Yes, but then we lose whatever the provinces see would be lacking. In this situation I'm fine with giving up our fine-grained control in exchange for better responsiveness from the eyes on the ground. I also like guaranteeing +4 stats/turn from the Expand Economy, especially since otherwise we'd rapidly lose the True City status.If we switch to a mega project support policy we can leave the Temple to our provinces and expand forests. They'll likely be able to complete it faster anyways.
Guilds/Unions are useful organizations. They have their downsides and they have their upsides. Bringing the workers of a given occupation closer together means that improvements spread faster and the necessary resources are more easily obtained.So adding in an institution that is parasitic, even in modern times, is better than one that causes solutions to be generated?
No matter the choice its going to be messy and cause problems. Geographical is likely to be like a terrible rash that can be treated... while occupational is likely to end up a tumor that is near impossible to remove.