[X] [Main] Expand Forests - Stallion Tribes
[X] [Secondary] Proclaim glory
[X] [Secondary] New Settlement - Bleeding Cliffs
FOOLKS! If we do not switch away from offensive policy, our provinces will keep attacking into nomadic steppe with the nomads united under the hero. This is not a thing we want to do. All our dudes are going to die this way, we've bled heavily even within our land with walled cities and watchtowers.
[X] [Main] Expand Forests - Stallion Tribes
[X] [Secondary] Support Subordinate - Stallion Tribes
[X] [Secondary] New Settlement - Bleeding Cliffs
[X] [Main] Expand Forests - Stallion Tribes
[X] [Secondary] Support Subordinate - Stallion Tribes
[X] [Secondary] Change Policy - Expansion

This will stop us from pursuing the still strong nomads. The expansion policy will all but guarantee our provinces building a new settlement at the red cliffs.
This screams 'defeat in detail' to me. All of nope.
[X] [Main] Support Subordinate - Stallion Tribes
[X] [Secondary] Change Policy - Expansion
[X] [Secondary] Proclaim Glory
Perhaps a defensive policy is required?

[X] [Main] More Carrion Eaters
[X] [Secondary] Change Policy - Expansion
[X] [Secondary] Build Chariots
Adhoc vote count started by BungieONI on May 17, 2017 at 2:18 AM, finished with 35893 posts and 55 votes.

  • [x][main] Expand Forests - Stallion Tribes
    [X] [Secondary] Support Subordinate - Stallion Tribes
    [x][secondary] New Settlement - Bleeding Cliffs
    [X] [Main] Expand Forests
    [x] [Secondary] Proclaim glory
    [x][secondary] New Settlement - Bleeding Cliffs
    [X] [Main] Expand Forests
    [X] [Secondary] Support Subordinate - Stallion Tribes
    [x][secondary] New Settlement - Bleeding Cliffs
    [x][main] Expand Forests - Stallion Tribes
    [x] [Secondary] Proclaim glory
    [x][secondary] New Settlement - Bleeding Cliffs
    [x][main] Expand Forests - Stallion Tribes
    [x][secondary] New Settlement - Bleeding Cliffs
    [X] [Secondary] Change Policy - Expansion
    [x][main] Expand Forests - Stallion Tribes
    [X] [Secondary] Support Subordinate - Stallion Tribes
    [X] [Secondary] Change Policy - Expansion
    [X] [Main] Expand Forests
    [x][secondary] New Settlement - Bleeding Cliffs
    [X] [Secondary] Change Policy - Expansion
    [x][main] Expand Forests - Stallion Tribes
    [X] [Secondary] Study Forests
    [x][secondary] New Settlement - Bleeding Cliffs
    [X] [Main] Expand Forests
    [x][secondary] New Settlement - Bleeding Cliffs
    [X][Secondary] Support Subordinate
    [X] [Main] Expand Forests
    [X] [Secondary] Study Forests
    [x] [Secondary] Proclaim glory
    [X] [Main] Expand Forests
    [X] [Secondary] Support Subordinate - Stallion Tribes
    [X] [Secondary] Change Policy - Expansion
    [X] [Main] Support Subordinate - Stallion Tribes
    [X] [Secondary] Change Policy - Expansion
    [x] [Secondary] Proclaim glory
    [x][main] Expand Forests - Stallion Tribes
    [X] [Secondary] Support Subordinate - Stallion Tribes
    [x] [Secondary] Proclaim glory
    [X] [Main] New Settlement - Bleeding Cliff
    [x] [Secondary] Proclaim glory
    [X] [Secondary] Survey Lands
    [X] [Main] Expand Forests
    [X] [Secondary] Study Forests
    [x][secondary] New Settlement - Bleeding Cliffs
    [X] [Main] New Settlement - Bleeding Cliffs
    [X] [Secondary] Support Subordinate - Stallion Tribes
    [X] [Secondary] Survey Lands
    [X] [Main] Expand Forests
    [X] [Secondary] Support Subordinate - Stallion Tribes
    [X] [Secondary] Study Tailings
    [X] [Main] Expand Forests
    [x][secondary] New Settlement - Bleeding Cliffs
    [X][Secondary] Art Patronage
    [X] [Main] Expand Forests
    [x] [Secondary] New Settlement-Bleeding Cliff
    [X] [Secondary] New Settlement - Bleeding Cliff x2
    [X] [Main] More Carrion Eaters
    [X] [Secondary] Policy change-Expansion
    [x] [Secondary] Proclaim glory
    [x] [Main] Proclaim Glory
    [x] [Secondary] Study Metal
    [x][secondary] New Settlement - Bleeding Cliffs
    [X] [Main] New Settlement - Bleeding Cliffs
    [X] [Secondary] Expand Warriors
    [x] [Secondary] Study Metal
    [x] [Main] Integrate March
    [x] [Secondary] Proclaim glory
    [x] [Secondary] Study Metal
    [X] [Main] Expand Forests
    [x] [Secondary] Proclaim glory
    [X] [Secondary] Support Subordinate - Stallion Tribes
Last edited:
[X] [Main] Expand Forests - Stallion Tribes
[X] [Secondary] Proclaim glory
[X] [Secondary] New Settlement - Bleeding Cliffs
[X] [Main] Expand Forests - Stallion Tribes
[X] [Secondary] New Settlement - Bleeding Cliffs
[X] [Secondary] Change Policy - Expansion

Trees good. Yesyesyes.

New settlement good. Iron ahoy! Plus econ and general expansion.

