That value about interdependencies also sounds useful. Thinking about societies more like systems could perhaps open up an action to think about and improve our laws so less stuff requires direct managing by our king, thus also lowering centralisation.
That value about interdependencies also sounds useful. Thinking about societies more like systems could perhaps open up an action to think about and improve our laws so less stuff requires direct managing by our king, thus also lowering centralisation.
-Oh god, there's a people who are more workaholic than us!
-Trait might increase yields from mines? I think that might be where they got the trait, by committing to the labor intensive mines.
-Sounds like it's Honor or Spiritual.
-Potential Honorable Death fusion?

Some sense of exploration
-Textbook description of Pioneering Spirit or an evolution.
-The urge to spread to new lands and explore places.
-Boosts settling new land, Surveys(makes sense with their mining thing) and boosts Exploration missions?

Lots of interdependencies
-Looks like some kind of internal trade trait.
-Rewards roads and boats?
-Rewards centralization?
-Cons are obvious, if the network breaks down the damage is extraordinary.
The inter-dependencies sounds like a horizontal evolution and vertical evolution of a Loyalty trait line, though not necessarily Lord's Loyalty.
[X] [Prog] Art Patronage (-1 Econ, -2 Wealth, +4 Art, +1 Prestige)
[X] [Refugee] Those who arrive on their own (Chance of stability loss, +2 Econ)
[X] [Value] Hathatyn

Voting this for now, at least until/unless AN answers my question on the Prog choice and what it represents.
I really want the glassworks, but this vote seems to be about where our hero gets her power base from...and i'd much rather her go to the already powerful dye and mining guilds for that power than go to the explicitly incredibly small and weak glassworker guild, since the former is much more likely to get us what sounds like a triple-stat hero (martial/mysticism/admin)* as king, not to mention it would hopefully help push back on gender norms.

*or at least a martial hero with the other 2 stats at "good" or something instead of average.
[X] [Prog] Art Patronage (-1 Econ, -2 Wealth, +4 Art, +1 Prestige)
[X] [Refugee] Those who arrive on their own (Chance of stability loss, +2 Econ)
[X] [Value] Hathatyn

Voting this for now, at least until/unless AN answers my question on the Prog choice and what it represents.
I really want the glassworks, but this vote seems to be about where our hero gets her power base from...and i'd much rather her go to the already powerful dye and mining guilds for that power than go to the explicitly incredibly small and weak glassworker guild, since the former is much more likely to get us what sounds like a triple-stat hero (martial/mysticism/admin)* as king, not to mention it would hopefully help push back on gender norms.

*or at least a martial hero with the other 2 stats at "good" or something instead of average.
If she has Martial, Mysticism and Admin at Heroic she is literally the Second Coming of Gwygoytha. Like holy shit broken.
Trying for Moloch my good sir? :V
Technically speaking, with Honorable Death and the calf sacrifices of Sacred Warding, Moloch Calls is not strictly incompatible with our concept of Greater Justice, or in direct conflict with other traits.
The inter-dependencies sounds like a horizontal evolution and vertical evolution of a Loyalty trait line, though not necessarily Lord's Loyalty.
Hmm, it seems it might be fuseable with Lord's Loyalty or Symphony in that case.

Sounded like a divergent evolution of Harmony to me.
I wonder what a symphony+interdependence trait would be named Orchestra, Unity, Synchronicity hmm an interesting trait to think about
Opera or Orchestra.

Hmm, it seems it might be fuseable with Lord's Loyalty in that case.

Sounded like a divergent evolution of Harmony to me.
That was my other thought, especially with the industriousness trait which I think is equivalent to ours in workaholicness.
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Honestly, that's why i'm a little skeptical of it, but she's clearly at least skilled in all three :p
It's even worse because I think Gwy was actually Heoric Martial/Admin with Good Mysticism, so Rulwyna will be even worse.

I can hear the cries of the Negaverse from here...

Such sweet music. *pleased sigh*
It's even worse because I think Gwy was actually Heoric Martial/Admin with Good Mysticism, so Rulwyna will be even worse.

I can hear the cries of the Negaverse from here...

