Deadly Snark
Tryhard As Fuck
He is pointedly not using the old System exactly, he has put forth changes of his own, one of which is Hereditary Landownership which is also an system that works for large kingdoms.His system is our old system and only works for kingdoms smaller in scale than ours. His reasoning is herp derp, simple good old ways and the king is trying to make better laws, cause he's corrupt. Electing him means, going back to the old system and using it for a very long time, despite it not working.
He's angry because like many he understandably thinks that the Chiefs are making laws and systems that are way too complex. Meaning too complex for ordinary people to understand, which makes it easier for the Chiefs to screw over the population and gather up wealth just by abusing their greater understanding of the system.
He wants to simplify things so that the people have more power and get their rights protected and can actually understand the tax law and thus avoid getting screwed over, in his eyes. Which again, he has a point.
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