaurs
Dinosaurs => Dragons

Oh Goya, we're elves worshipping an Eldritch Three-headed Demon-God Dragon as one of our main deities. No wonder we have the option to Terrify others.

I really want a connection between Crow and the bones to form so we can have feathered Dinosaurs/Dragons.
More seriously, this is more like the 4.2 kiloyear event, in that it is happening in the Middle Bronze Age, with one aberrant group having accelerated development in one area, causing increased trade dependency as the need for bronze increased faster than IRL.
It makes me wonder. We know that Not!Egypt were heavily importing tin so that they could produce the bronze needed to complete their wonder, which means that the TH and HK are forced to rely on the sources of tin located within their borders as there simply isn't enough in the open market to go around.... then add the fact that those mines are worked by slaves who die quickly and need to be replaced quite often, but due to the current environment slave raiding has become difficult which means that both the HK and TH likely have dwindling slave populations...

So like I said, it makes me wonder just how long can they continue to produce bronze? Especially when the demand is ridiculously high because they fear their iron wielding neighbors. In fact I wouldn't be surprised to learn that the faster we crush the HK forces the more warriors we'll see wielding ceramic and stone weapons instead of bronze, as their smiths and mines lag behind the demand.

the iron scaled scorpions of the Red Banner
That is a really cool name for our iron clad spearmen.

Entering into the city upon his chariot, Phygrif was greeted with the sounds of screaming and the smell of bloodshed, smoke, and the shit of a badly maintained city. Ugh... from the looks on their faces, the People from Valleyhome wanted to burn this place on urban pride principles, to say nothing of the demons they worshiped demanding blood.
I find it funny that even Phygrif, the ork in all but name, appreciates the quality construction of Vallyhome.

Natural Wonder Discovered! Dragon's Graveyard, provides limestone, pilgrimage, and can be studied
And this is awesome. I would love for us to build a temple here and possibly even make it into the precursor of a natural history museum.

[X] [Main] New Trails
[X] [Main] New Trails x2
[X] [Secondary] Expand Forests
[X] [Policy] Offensive

[X] [Wonder] Library
-[X] [Wonder] Valleyhome

[X] [RB] Rest, restores strength
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It's actually kind of amazing. I don't think any settled civilization could have done what we did.

We basically took Attila the Hun's chariot riding predecessor, peacefully made him our king, armed him with iron and (primitive) combined arms tactics and aimed him like a dagger in the vitals at our main rival killing them
[X] [Main] New Trails - North
[X] [Main] New Trails - North x2
[X] [Secondary] Distribute Land
[X] [Policy] Offensive

[X] [Wonder] Library
-[X] [Wonder] Valleyhome
Anybody agree that it was a gamble that shouldn't be taken, despite that our king went beyond and above expectation?

Yes, it was a gamble that shouldn't be risked. Also that core Xoh shouldn't be destroyed this way. Now that we might be looking at total chaos in lowland with Swamp/TS/TH moving in.
Yes, it was a gamble that shouldn't be risked. Also that core Xoh shouldn't be destroyed this way. Now that we might be looking at total chaos in lowland with Swamp/TS/TH moving in.

I'm fine with that. Logistically speaking we've seen that no other civilization is capable of holding the lowlands. The Xoh were a problem because they were based there and therefore could potentially administer the entire thing from their capital if everyone stopped trying to kill them for being repulsive.
I wonder (hah) what our Wonder Announcement was.

"In a stunning turn of events, the Ymaryn have been planting trees. Everyone is so impressed they can no longer bring up the effort to plant their own."
Yes, it was a gamble that shouldn't be risked. Also that core Xoh shouldn't be destroyed this way. Now that we might be looking at total chaos in lowland with Swamp/TS/TH moving in.

Chaos in the lowlands is to our advantage, the more chaotic the better. We basically destroyed the sole power that had the administrative reach to unite Lowlands. If the (other) periphery powers want to squabble over the carcass all the better.
[X] [Main] New Trails
[X] [Main] New Trails x2
[X] [Secondary] Expand Forests
[X] [Policy] Offensive

[X] [Wonder] Library
-[X] [Wonder] Valleyhome
@Academia Nut the Xohyssiri seem to still be dominant in Pottery and the Legacy is also missing.
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[X] [RB] West, through the hills

This lets our Red Banner hit the hardest territories of the HK and lets them work their magic.

[X] [Main] New Trails
[X] [Main] New Trails x2
[X] [Secondary] Distribute Land

If our cent was lower I would've put a secondary new trails as well.

