You were the one campaigning hard to not go above 0 or 1 stability.
This said, I am all for spending stability as long as we can raise it afterwards.
Now, that I know there is a boon to keep it at max for some time?
I will try to convince people to try it out, if the situation allows it.
And it is not a crisis yet.
It will be.
Snubbing people I dislike?
No, not at all. I just look at the march, with its nepotism, nearly hereditary rulers and land ownership and basically slaves, and say that I do not want the People to go that way.
I do not dislike their representative but their mentality, which is drfting farther and farther away from what we built for the People for hundreds of years.
So no, as long as the stallion tribes try their hardest to lose the values of the People, I will not vote for one of theirs to become king to spread their influence even further.