Such sweet music. *pleased sigh*
I mean, i am thinking she's probably Heroic Martial/Heroic Mysticism/Exceptional Admin or Heroic Martial/Exceptional Mysticism/Good Admin or something...hence why i'm really sad that glassworks is winning and she won't have as strong a power base to become king :(
I mean, i am thinking she's probably Heroic Martial/Heroic Mysticism/Exceptional Admin or Heroic Martial/Exceptional Mysticism/Good Admin or something...hence why i'm really sad that glassworks is winning and she won't have as strong a power base to become king :(
She may not need it. I mean... *wiggles eyebrows* look at that stat spread. Mmmmm smexy.
Can someone tell me why we would possibly want a second true city right now? As I understand it, the main bonus granted by true cities is increased Econ spending -> Econ Expansion recycling. But from what I can tell, we have MORE than enough Econ Expansion as it is, hovering near the cap where we would start losing our current true city. So... why would we want to pay for another one right now?
I mean, i am thinking she's probably Heroic Martial/Heroic Mysticism/Exceptional Admin or Heroic Martial/Exceptional Mysticism/Good Admin or something...hence why i'm really sad that glassworks is winning and she won't have as strong a power base to become king :(

Why do you think dyes equal a strong powerbase?

The invention of alternative and cheap dyes would put serious pressure on the dye industry, and provoke a good amount of controversy. She may make more enemies than friends.
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Seeing as changing only one thing doesn't work.

[X] [Prog] Build Glassworks (-1 Econ, +2 Art, increased chance of new innovations)
[X] [Refugee] Those who arrive on their own (Chance of stability loss, +2 Econ)
[X] [Value] Hathatyn
Why do you think dyes equal a strong powerbase?

The invention of alternative and cheap dies would put serious pressure on the dye industry, and provoke a good amount of controversy. She may make more enemies than friends.
It's because she is convincing the dye makers to expand their products, thus empowering them, thus they help her when they realize the favor she did them.
Why do you think dyes equal a strong powerbase?

The invention of alternative and cheap dies would put serious pressure on the dye industry, and provoke a good amount of controversy. She may make more enemies than friends.
It would if she becomes a direct competitor what the art patronage vote does is have her convince the dye merchants to adopt her new method therefore becoming an ally of the miners who produce the raw materials for the stuff and dye merchants.
Two things:
-Glassworks involves spreading the knowledge that you need to use glass to contain vitriol. This is useful and important, though there is a chance that the knowledge is preserved, the most reliable way is to put it into practice.
--Glasswork enhances Study Alchemy, which since we have an upcoming Multi Heroic King, is very useful for continuing to figure out what the hell Lolwyna was working on.

-Art Patronage relies on the increased use of the new dyes, but the production process is currently unsafe, without using Glass. As with our mining, we need the glass in place before we start mass producing the new dyes with pottery that cannot safely contain the reagents.

That's the exact opposite way of doing things. The way to spread the knowledge that you need to use glass to contain vitriol is to give them vitriol. Giving them glass just gives them glass with zero connection to vitriol.

We give them vitriol to use as dye, we tell them they need glass to better contain it.

We don't give them vitriol, it never spreads. We don't get any dye out of this. People just think she is in support of glass.
Why do you think dyes equal a strong powerbase?

The invention of alternative and cheap dyes would put serious pressure on the dye industry, and provoke a good amount of controversy. She may make more enemies than friends.
Because it gives them another dye to use against foreign trade markets. Which is becoming a problem
Can someone tell me why we would possibly want a second true city right now? As I understand it, the main bonus granted by true cities is increased Econ spending -> Econ Expansion recycling. But from what I can tell, we have MORE than enough Econ Expansion as it is, hovering near the cap where we would start losing our current true city. So... why would we want to pay for another one right now?
This was recently addressed:
Increased Econ refunds, and increased innovation from urban experiences.
She may not need it. I mean... *wiggles eyebrows* look at that stat spread. Mmmmm smexy.
I mean, yeah, but she's also a woman in an increasingly patriarchal society, with a mom who pissed off those in power, and i think even though we've got de facto nobles, we're still in the "don't like having direct parent-child succession" stage; we like "Parent from clan 1, son from clan 2, grandson from clan 1" at most.
Not to mention it sounds like unless we have her convince teh existing Dye guild to use these new dyes/fixitives, we're going to be explicitly pissing off one of the strongest (dye is our biggest trade good other than salt, but salt isn't much of a 'skilled trade' thing i think?) guilds...or actually two of them, because the potters guild is likely to be upset at us helping the glassworkers compete with them...i give even odds for her becoming king with glassworkers at best, and maybe 2/3 to 3/4 chance with art patronage...again

Why do you think dyes equal a strong powerbase?