[X] [Policy] Offensive
Don't have a choice here since we need the trails.
[X] [Wonder] Library
-[X] [Wonder] Valleyhome
Admin tech up is vital for us to be able to start integrating more of our vassals since they hold most of our land.
I'm fine with that. Logistically speaking we've seen that no other civilization is capable of holding the lowlands. The Xoh were a problem because they were based there and therefore could potentially administer the entire thing from their capital if everyone stopped trying to kill them for being repulsive.
It's going to take multiple centuries for a viable candidate who can logistically unite the Lowlands to come forwards, overall after we kick the shit out of the Highlanders we should be able to turtle up and clean house for a long while
You forgot to delete the Xoh from the Trade table.

Corrected, they are now gone.

Can we designate location of trails to focus on northern areas?
@Academia Nut, is it necessary to specify that the trails will go to the north, or will double main trails produce enough trails for all our provinces?

If you want, but right now if you are not specifying you will strengthen the main arterial trails above all, increasing contact for all the outlying sections. Focusing entirely on the north may in fact increase drift with the south, and the far more able to go independent Hatriver and Hatvalley.

Can our Provinces choose the Terrify option on Offense?

Hmmmm... no, they cannot do that.

Will our nomad hero be in charge of our next war mission @Academia Nut ?

No, he will pass on shortly and will not affect the upcoming war.

just to be sure, the Northern Temple is already built right? No need for further action?

The quarry and natural wonder have been uncovered. In order to do work there you will have to integrate the Stallions first.

I wonder (hah) what our Wonder Announcement was.

"In a stunning turn of events, the Ymaryn have been planting trees. Everyone is so impressed they can no longer bring up the effort to plant their own."

"If the environment is screwing with you, either grit your teeth and bear it out, or go talk to them."

Also, technically if you're not in at least tertiary contact with a group the wonder pulse won't affect you. So just because Not!Egypt has made everyone go "Well we're just going to be sad imitators" when they think about pyramids doesn't mean the Not!Maya or Not!China will know that they can't compete anymore.
[X] [Wonder] Warrior's Rest temple
lots of warrior die in the war lets give them a propper rest
[X] [Main] War Mission: Highlander
[X] [Secondary] Library Warrior's Rest
[X] [Secondary] Enforce Justice
What do you mean by "not a sure thing"?
I mean that it is by no means a sure thing that this will actually strengthen our trait. The fact that it makes progress is not equivalent to us getting any actual effect out of it at this juncture.

It is pretty explicitly stated that the bigger portions of refugees we take, the bigger 'progress' we make.
Yes, but it is completely unknown how progress we get per refugee. Do we upgrade the stat from getting lots of refugees once? Twice? Ten times?

At some point is stops being a good idea.
I actually think it could be a pretty awesome concept here.

Okay so Crow created everything from the dirt right? But for some reason he ran out after creating the first woman. I know he created literally everything but still....
So what if before he created the world, he used up a lot of it creating Dragons? Except after making them he realised he had made a terrible mistake because of how destructive they were, so he killed them all and used their bones as the basis for his new world, that's why there's no evidence they exist aside from bones buried deep in the ground.

It would be a pretty cool myth, showing that even the highest authority figures are fallible and that the price for disharmony and destructiveness is high and to be discouraged.
Just a thought though so pay no attention to it (unless it becomes cannon which would be awesome).
Hah, as if Crow makes mistakes. No, if Crow created some giant world-devouring monsters, it wouldn't be by accident but because there's something he wanted us to learn from them. Or perhaps the Devourer just had a bad day and decided to take it out on the universe, could also happen.

Still, I am not too sure that they're Crow's work. Like, you know how the Dragon-bones were found down in the south? What else do we have down there? The cursed lowlands that refused to grow. While it's true that our so-called "first king" might be generally believed to be the origin of that curse, is it not also fully possible that it could also be caused by the presence of dragons? And then there's the Xohissiri. We all know that their "gods" were actually demons demanding tribute, but did they not show a surprising amount of restraint and forethought for what amounts to monsters that should not be? I think that, if they were not dragons themselves, the demons of Xohir were at the very least related to them.

I think, based on all my non-existant theological knowledge, that the dragons are a sub-species of demons, more powerful and intelligent than the regular ones (as proven by the phyical remains they can leave behind). While of course nowhere near Crow's level, they exist somewhere inbetween a regular demon and a theoretical second Demon-God, which would also make some sense given the physical similarities of the Thunder Bird and Crow.
Hopefully they're all gone now, because I do not look forward to staying on this world of enough dragons showed up to fill an entire graveyard...
So some old questions in case you missed them when doing the update and some new ones.

@Academia Nut

What does "lose the capacity to react" mean? Do we lose certain midturn options (Wildcat (not that we'll take it), midturn Main, etc.) or does it skip the midturn entirely? Does it affect any extra choices in the main turn?

