
"Fuck that guy! He didn't like us fucking up the taxes and refusing to un-fuck them for four generations for some reason. Everything probably would have gone just fine if he didn't dare to speak against our tax code that was - word of god, I gather - literally impossible at the Ymaryn's then-level of sophistication!"
Again, my problem wasn't that he was trying to undo what we were trying to do (very annoying (and not even respectable like trying to reach a compromise), but forgivable), he was also trying to implement hereditary land. Also, while it was indeed impossible at our then-level of sophistication, it was also word of god that successfully completing the reform - something that was technically possible even without the Heroic Admin - would've given us the required level of sophistication.

Funny enough we still haven't learned not to pick the worst admin decisions from that time anyways and barely lucked out this last turn as well.
Give us some credit, we at least tried to pick the simplest, least likely to fail option when we did the clans. (Yes, I know, @Powerofmind, you were right.) Occupational has only resulted in one problem that hasn't resulted from two nat 1's and a nat 6 (a combo which causes problems no matter what the system is) and we picked the right choice in solving that.
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Fuck it, strategic vote to try to go against the current insanity

[X][Main] Restore Order
[X][Main] The Census
[X][Main] Black Soil
[X][Secondary] New Settlement - south-eastern Redhills
[X][Secondary] Enforce Justice
[X][Secondary] Change Policy - Balanced

[X][Value] Spread value (+Hero Generation)

My actual plan remains
[][Main] The Census
[][Secondary] New Settlement - south-eastern Redhills
[][Secondary] Enforce Justice
But this votes for everything that isn't stupid. ({S} RO with a weak admin or the corresponding {M} PG)
Oh boy

Someone is trying to revise history! Good thing this quest has the library. Of Academia Nut's wog that proves him wrong.
Return to the old style of everything into the communal pot, and an elimination of the corrupt practice of land assignment being done by chiefs for their own benefit, simplying it to the much fairer and sensible practice of passing from parents to children.
That's basically hereditary land ownership and after a few generations practically indistinguishable from each other. So @Andres110 is mostly right here.
Fuck it, strategic vote to try to go against the current insanity

[X][Main] Restore Order
[X][Main] The Census
[X][Main] Black Soil
[X][Secondary] New Settlement - south-eastern Redhills
[X][Secondary] Enforce Justice
[X][Secondary] Change Policy - Balanced

[X][Value] Spread value (+Hero Generation)

My actual plan remains
[][Main] The Census
[][Secondary] New Settlement - south-eastern Redhills
[][Secondary] Enforce Justice
But this votes for everything that isn't stupid. ({S} RO with a weak admin or the corresponding {M} PG)
... Why do you think you get to vote for 6 things?

Thunder Speaker: "FUCKING NOMADS!"

Basically, TS has no idea why the nomads were suddenly much more savage before, but they acquired a stronger hatred of nomads.
Okay, another revote.

I am deliberately not going to vote on the Value until clarification and would encourage others to do so too, because we do not even know what we are voting on - at least, if the temple studied the difference, not know as much as we can.

[X] [Main] Restore Order
[X] [Secondary] Enforce Justice
[X] [Secondary] Change Policy - Expansion

We go from -1 Stability, +3 Legitimacy to 0-2 (with, I guess, 8/9 of at least +1 and 4/9 of +2...with average admin - do not know thr numbers for current) Stability, 2 Legitimacy for no Econ spent, which is worthwhile, IMO.

Last one is more debatable, but we are running too low on slots to sustain Baby Boom, so we need to Expand slots soon anyway.
So you think higher level values are automatically superior... *points at Moloch's Call*

More evolved values can manifestly be worse.

Moloch calls is infinite stability in exchange for most other civilizations considering you a bit icky.

Just look at the dialogue between our king and the soldier that prompted this opportunity. Honorable death is a primitive value that we havent improved in centuries. Do you think "your afterlife will somehow get more rad for some reason after you die in certain illdefined ways" will survive an ideological battle against the high tech version of some civilization we might meet later? Just imagine how a battle between our love of wisdom and the level 1 version would end.
That's basically hereditary land ownership and after a few generations practically indistinguishable from each other. So @Andres110 is mostly right here.

There was 25% chance that stallion's admin hero could have made the super complex system work.

