She may not need it. I mean... *wiggles eyebrows* look at that stat spread. Mmmmm smexy.
I mean, yeah, but she's also a woman in an increasingly patriarchal society, with a mom who pissed off those in power, and i think even though we've got de facto nobles, we're still in the "don't like having direct parent-child succession" stage; we like "Parent from clan 1, son from clan 2, grandson from clan 1" at most.
Not to mention it sounds like
unless we have her convince teh existing Dye guild to use these new dyes/fixitives, we're going to be explicitly pissing off one of the strongest (dye is our biggest trade good other than salt, but salt isn't much of a 'skilled trade' thing i think?) guilds...or actually two of them, because the potters guild is likely to be upset at us helping the glassworkers compete with them...i give even odds for her becoming king with glassworkers at best, and maybe 2/3 to 3/4 chance with art patronage...again
Why do you think dyes equal a strong powerbase?
The invention of alternative and cheap dies would put serious pressure on the dye industry, and provoke a good amount of controversy. She may make more enemies than friends.
Because they're one of our strongest trade goods, and we've been told for most of the quest how everyone loves our tyrian purple dye (which was also incredibly valuable in real life)? And i mean, yeah, thats the point i'm going for? my understanding of art patronage is we're working
with the dye guild, so that they decide that the new dyes work with tyrian purple instead of competing:
The dye merchants of Redshore would not want competition, but she was pretty sure that she could convince them that these new colours would only enhance their products, and also allow them to bring new colours to the markets. The Trelli had apparently caused upset by bringing out a brilliant yellow dye that was a solid competitor for the traditional red-violet dye of the People.
Also, if she could convince the dye merchants of this, she could go to the miners and tell them that they vitriol produced by their work could be immensely valuable instead of a toxic byproduct they had to carefully seal away. She could also let the small glass maker's group that they were now more important than ever - simple glazed pottery would likely never be enough to contain essence of vitriol.
At least to me, it sounds like the vote choice right now is whether we want the bold bit in the last quoted section, or the italics bit, and i personally think the bold bit is less immediately useful for tech, but much more useful for getting Rulwyna her shot at being king.