The man was not a blight upon our people for fucks sake. Crow did what literally everyone BUT the player controlled faction was doing, simply making the mistake of nabbing a girl that this one marital dude had a huge boner for. Marital dude retaliated by going full tunnel vision hate boner, genocided Crow's entire tribe, and then did the same exact thing that Crow did.
Except the wife he raided was the daughter of the lady he had a crush on and Crow. I invite you to reread that story post. Have a quote from it.
[Finally though numbers and brute force won out over Crow's skills at evasion, and Ashryn had his revenge three times over. First when he scattered Crow's people to the winds. Second when he brought his mace down upon Crow's head and shattered both with his wrath. The third time when he took Crow's daughter with Ashryn's old crush - long passed in childbirth - as his prize. A most beautiful young woman, she was of the sort who normally only elders would have been able to pair in order to keep the young men from fighting over her. While the argument that she was really part of the tribe being reclaimed held some weight, there were many who found it concerning the level of violence that had gone into everything. Ashryn's first wife was particularly upset with his decision, but no one wanted to tell him no, that he couldn't, that he was wrong.]
Ashryn was a fucking horrible asshole of a man. The entire tribe itself turned against him, because he embodied all the god damn seven sins of our IRL bs. He doesn't deserve revenge. He deserves exactly what he got.
Considered an example of everything a Big Man shouldn't be.