Honestly, the stallion were insanely patient considering we fucked up our tax system for generations before we were forced to simplify it.

And there was the possibility of Civil War if we suppressed the stallion movement.
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I am deliberately not going to vote on the Value until clarification and would encourage others to do so too, because we do not even know what we are voting on - at least, if the temple studied the difference, not know as much as we can.
I am curious as to what clarification is needed? It seems rather straight forward to me.

Also, I'm very curious as to why secondary restore order vs secondary enforce justice. They average out to very much the same thing, but enforce justice is something we can afford at the moment and guaranteed for one stability as opposed to a chance of one stability.

Actually, hilariously enough the low admin means we are likely to fail to gain more than one cent from it.
There was 25 % chance that stallion's admin hero could have made the super complex system work.

Honestly, the stallion were insanely patient considering we fucked up our tax system for generations before we decided to simplify it.

And there was the possibility of Civil War if we suppressed the stallion movement
For all the hotblooded motif they had going, they had the patience of a saint for how they put up with our own bullheaded ways.
There was 25 % chance that stallion's admin hero could have made the super complex system work.

Honestly, the stallion were insanely patient considering we fucked up our tax system for generations before we decided to simplify it.

And there was the possibility of Civil War if we suppressed the stallion movement
They really shouldn't have insisted on inserting their disgusting hereditary land ownership if they wanted to be heard.
Moloch calls is infinite stability in exchange for most other civilizations considering you a bit icky.

Just look at the dialogue between our king and the soldier that prompted this opportunity. Honorable death is a primitive value that we havent improved in centuries. Do you think "your afterlife will somehow get more rad for some reason after you die in certain illdefined ways" will survive an ideological battle against the high tech version of some civilization we might meet later? Just imagine how a battle between our love of wisdom and the level 1 version would end.

I find the notion that values somehow evolve linearly to be ludicrous oversimplification.

Also Moloch's Call is not other civilizations consider you icky, it's they want to burn you with fire. Look at actual history, whenever one group wanted to demonize another sacrificing children was the go-to button.
There was 25 % chance that stallion's admin hero could have made the super complex system work.

Honestly, the stallion were insanely patient considering we fucked up our tax system for generations before we decided to simplify it.

And there was the possibility of Civil War if we suppressed the stallion movement
The contensious point was the land management, not whether or not The Young Stallion could fix the taxation issue. The change in land management was simply unacceptable for some.

We could have finished the tax reform on our terms, if not for the young stallions making a ruckus. Had we suppresed them we could have had everything we wanted. Or we could have imploded with a civil war, which is why we didn't do it.

In the end staying the course got us some very good things out of the whole mess, even if we didn't fully succeed.
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I am curious as to what clarification is needed? It seems rather straight forward to me.
Look at the debate several pages back. We have little to no idea of its degree of martiality and how it influences their society. And thus each of us implicitly thinks that their idea of the details is correct, which leads to salt, talking past each other and circular arguments.

Also, I'm very curious as to why secondary restore order vs secondary enforce justice. They average out to very much the same thing, but enforce justice is something we can afford at the moment and guaranteed for one stability as opposed to a chance of one stability.
I value guaranteed Stability gain highly, and we can indeed afford Centralisation gain, so secondary EJ is, at the moment, preferable to secondary RO. Below Average Admin is not good, but hopefully Good Diplo can help out.
Look at the debate several pages back. We have little to no idea of its degree of martiality and how it influences their society. And thus each of us implicitly thinks that their idea of the details is correct, which leads to salt, talking past each other and circular arguments.
I don't feel it's complicated, but I won't just step into what I suspect is a landmine. Thanks for saving me from having to go through pages of salt!
[X] [Value] Do not spread
I love me some heroes, but the risk of stratification really aren't worth it.

The Ymaryn have clearly proven that they have a steady hero generation even with a malus on that, we don't need a bonus for it. Let's see if we can find some other evolution for Honourable Dead.
Bungie's Regional Examination Show!
Welcome folks to my layman's look at what has happened in the last turn! There will be very bad humor, possible inaccuracies, un-seriousness, and general silliness so... Have fun!

