Like, its not a "absolutely not", but do you really think we'd get that as an answer if its something we can't really change? Like...whoever we pick they'realmost certainly not going to take over this coming turn...
Actually false, That was to NON heroics
The dude is a HEROIC MARTIAL, so he can take over the turn in pursuit of that
@Academia Nut What kind of complaints about 'southern influence' do the northerners have?

I think it's becoming clear that this isn't just a case of us ignoring them too long, the north may have literally been pushed outside, or at least to the fringe, of the oligarchy.
Actually false, That was to NON heroics
The dude is a HEROIC MARTIAL, so he can take over the turn in pursuit of that
No, only heroic admins take over the turn, because they don't need our guidance. The exception might be if a heroic martial was in a situation where the only option is fighting, I suspect, in which case they know better than us how to deal with a situation and will resolve it themselves.
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He'll probably strengthen the north/conquer territory for everyone.

Whether you want the north strong right now is a different question.
Wait...with your earlier post saying that the candidates probably can't take over the main turn, and him only ruling for 1, maybe 2 turns, how is he going to conquer territory? ...Can he declare war outside the normal turn structure or something? I'm confused...
You know, a giant calamity will surely bring our people together.:rolleyes: Oh wait.:facepalm:

Doom comet where are you?
Wait...with your earlier post saying that the candidates probably can't take over the main turn, and him only ruling for 1, maybe 2 turns, how is he going to conquer territory? ...Can he declare war outside the normal turn structure or something? I'm confused...
No that was in response to NON-heroics
The dude IS a heroic
Once again, the artisan guilds are the most socially mobile power centre we have left. So, a made man who still mooore or lessss made it himself. Not as much as the Trump candidate maybe, but nobody wants him.

Actualy the yeoman farmer warriors are the most socially mobile, since any farmer with enough kills under his belt can get himself or his sons into the elites. War brings a great deal of social mobility.
[X] [King] Phygrif (-1 Legitimacy, Main Build Chariots, Heavens Hawk become a March)
[X] [Hat] Yes, become a Colony
[X] [Refugee] Take in as many as possible (-2 Stability, chance of further loss, +6-8 Econ, different benefits if Hatvalley a colony)

Our plans! Gone!
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[X] [King] Phygrif (-1 Legitimacy, Main Build Chariots, Heavens Hawk become a March)
[X] [Hat] Yes, become a Colony
[X] [Refugee] Take in as many as possible (-2 Stability, chance of further loss, +6-8 Econ, different benefits if Hatvalley a colony)
I think we can cope with a turn of military ambition, especially since it might be very productive in the current climate. And hey, building chariots is something of a long-term investment, at least.

I don't hate the merchant, and he's apparently loyal to Rulwyna's family, so maybe he could be trusted to guide the kid. But I see no particular reason for her to take the throne, since we don't have or want a hereditary position.

Plus, picking a semi-outsider should strengthen Cosmopolitan Acceptance, right?

[X] [King] Phygrif (-1 Legitimacy, Main Build Chariots, Heavens Hawk become a March)

The other two choices are easy. We're already on Restoration policy with high Stability. Don't leave those poor people to starve or be killed by bandits!

[X] [Hat] Yes, become a Colony
[X] [Refugee] Take in as many as possible (-2 Stability, chance of further loss, +6-8 Econ, different benefits if Hatvalley a colony)
[x] [King] Phygrif (-1 Legitimacy, Main Build Chariots, Heavens Hawk become a March)
[x] [Hat] Yes, become a Colony
[x] [Refugee] Take in as many as possible (-2 Stability, chance of further loss, +6-8 Econ, different benefits if Hatvalley a colony)

