We have access to Black Soil. It's not going to be impossible for us. And once the roots dig deep the forest will begin producing its own nutritious soil.

The Stepps are massive, you would need production on a scale that modern day China would find difficult.

I mean general agriculture is difficult in Stepps, the soil is that bad.
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Black Soil Terra Preta bullshit.

Ask @veekie but apparently the entire Amazon is artificial forest that grew beyond it's bounds. There is terra preta evidence going back several millennia.

It's a rain forest that was enriched with Terra Preta, not a forest that grew out of bound.

Rainforests are actually poor soil for agriculture, unless you have Terra Preta. We may want to expand Black Soil production to facilitate more forest growth. The only nasty thing about it is that it required more half-exile labors.
I understand the miracle of black soil but the stallion tribes territory is half the size of our entire dominion. Planting a border forest would be nothing short of a megaproject and would require obscene amounts of blacksoil. Even more so if the Stepps soil is too thin in addition to being shit.
I understand the miracle of black soil but the stallion tribes territory is half the size of our entire dominion. Planting a border forest would be nothing short of a megaproject and would require obscene amounts of blacksoil. Even more so if the Stepps soil is too thin in addition to being shit.

We only need to plant forests near our farmers and settlements. The territory is merely the Stallion Tribe sphere of influence.
Not good I think. We've just had proof. If we integrate them we can't hold them.
This is false. You have no proof. The new value makes subordinates less likely to break away, but that's compared to the usual rate of subordinates breaking away, not integrated provinces. Integrating them will either make them no less likely to break away or decrease the chance further.
Looking at the civ traits. We have a very weird mix, but they have some amazing synergies.
Adhoc vote count started by Killer_Whale on May 17, 2017 at 9:37 AM, finished with 36066 posts and 77 votes.
[X][Main] Expand Forests - Stallion Tribes
[X][Secondary] New Settlement - Bleeding Cliffs
[X][Secondary] Build Chariots
Looking at the civ traits. We have a very weird mix, but they have some amazing synergies.

Eh. We have a very dangerous mix. Honorable death and elite means the attrition will be horrible. But loyalty and honorable death should mitigate this somewhat by making our soldiers fight harder even when everything went to shit.

Basically makes up for CA's con which says we look very weak and juicy.
Didn't AN mention before that the steppes are as nutrient rich as our own land when it's not enhanced? Or did i just imagine that...?
[X] [Main] More Carrion Eaters
[x][secondary] New Settlement - Bleeding Cliffs
[X] [Secondary] Change Policy - Expansion
Adhoc vote count started by Chrestomanci on May 17, 2017 at 10:05 AM, finished with 36079 posts and 81 votes.