[X] [Main] Expand Forests
[X] [Secondary] Proclaim Glory
[X] [Secondary] New Settlement - Bleeding Cliffs

Provides Econ & Defense through forests. Raises Legitimacy to 3 (? will edit) so we can raise stability next turn. Provides starter to Iron + econ through settlement.
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Do they have Word as Bond? I think that's just speculation. If not, citation please.
Dramatically less profitable that actually achieving their stated aims: monopolizing a critical trade route and taking the march to ensure their safety.
They're nomads. Conquesting is a rare behavior.
So... he burns one of our provinces and we respond by giving him money. And he's supposed to be scared that if he burns more we'll... give him even more money? Paying people to not have to fight doesn't make people scared to fight you. Quite the opposite.
Again, Nomads don't usually conquer. This general and our civilization are a special case. Sure, it would free up military for further raiding, but this guys longer sighted than that. The Stallion March would set up those nomads for stability and prosperity for centuries, assuming they don't get WAAAGHed off it by someone else.
Given that none of the listed ones stand up to scrutiny, I doubt the ones in the etc. will.

He's being exceptionally rational; you're strawmanning by pretending the argument is that he's doing this for a grudge. Noone has been saying that.

He wants a monopoly position on trade, and he wants the positional advantage of the march. Both of those will strongly outweigh tribute in the long run.

Have you forgotten the first encounter with the Thunder Horses already? They have contracts which bind their grandchildren.

Dramatically more expensive as well, especially with opportunity costs accounted for.

Again, honor matters. We ended up with ponies and an accidental marriage over their battle rules. The idea that an opponent might decide it's easier to pay tribute, but would be bound by principle to and aided by the spirits in righting such a profound dishonor if he resorted to perfidy is not an alien concept to him. That's to say nothing about how people tend to react differently to a probe to an extremity and his alternative goal of ravaging the heartland.

They aren't going to settle the march. They don't like it because it's in the way of things they want to raid and burn.

Read it again. I said nothing about his having a grudge. I said that the first thing that will occur to him isn't that tribute is part of a multigenerational vengeance campaign of irrational focus and intensity.

They pulled back?

A possible reason is that it could be a chance for them to ambush us if we pursue them.

False retreat is classic nomad.
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[X] [Main] More Carrion Eaters
[X] [Secondary] Policy change-Expansion
[X] [Secondary] Proclaim Glory

Expansion policy will take care of the Bleeding Cliffs, and hopefully take some more Expand Forests. More carrion eaters, so we're better prepared for losses in the future. And proclaim glory to fully restore our legitimacy.
[X] [Main] New Settlement - Bleeding Cliff
[X] [Secondary] Proclaim Glory
[X] [Secondary] Survey Lands
Very tentative. There are a lot of decent options.
We are going to get Iron as soon as we get a settlement on the mine: either by settling Bleeding Cliffs or by surveying Red Hills.
Imagine nomad faces when they see an army with star axes.
We still have to set up the mine after we settle the Bleeding Cliffs, its not just the settlement.

@Academia Nut What does our march's econ and mil look like, and is there anyway for us to send more to them like in the mid-turn decision?
We absolutely need to grab that settlement now. With this set of actions our provinces should build some carts and grab a set of elite warriors.

[X] [Main] Expand Forests
[X] [Secondary] New Settlement - Bleeding Cliff
[X] [Secondary] New Settlement - Bleeding Cliff x2
[X] [Main] Expand Forests
[X] [Secondary] New Settlement - Bleeding Cliff
[X] [Secondary] New Settlement - Bleeding Cliff x2
Adhoc vote count started by SpeckofStardust on Jul 8, 2017 at 6:17 PM, finished with 70619 posts and 55 votes.
should we expand the forests with 2 main actions so the nomads cannot raid us with chariots? The Great Wall of Trees!
[X] [Main] Expand Forests
[X] [Secondary] New Settlement - Bleeding Cliff
[X] [Secondary] New Settlement - Bleeding Cliff x2
[X][Main] Expand Forests
[X][Secondary] New Settlement - Bleeding Cliffs
[X][Secondary] Art Patronage

Main Proclaim Glory will get us another +1 Stab and potential +1 Prestige at the cost of -1 Econ and -1 Art, which is entirely desirable, we just can't pay for it right now. 2 Legitimacy won't kill us for another turn, I'd rather generate the Art now, Main Proclaim Glory next turn. Yes, I am aware we're overflowing and so we'll get to 3 Art next turn naturally without Art Patronage but I've been on the record many times that 0 buffer is stupid.
Any answer as to why our provinces didn't take a [Main] Defensive action last turn?

Because you had 3 (+1) Econ and used 2, leaving them with none that they could safely use?

is War Mission an eligible province action now? Or if we leave the policy on offense, will it only do military build-up?

Yes, the provinces can in fact launch their own subdue/humiliate missions right now.

can you tell me whether my omake is/could be canon?

No, nothing like that could have happened.

Can you explain Integrate March a little further?

Does it only give one province despite the large area?

Yes. It's a pretty shitty area right now.

will Offensive policy still apply if nomads return?

Yes. You currently have to manually turn it off.

do we get any stability or prestige for uniting and fighting off the nomads?

Not unless you could get the king, which you didn't.

What does our march's econ and mil look like, and is there anyway for us to send more to them like in the mid-turn decision?

Econ 3
Martial 1 EDIT: Wasn't as bad as I remembered, not Martial 0

And of course I forgot the Support Periphery Option. One sec...
[X] [Main] Expand Forests
[X] [Secondary] Proclaim Glory
[X] [Secondary] New Settlement - Bleeding Cliffs

@Academia Nut How does the Stallion Tribe feel about being a March? What do they feel about the distance to the central Ymaryn lands?
Shouldn't we do [Main] more boats to help the marches? main forest will take several turns to grow and impact the nomad raids.
[X] [Main] New Settlement - Bleeding Cliff
[X] [Secondary] Proclaim Glory
[X] [Secondary] Survey Lands

See the greatness that can occur when we unite. I'm still of the mind we need to expand Carrion Eaters soon. A trading post near the Metal Workers would be perfect to have a study supply of copper while we mine Iron in our own lands.
I understand people way want certain things. I would like people to at the very least consider Main Forests, Secondary Glory.

1. We do not personally need to rebuild our army. Offense policy enables spending to boost martial (we can expect between 2 and 4 additional martial if they choose not to war action into the savannah).
2. Forests specifically make it harder for nomads to fight us, and we haven't expanded them in a while. They feel neglected and unloved.
3. Glory is critical. We really want max legitimacy, if only so in the near future stability 3 is possible, if not aimed for.
Yes, the provinces can in fact launch their own subdue/humiliate missions right now.
Uh, will they, if they can afford to raise martial instead?
[X] [Main] Expand Forests
[X] [Secondary] Support Subordinate - Stallion Tribes
[X] [Secondary] New Settlement - Bleeding Cliffs
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Proclaim Glory is a bad idea right now.

Legitimacy 2 is enough- it needs to be raised once our stability starts nearing it, but we're not going to get positive stability for 2-3 more turns so it can wait until then. Trying to raise it back to 3 would bring us to Art 0, which is extremely dangerous when we're also planning on doing a bunch of ironworking- something which we've designated to our artisans.

We're gonna damage our stability again to get the iron mine up and running, and so we'll have Restore Order available then. That can only get us to Stability 1, so Legitimacy 2 is fine.