Didn't we just devote a secondary war mission and the Bed Banners to help the north? After having a northern king and his daughter rule? Somehow I don't think that Phygrif is going to break the country in half.
Holy shit guys! READ what Phygrif's agenda is! What situation are we in right now!?!
Answer!: One where we can't afford the cultural repercussions of going on offensive war and taking in what amounts to someone who barely know the system enough to even qualify!
Please people think about what might happen 1. Culturally, 2. Economically, and 3. Governmental structure wise if a candidate was selected!
Oh hey, AN proves me right. Voting Phygrif in will start an expansion into the Steppes to boost the importance of the Northern Provinces. Trying to expand into the Steppes is suicide. We cannot deal with an even bigger northern border with Nomads.
Yes but do not give her power right now let her grow firsst and if she lives up to her namesake in 2 turns she will be a king option after she has proved herself but not before.
We push this and he'll crush out any problems until it no longer matters, because she'll be old enough that no one will object, we'll all be dead or close enough from old age, and our legacies will all be secure. We keep quiet and either Dythuwyn ascends and dismantles everything we have built so that he can feed it into Valleyhome, or that fool Giirry gets the kingship and assumes good fortune comes from falling into a stream and coming out covered in gold rather than all the bloody hard work that's gone into this!"
If they don't get their leaver against Dythuwyn they will ensure the next generation will take a hold on her without a doubt.
We are the Southern Provinces. It is causing them to listen to us even less.


That isn't what is driving the north from the south, it is the lack of connections. If he wanted to help the northerners he would have proposed more boats or more trails. But he isnt, his agenda is conquest. What direction of conquest you think he will take to make the north more powerful? Northward, into the steppes.
There are two parts to the North problem:

Connectivity. Fixed by trails and boats and docks.


Happiness/infrastructure. By making Phy king we give their candidate influence in the halls of power, which makes them happy and lessens the divide.
[X] [King] Phygrif (-1 Legitimacy, Main Build Chariots, Heavens Hawk become a March)
[X] [Hat] Yes, become a Colony
[X] [Refugee] Take in as many as possible (-2 Stability, chance of further loss, +6-8 Econ, different benefits if Hatvalley a colony)
We are the Southern Provinces. It is causing them to listen to us even less.


That isn't what is driving the north from the south, it is the lack of connections. If he wanted to help the northerners he would have proposed more boats or more trails. But he isnt, his agenda is conquest. What direction of conquest you think he will take to make the north more powerful? Northward, into the steppes.

Our northern provinces are our "newest" provinces while our southern provinces are ruled by the oldest and wealthiest families. It's less a North vs South divide and more of the Oligarchy not allowing in more families and willing to dilute their own power. It specifically says "entrench southern influence networks against them". Our northern oligarchs are routinely sidelined and comparatively poorer then their southern counterparts.
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What kind of complaints about 'southern influence' do the northerners have?

All the best industries and centres of culture are in the south, so the north is dependent upon them for a large number of things beyond immediate survival, and they have to dance to the tune of the southern chiefs to get the good stuff.

does Dythuwyn have any kids or significant younger siblings?

Yes to both. He's a patrician in every sense of the word.
[X] [King] Dythuwyn (+1 Stability, Sec Expand Econ + Sec Art Patronage)
[X] [Hat] Yes, become a Colony
[X] [Refugee] Take in as many aspossible (-2 Stability, chance of further loss, +6-8 Econ, different benefits ifHatvalley a colony)
Happiness/infrastructure. By making Phy king we give their candidate influence in the halls of power, which makes them happy and lessens the divide.

The benefit from the guy may be off set by his war agenda. Since war is very expensive and spoil taking is generally frowned by our people. We are also unsure about our food supply.

Also, update the button status to 4? We are entering shitcreek after all.
[X] [King] Phygrif (-1 Legitimacy, Main Build Chariots, Heavens Hawk become a March)
[X] [Hat] Yes, become a Colony
[X] [Refugee] Take in as many as possible (-2 Stability, chance of further loss, +6-8 Econ, different benefits if Hatvalley a colony)
We really need to build those Saltern and vineyards for the North so they can leverage their wealth against the industrious South. Also hoping the constant rains makes their land more fertile.