This is a different situation than the last time this question was asked. We finished the Sacred Forest Renewal Megaproject, we don't have a Heroic Admin Leader to deal with centralization issues and we're facing a possible civilization collapse. Would the provinces be willing to risk [Sec] Enforce Justice (+1-3 Centralization) if there is a chance of government paralysis from hitting red centralization?

How badly did sacking Xohyr damage our values? Cosmopolitan Acceptance seemed like it was hurt pretty badly here. We burned "fellow humans" alive and took people as "refugees" (war loot).

Would "[Main] New Trails - Between North and South" be better for connecting the northern and southern provinces?
[X] [Wonder] Library
-[X] [Wonder] Valleyhome
[X] [RB] Rest, restores strength
[X] [Main] War Mission - Highlanders
[X] [Secondary] Build Mills
[X] [Secondary] Study Metal
[X] [Main] New Trails
[X] [Main] New Trails x2
[X] [Secondary] Expand Forests
[X] [Policy] Offensive

[X] [Wonder] Temple
-[X] [Wonder] Horse Valley

I do have a reason for this one. The North is already jealous of our infrastructure. We know that. So what does it say if we take the greatest victory of their king and commemorate it in the South? More, this is an opportunity to spread culture and learning to the North, which will be important if we do splinter. If the North splinters off and has no centers of culture and learning, they'll become really well armed nomads. If we leave them with some legacies of prosperity though, we could end up with a stable, if somewhat hostile, power to our north.
Why send two when we can send Three?

[X] [Main] New Trails
[X] [Main] New Trails x2
[X] [Secondary] Distribute Land
[X] [Policy] Offensive

This sets us up for more trails next turn as well.
I'm concerned we're too low on economy to afford to do it again next turn. (7-2 roads, 2 cities puts us at 3 next turn)

Also, if we're lucky, we can evolve the build roads action with this double main, so centralization room isn't needed. Still, I can appreciate not counting on that.

Can you convince me otherwise?

They are human. I want at least some frontline rotation normalized so our troops can also pass on their experience to new recruits while recovering from the trauma.

Nevermind them going native from recruiting in the lowlands and going rogue.
They're probably seeind a lot of turnover, though. Mercenary life tends to be a young person's game only. Being out in the field means more that they're getting fewer recruits than they lose, rather.

I'm thinking we build the library, and try to increase literacy and scholarship near out capital for now. Its too soon to start giving the north ammo, I fear. Give the trails a generation to work first.

[X] [Main] New Trails
[X] [Main] New Trails x2
[x] [Secondary] Build Mills
[X] [Policy] Offensive

[X] [Wonder] Library
-[X] [Wonder] Valleyhome

[X] [RB] East, go through the lowlands into the hills
[X] [Main] New Trails - North
[X] [Main] New Trails - North x2
[X] [Secondary] Expand Forest
[X] [Policy] Offensive

[X] [Wonder] Library
-[X] [Wonder] Valleyhome
Hah, as if Crow makes mistakes. No, if Crow created some giant world-devouring monsters, it wouldn't be by accident but because there's something he wanted us to learn from them. Or perhaps the Devourer just had a bad day and decided to take it out on the universe, could also happen.

Still, I am not too sure that they're Crow's work. Like, you know how the Dragon-bones were found down in the south? What else do we have down there? The cursed lowlands that refused to grow. While it's true that our so-called "first king" might be generally believed to be the origin of that curse, is it not also fully possible that it could also be caused by the presence of dragons? And then there's the Xohissiri. We all know that their "gods" were actually demons demanding tribute, but did they not show a surprising amount of restraint and forethought for what amounts to monsters that should not be? I think that, if they were not dragons themselves, the demons of Xohir were at the very least related to them.

I think, based on all my non-existant theological knowledge, that the dragons are a sub-species of demons, more powerful and intelligent than the regular ones (as proven by the phyical remains they can leave behind). While of course nowhere near Crow's level, they exist somewhere inbetween a regular demon and a theoretical second Demon-God, which would also make some sense given the physical similarities of the Thunder Bird and Crow.
Hopefully they're all gone now, because I do not look forward to staying on this world of enough dragons showed up to fill an entire graveyard...
Bloody inspired
If you want, but right now if you are not specifying you will strengthen the main arterial trails above all, increasing contact for all the outlying sections. Focusing entirely on the north may in fact increase drift with the south, and the far more able to go independent Hatriver and Hatvalley.


[X] [Main] New Trails
[X] [Main] New Trails
[X] [Secondary] Expand Forests
[X] [Policy] Offensive

[X] [Wonder] Library
-[X] [Wonder] Valleyhome