Which is a really good point. Probably best to do a Main RoO and New Trails and Warmission next time we get the chance. I'm 100% sure we are getting another mid turn next update, because we seem to have switched to that style now in recent updates.
I'm skeptical. I think these have been special cases.
Inserted tally
Adhoc vote count started by BungieONI on Jun 10, 2017 at 8:21 PM, finished with 51493 posts and 82 votes.
Well, the leading plan is my second favorite. That's cheering. ;)
[x] [Recruit] Smaller recruitment (+3 Martial, potential additional effects)
[x] [Boats] Increase size while maintaining portability
[X] [Library] Evolve a random value other than Love of Wisdom
[X] [Strategy] Drive them south-east

I'm ok with both options, but extending the lowland firestorm seems better than taking over the MW, even with the risk
If the HK are in dire straits they could ask us for help and we would be in the prime position to do it so long as we get more martial this turn and drive out the nomads.
Oh, by the way.

Did anyone mention the new stat?
I want to raise this! Though being under organizational implies there is going to be a limit that we should be careful about reaching.

Yeah, it's gonna be a bit of a pain though, with everything else we have to do. We could dedicate a main action or two to building more temples, but it's a ways away, and we also got the new library extended project...
[X] [Recruit] Mass recruitment (+6 Martial, -2 Econ, -2 Econ Expansion, -2 Centralization, additional effects)
seems safer, tbh, and since its not gonna fuck us immediately we can main enforce justice next turn, which with our heroes stats should go mediocrely, which is fine.
[X] [Strategy] Drive them south-east
"Hey buddy, there's more southerners that way"
[X] [Recruit] Smaller recruitment (+3 Martial, potential additional effects)
[X] [Strategy] Relieve the west
[X] [Library] Free Study Forests (Guaranteed breakthrough)
[X] [Boats] Increase speed while maintaining portability
[X] [Recruit] Smaller recruitment (+3 Martial, potential additional effects)
[X] [Strategy] Relieve the west
[X] [Library] Evolve a random value other than Love of Wisdom
[X] [Boats] Increase size while maintaining portability

Relieving the west is less risky, which is good because we're only going for smaller recruitment. It'll also make the lowlanders less pissed at us. Just last turn the king made sure the lesson of "don't piss off your neighbours" was enshrined in the library.
Well, no need to change the boat vote then.

There's still an issue here, tbh: We compared "emphasize speed" and "portability+size". The issue is likely that most of the movement is likely to be via rivers, so having them be portable is kind of important.

Edit: Never mind, we got an elaboration for portability+speed vs portability+size! The answer being "probably portability+size, but the king doesn't know for sure."
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I'd really like to drive the nomads to the south east, but I don't feel comfortable voting for it unless we go with the mass recruitment.

Half-assing a high-risk, high reward situation can only end in tears.
First we helped the Metal Workers mitigate the negative effects of the Underworld kerfuffle, now we're helping them fight nomads. They'll probably be friendly to us for a while.
Most favorite is maxrecruit plus SE.
Second fave is midrecruit plus west.
Hmm... Well looking at the pros and cons I thought about and posted and the various arguments *lounges in imaginary cushy throne/seat with goblet* I actually like the west option more than the south-east one. I mean in all honesty that east horde is gonna fuck up the TS in some way. Why not let them do that without risking ourselves giving encouragement which may turn around to bite us?

*hmms in contemplation*

It's really funny because my initial inclination was to go for south-east, but I seem to have convinced myself other wise.
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Hmm... Well looking at the pros and cons I thought about and posted and the various arguments *lounges in imaginary cushy throne/seat with goblet* I actually like the west option more than the south-east one. I mean in all honesty that east horde is gonna fuck up the TS in some way. Why not let them do that without risking ourselves giving encouragement which may turn around to bite us?

*hmms in contemplation*
yes but have you considered, " Fuck the Xohyssiri"?