In Hero's end:

We took out Nomad Dad 2 and his half of the Horde. Axes to the skull are super-effective against Nomads. Sadly this pissed off Nomad Son 2, who in his fury splorged all over the TS and when they said no he ran away to refill. The MW are also super happy about that and I don't know do you folks think they maybe kinda sorta think we are really awesome?

Due to rumors from the MW we can suppose there is some enslaved North Metal-lists somewhere which this horde ate. Can we really call these guys Nomads anymore? I mean *scratches head* if they rule over settlements as warrior noble dudes who go a-galavanting, do they still count? I mean they have a home now if you look at it the right way, and a proper Nomad ain't got a home but his animals and his wives.

Hmm! Maybe that's why we beat them so soundly and the Son got thrown out. They weren't right an proppa Nomads! They went soft!

The Hathatyn Restorers have cemented themselves as a thing. Doesn't seem like a very significant thing to be honest. And they went right into the HK's aching bosom. On that note holy crap the HK must be stacked because everyone wants a piece. In the front you have the Thunder Xoh, continuing their romp from 90 bajillion years ago, using the tried and true technique of "Do it more! Do it harder!". And then in the back you have the Hats thumping in through the back door going "Gimmie my money back ya dam Bleep!". Be interesting to see how that goes.

I'm rather impressed that the HK have the gumption and sheer spite saved up to be able to go "Fuck everyone into next Tuesday!". Are we sure they ain't dwarves? Also what happened to their internal issues? Did they fix them? If not I am even more impressed.

To commemorate their probable demise here is an epitaph:

"Here lies the Highland Kingdom - Stubborn Fucks were these, may they forever attempt to out stubborn the Spirit Talkers in Stubbornness Heaven."

AS to the Xoh, what have they been up to? Nothing at all apparently except shoving that extra inch into the HK. I mean really, you'd expect at least a blip on our radar, some proclamation of DOOM or something, maybe distant chants of "Bali Mangthi Kali Ma!". But nope. Not a peep. It's kinda weird actually. Are they too busy tipping the HK over a barrel to do anything else?

Back to the Hats we did receive proclamations of doom from their direction. They want a rematch, which considering this is not the sea and we don't have LolManyBoats on land yet, they may actually make us take a more proactive smack at them. I wonder how hard we can hit them? Will candy fall out? Are they offering themselves up as a pinata like the HK are? Can we also field LolManyPeoples enough to actually make the previous things remotely accurate?

I dunno! But if we tune in next time we might find out. Iiiiiiiifffff they don't get absorbed into the HK's gooey mess and have to put us off for "later".
Be even funnier if they wait so long their Hero dies! Then they can just come at us with a normal army, and we chew up Nomads for breakfast.

In other news the Super Rich Folks to the South West are still not making an appearance. What has them so late? Did they get eaten by fuzzy map monsters? And in the complete opposite direction you have the Salt Sea People, who we know diddly about and for all we know may pave their cities in solid gold what with all their salt. Aaaaactually is that where all our thread salt goes?

And to wrap up it is with sad news that the Eastern Nomads we were trying to tame got mulched by the East Horde. We hardly knew ye, Kin of Paltruvi. Odes shall be sung and Wine drunk and then in the aftermath of your awesome going away party we will forget all about you. Have fun in Nomad afterlife!

And that's all folks! See you next time something explodes!

A/N: This is meant to be very stupid, and hopefully kinda funny.

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The MW are also super happy about that and I don't know do you folks think they maybe kinda sorta think we are really awesome?
You would think they would be, but in exchange for us doing our best to save them for two generations, they... told us they had a small tin mine. Wow. What champs. Much gratitude.
You would think they would be, but in exchange for us doing our best to save them for two generations, they... told us they had a small tin mine. Wow. What champs. Much gratitude.
*grumble grumble grumble*

Ungrateful sods the lot of ye. *tears break free*

Oh how we have helped you MW but nooooooooo you van't give us even an ounce of gratitude.

Ahhh ghaaaaaa *Wordless sobbing*

We are nice Vampires who just want friends!
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You would think they would be, but in exchange for us doing our best to save them for two generations, they... told us they had a small tin mine. Wow. What champs. Much gratitude.

It's better than them holding a grudge.

OTOH, they are probably the only civ who would believe us that we not only crushed the nomads attacking them, but also killed their king.