Final action... Study forest? Hmm. Oh, apparently provinces will do dumb shit at current setting. Might as well put them on expansion too

Trees for physical barrier (eventually), econ for everything else. Expansion econ is best econ.
Adhoc vote count started by BungieONI on May 17, 2017 at 2:04 AM, finished with 35879 posts and 50 votes.
Last edited:
[X] [Main] Expand Forests - Stallion Tribes
[X] [Secondary] New Settlement - Bleeding Cliffs
[X] [Secondary] Change Policy - Expansion
If we do not switch away from offensive policy,
Or, better idea, we drop the "support subordinate" action. Because a minor increase to survivability of our march this turn doesn't help if it destroys our ability to defend it every turn after.

Meanwhile, policy: expansion means we're not fixing our military - which has dropped to six. We need to fix that.
[X] [Main] Expand Forests - Stallion Tribes
[X] [Secondary] Support Subordinate - Stallion Tribes
[X] [Secondary] Change Policy - Expansion

make sure that our provinces don´t get us killed by sending our army into their death.
ehhhh fineeee. We can still, like, autoswitch, yeah?

[X] [Main] Expand Forests - Stallion Tribes
[X] [Secondary] Support Subordinate - Stallion Tribes
[X] [Secondary] Change Policy - Expansion
Or, better idea, we drop the "support subordinate" action. Because a minor increase to survivability of our march this turn doesn't help if it destroys our ability to defend it every turn after.

Meanwhile, policy: expansion means we're not fixing our military - which has dropped to six. We need to fix that.
Need to change policy though, we have 4 province actions and only 3 spendable econ. They'll suicide into the steppes if we don't change it.

These plans don't make any sense.

[X] [Main] More Carrion Eaters
[X] [Secondary] Change Policy - Expansion
[X] [Secondary] Build Chariots

That'd bring our martial back to a good level (10) and eats Econ and Mysticism which are both provided for by our Expansion Policy. We're extremely likely to expand to Bleeding Cliffs with Expansion Policy. It also secures our Carrion Eaters since right now they're a tiny force, and gives us a corresponding advancement.

We don't get the forests as nice as they'd be, but if our provinces aren't going to be building up the army with all our resources we need to be doing so ourselves. Plus if the nomads come back within the next turn or two the forest won't be done growing so it won't help anyway.

--Strategic vote, not part of plan
[X] [Secondary] Proclaim Glory
[] [Main] Expand Forests
[] [Secondary] New Settlement - Bleeding Cliffs
[] [Secondary] Change Policy - Expansion

So the advantages and costs of this vote.

-1 Econ, grows forest, +2 Econ next turn if in settled and controlled territory. This is the mechanics of the Expand Forest option. Narratively we set up areas of black soil and plant saplings and acorns and other things needed for a Healthy Ymaryn Forest to grow big and strong. It takes 20+ Years, probably 40+ for them to mature to chariot impeding size. So by doing this we set in place a long term defense that will mature in 2 turns.

New Settlement Bleeding Cliffs gives us Iron Access, one of the iron production requirements we need per word of AN here. It also gives us +1 Econ next turn, increases number of times Expand Econ can be taken. Narratively I believe Bleeding Cliffs is in Redshore and very safe from invasion.

Our provinces are currently set to Stupid. If we leave them on offense and spend down to 3 Econ they can only spend 2 Econ for 4 Martial and then send a bunch of war missions out into the steppe. This is bad because they can be ambushed/ Start a big grudge match with the nomads who may have genuinely retreated/ And needlessly spend our martial. By doing this we set the econ generator back on and have resources coming in to feed us as we build up martial and protect our buddies in the March.
Need to change policy though, we have 4 province actions and only 3 spendable econ.
Several of our secondary martial recruitment actions don't use econ.

If we're not shipping men and material off with a support subordinate action, maybe our provinces will poke once, but we'll be at something like 10 military for it, so in the worst case they're lost disrupting a nomad attack on our march.
[X] [Main] More Carrion Eaters
[X] [Secondary] Change Policy - Expansion
[X] [Secondary] Build Chariots

We need our martial back.

And forest are useful only in the long term.
[X] [Main] More Carrion Eaters
[X] [Secondary] Change Policy - Expansion
[X] [Secondary] Build Chariots

F it this and #pray #to #god that one or two of the [Main] provincial actions is Expand Forest - ST
A tally.

Vote Tally : Paths of Civilization | Page 1427 | Sufficient Velocity
##### NetTally 1.9.0
Task: Main
[26][Main] Expand Forests
[21][main] Expand Forests - Stallion Tribes
[3][Main] New Settlement - Bleeding Cliffs
[2][Main] More Carrion Eaters
[1][Main] Integrate March
[1][Main] Proclaim Glory
[1][Main] Support Subordinate - Stallion Tribes

——————————————————————————————————————————————Task: Secondary
[39][secondary] New Settlement - Bleeding Cliffs
[26][Secondary] Support Subordinate - Stallion Tribes
[20][Secondary] Proclaim glory
[11][Secondary] Change Policy - Expansion
[5][Secondary] Study Forests
[3][Secondary] Study Metal
[2][Secondary] Survey Lands
[1][Secondary] Study Tailings
[1][Secondary] Expand Warriors
[1][Secondary] New Settlement - Bleeding Cliff x2
[1][Secondary] Art Patronage
[1][Secondary] Build Chariots

Total No. of Voters: 55
Adhoc vote count started by BungieONI on May 17, 2017 at 2:56 AM, finished with 35921 posts and 57 votes.