Okay, another revote.
I am deliberately not going to vote on the Value until clarification and would encourage others to do so too, because we do not even know what we are voting on - at least, if the temple studied the difference, not know as much as we can.
[X] [Main] Restore Order
[X] [Secondary] Enforce Justice
[X] [Secondary] Change Policy - Expansion
We go from -1 Stability, +3 Legitimacy to 0-2 (with, I guess, 8/9 of at least +1 and 4/9 of +2...with average admin - do not know thr numbers for current) Stability, 2 Legitimacy for no Econ spent, which is worthwhile, IMO.
Last one is more debatable, but we are running too low on slots to sustain Baby Boom, so we need to Expand slots soon anyway.