Aristocracy-kun, looks like you are thwarted once our cruel GM.

B-but you won't need to be lonely for too day i swear we shall embrace you~
[X] [Value] Do not spread
[X] [Main] Black Soil
[X] [Secondary] Enforce Justice
[X] [Secondary] Change Policy: Balanced

The trait makes tracking your lineage super important for the Stallion Tribes. Calling someone a bastard is fighting words there, where in the south it tends to be significantly more mild. While performing your own deeds is quite important, people who can't point to ancestors and relatives with significant deeds of their own - especially death deeds - are considered less trustworthy, because obviously they must be hiding the ill deeds of their ancestors, or they have such poor parents that they gave them no heritage to have pride in.
Doesn't sound like something I would want.

Day Ten:
-AN: The hill elves have built a pile of rocks. It serves no purpose other than showing how great they are.
-Guy 1: I'm tired of this quest.
Day 53:
-AN: The hill elves have been doing major fireworks for some years now. Also, your new fangled communication device has been receiving a periodic 'Ping' from somewhere above for the last three months.
-Guy 1: Come onnnnn ...
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Mostly ahead, but schizophrenic in a few places.
We do seem to be advancing at a fair old place...

If this makes any sense, where are we time line wise (as in if I were to compare to the timeline of earth history, where would we be. Middle Iron Age? Its hard to judge so you probably won't want or be able to answer, but I am curious?"

B-but you won't need to be lonely for too day i swear we shall embrace you~
No let us skip that.
change policy - balanced is a better choice than making a new settlement and relying on the megaproject policy to generate plain econ.
..."discover" as in new to us, or new in general? Because "vassal" is new to us but not to the world, and if so then...main trade mission to the MW?

Oh, vassal has always been there, you've just never punched in the faces of anyone sedentary and made them cry for terms.

And both would be new in general, not just for you.
I'm reasonably certain metal workers is one, and likely the one that will come up soon considering all of the actions we've taken with them. Probably a protectorate? I think getting pilgrimage domination might be another. The Highlanders literally have no means of fighting us off on that, and could fold very fast. It would also only take one more temple, likely.

Side Note: I'm all in favor of punching the Hath in the face if we get the chance.
The trait makes tracking your lineage super important for the Stallion Tribes. Calling someone a bastard is fighting words there, where in the south it tends to be significantly more mild. While performing your own deeds is quite important, people who can't point to ancestors and relatives with significant deeds of their own - especially death deeds - are considered less trustworthy, because obviously they must be hiding the ill deeds of their ancestors, or they have such poor parents that they gave them no heritage to have pride in.
That explains a great deal.

...question: Do any of our subordinate states retain Greater Good as an anachronism?

Slight clarification. Subordinate states include vassals, while periphery states are the ones that are you but on the edges of administrative range and thus can have some cultural divergence and have to be more self sufficient.

Also, you are probably going to develop a new kind of subordinate this turn, and are one main action away from discovering a new kind.
Hmm, I'm guessing the Metal Workers might be a little bit interested in joining us?

The Main action is a little less clear though.
Before that...
Gwygoytha was "Gwygoytha, daughter of a young freeman tempted by the allure of the caravans who then fell in love with the sea - and a woman by the sea"
Bynwyn was a shaman
Twythulmyn was a merchant; so still part of a hereditary system, but not the chief/semi-noble lines.
Cwriid was definitely not from a chief's line...
though his son Patrwyn obviously was :p
Likewise, Magwyna was an artisan
But her son whose name i forget was from a noble line, just a new one :p
...Did i forget any heroes?
But yeah, depending on how you count, either 2 heroes, or 4 if you count the two sons of heroes, were from noble lines
Two, but I probably should go to sleep, since the children of heroes wouldn't have gotten there if their parents weren't heroes.
Gynwillyman, the recent Diplo/Admin hero
Aka The Weed Hero
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Would anyone currently voting for a new settlement instead of switching to balanced policy care to explain why they're doing that?

Odds are we'll get a new settlement from our provinces to maintain the Baby Boom if we switch over, after all.
If this makes any sense, where are we time line wise (as in if I were to compare to the timeline of earth history, where would we be. Middle Iron Age? Its hard to judge so you probably won't want or be able to answer, but I am curious?"

Early to mid bronze age. About between 2700-2400 BC now, while the People's development is now moving closer to about 1200 -1000 BC in many places due to the access to iron.
Slight clarification. Subordinate states include vassals, while periphery states are the ones that are you but on the edges of administrative range and thus can have some cultural divergence and have to be more self sufficient.

Also, you are probably going to develop a new kind of subordinate this turn, and are one main action away from discovering a new kind.
Vassals? I'm almost certain the Metal Workers will love us forever and ever.

[X] [Value] Do not spread
[X] [Main] Black Soil
[X] [Secondary] Enforce Justice
[X] [Secondary] New Settlement - south-eastern Redhills
@Academia Nut Will the provinces act so as to avoid ending the Baby Boom? I.e., if we switch to Change Policy - Balanced, is it likely that they will establish a new settlement?
And both would be new in general, not just for you.
Hmm...are the Thunder Speakers technically "Vassals" or are they something like "Subordinate Religious Power"? ...or whatever actually decent naming scheme you could come up with because unlike me you are good at naming things :p
If so, then i could still see MW being a thing, some sort of mining focused vassal? the "Colony" equivalent of vassals? Though i suppose we did just see speculation that the northern nomads had mining-focused vassals...Protectorates, maybe, like someone whose name i missed in my skimming, just guessed?
Wouldn't that mean that people would strive more strongly for greatness so that thier progeny could point to them as good ancestors?
[X] [Value] Do not spread
[X] [Main] Black Soil
[X] [Secondary] Enforce Justice
[X] [Secondary] New Settlement - south-eastern Redhills
Okay. AN confirmed the anti-heredity speculation that I didn't buy into. Thanks, but no thanks. Sounds reasonable in a march, but... ick for a stable core.