The invention of alternative and cheap dies would put serious pressure on the dye industry, and provoke a good amount of controversy. She may make more enemies than friends.
Because they're one of our strongest trade goods, and we've been told for most of the quest how everyone loves our tyrian purple dye (which was also incredibly valuable in real life)? And i mean, yeah, thats the point i'm going for? my understanding of art patronage is we're working with the dye guild, so that they decide that the new dyes work with tyrian purple instead of competing:
The dye merchants of Redshore would not want competition, but she was pretty sure that she could convince them that these new colours would only enhance their products, and also allow them to bring new colours to the markets. The Trelli had apparently caused upset by bringing out a brilliant yellow dye that was a solid competitor for the traditional red-violet dye of the People.

Also, if she could convince the dye merchants of this, she could go to the miners and tell them that they vitriol produced by their work could be immensely valuable instead of a toxic byproduct they had to carefully seal away. She could also let the small glass maker's group that they were now more important than ever - simple glazed pottery would likely never be enough to contain essence of vitriol.
At least to me, it sounds like the vote choice right now is whether we want the bold bit in the last quoted section, or the italics bit, and i personally think the bold bit is less immediately useful for tech, but much more useful for getting Rulwyna her shot at being king.
Soo...even more pressure to keep Centralisation high and have tons of trails? That moves Palace higher in the queue.
Somewhat, but it fits our playstyle, so it's under things we'd already benefit from.

I mean, i am thinking she's probably Heroic Martial/Heroic Mysticism/Exceptional Admin or Heroic Martial/Exceptional Mysticism/Good Admin or something...hence why i'm really sad that glassworks is winning and she won't have as strong a power base to become king :(
Not really.
Art Patronage - Support from the Dyers, possibly splitting them into Painters as a fork. They have influence over the Traders, and the Weavers. They are obligated to the Fishers and Traders

Glass - Support from the Glassmakers. They have influence over the Dyers, and more trades as they find uses for glassware. They put pressure on the Potters. They are obligated to the Ashers(for charcoal), but no other prior dependencies.

Basically the Dyers are old and established, but that means that she'd be in competition for their attention with other old established factions. The Glassmakers are new, but that also means that she has their undivided loyalties.
Can someone tell me why we would possibly want a second true city right now? As I understand it, the main bonus granted by true cities is increased Econ spending -> Econ Expansion recycling. But from what I can tell, we have MORE than enough Econ Expansion as it is, hovering near the cap where we would start losing our current true city. So... why would we want to pay for another one right now?
Mechanically, it means that ALL actions are slot positive or neutral, allowing us to take greater advantage of the Baby Boom, but also burning it out faster. Valuable for going on Defense policy though.

...but we'd get to second True City in the natural course of things pretty soon I figure. Baby Boom + Balanced would do it rapidly unless we spam New Settlements/conquests.
Mechanically, it means that ALL actions are slot positive or neutral, allowing us to take greater advantage of the Baby Boom, but also burning it out faster. Valuable for going on Defense policy though.
Right now, we are at max Econ and close to capping out Econ Expansion as well. Do we really need more actions that are slot positive/neutral? I expect that to just burn out our True City.

That's the exact opposite way of doing things. The way to spread the knowledge that you need to use glass to contain vitriol is to give them vitriol. Giving them glass just gives them glass with zero connection to vitriol.

We give them vitriol to use as dye, we tell them they need glass to better contain it.

We don't give them vitriol, it never spreads. We don't get any dye out of this. People just think she is in support of glass.
Except they can't. There's no glass to use beyond small experimental projects. If we push on the Dye side, then because of how lucrative it is, they'd start the processes with pottery containers, which in turn means that the Potters will be pushing AGAINST the Glassmakers because the development will be eating into the Potters market share AFTER giving the Dyers a lot of use for pottery to make the new dyes.

You know, the same Potters running assassinations to try to stop the idea of Glass because they saw a threat?
Right now, we are at max Econ and close to capping out Econ Expansion as well. Do we really need more actions that are slot positive/neutral? I expect that to just burn out our True City.

Second True City would probably shut down a few turns after it forms, yes.
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Kinda hilarious that we often can't get rid of econ expansion fast enough, and econ is rarely a stat that we worry about getting more of, but rather one we worry we have too much of.
