Hopefully we never have to deal with Pioneering Spirit.

We need better neighbors to steal traits from. :(
Why do you think I suggested expanding away from the lowlands before?
...that's our lost boy!
Our man speculated heavily that he's claiming the name just to get us to like him more, especially because he appears to be claiming it in a way we wouldn't appreciate it. It's a tactless attempt to be tactful, so I'd assume they have mysticism 0-1, and have basically stolen everything they've ever developed.

Favour from the Thunder Horses
[] There is much glory to fighting in the south (Help fight the DP. Useful, definitely slows down the issue a bit)
-[] We will offer you safe passage through our lands (We have to wall ourselves)
-[] The easiest pass through to the south is the Spirit Talkers, and they did insult you... (We don't have to wall ourselves, and the ST gets hit along with the DP)
[] Contact with the Metal Workers and safe passage for caravans going that way (We need to do a trade action)
[] Have you a piece of the star for us? (Boosts our next potential hero unit with mystical meaning if we can figure out how to shape it or find more of it - recognizing the metal in the earth could be a huge boon to a survey action)

Reshuffle Land of Opportunity?
[] No (Keeps Honourable Death) (I don't like honorable death)
[] Western Confederacy (Gain Pioneering Spirit) (I don't like this worse)
[] Northern Nomads (Probably gain Honour Value) (Not being at war, and if the Nomads aren't put to war with the DPs, I suspect we'd be more likely to acquire non-martial values from them)

[X] Contact with the Metal Workers and safe passage for caravans going that way
[X] Northern Nomads (Probably gain Honour Value)

I'm willing to make the trade with the metal workers, seeing as we could at least be introduced to samples of metals that will make surveying in the future more successful. This trade will also boost our diplomacy significantly and present some potential avenues of tech development as 'assurance of free passage' basically means they would commit a token escort for our traders (meaning we also get to examine their plank technology further).

I push northern nomads because Honorable Death is bleh, and it already peripherally creates a social advancement by battle mentality. We might as well get a trait that doesn't troll-lock us into wars forever, instead, if we're stuck with a spiritual trait that will create the circumstances the war-like traits would already give us.

[Main] Walls - South Valley
[Secondary] Festival
[Secondary] Trade Mission(Metalworkers)

[Main] Restore Harmony
[Secondary] Walls - South Valley
[Secondary] Trade Mission(Metalworkers)

[Main] Trade Mission(Metalworkers)
[Secondary] Festival
[Secondary] Walls - South Valley

These two lets us take advantage of the Metalworker contact, while securing our assets and restoring Stability. If we take Safe Passage we really should take one of these combos

[Main] Restore Harmony
[Secondary] Walls - South Valley
[Secondary] New Settlement - Coastal

[Main] Walls - South Valley
[Secondary] Festival
[Secondary] New Settlement - Coastal
I would have to argue there's no way we can avoid building a new settlement, and we need to take advantage of the metal contract. So then it comes down to stability or walls being tossed. I argue we toss walls; the DP will already have to travel excessive distances to reach us, and unless they blindside us with a full invasion, I doubt we'll have any real issues holding the wall over for next turn.
O Yeah, because sending him against the crazy guys down there, weakening his army on the process, and them cherrry picking the benefits is not a trap? This feels like King David and Uriah the Hittite tale.
Not from either his perspective or ours.

Thunder Tribe:
--Gain strong enemies to fight. Honor to gain, which means the horde will grow.
--Travels a long distance, through rough terrain, but with forage and grazing supplied for their horses along the trip.
--New area to expand into
--Less able to raid their neighbors

--Someone else fights those asshole Dead Priests, no need to worry about them threatening our southern border
---Nomads are the BEST match for Dead Priests new strategies, which rely on powerful standup fights. Good luck getting those on nomads with no fixed settlements to attack.
--Gain peaceful interaction with nomad tribe, which allows for trade and future diplomatic assimilation
--Steal new cart techs.
--Shows the Nomads through our lands, provoking their greed when this leader passes.
--Once you release Nomads into the lowlands, you can't bottle them back up, they'd become part of the ecosystem.
-Not Sure If Con
--If the Nomads colonize the lowlands and the Dead Priests are beaten, the Spirit Talkers are going to wind up locking onto THEM for Sacred War. Which is going to be frigging hilarious for us, because doing lasting damage to nomads...well, SOMEBODY's eating Stability hits!
You know what? If the DP are going to get raided, we can focus on other things. Like fishing. And new settlements.

[Main] Festival
[Secondary] New Settlement - Coastal
[Secondary] Expand Fishing
As things currently stand we should do something like this:

[Main] Trade Mission - Metalworkers
[Secondary] Festival
[Secondary] Survey Lands

Definitely the trade mission to get some some metals and/or an idea on how to work metal. The festival to raise stability is also important.
And the survey is so that we can find any metals in our own lands.

Edit: Though a new settlement to reduce overpopulation in our already existing settlements would also be a good action, instead of the survey.
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Why do you think I suggested expanding away from the lowlands before?
There are other neighbors there. The WC trade their textiles from another civ. We just simply need to expand SOMEWHERE to get more trait access.
Our man speculated heavily that he's claiming the name just to get us to like him more, especially because he appears to be claiming it in a way we wouldn't appreciate it. It's a tactless attempt to be tactful, so I'd assume they have mysticism 0-1, and have basically stolen everything they've ever developed.
'Gigan' was the derogatory version of the ancestral spirits Gygo or Gygoya, who many within the powerful families of the People claimed descent from and the northern nomads cast as a demon figure. From the way Wendtikwos used the term, Feygurthyn suspected that it was a political title adopted to cow his southern enemies, a sort of "Oh yeah, I'm so totally hardcore I'm definitely descended from a demon!", the reverse of how the People who claimed descent from the progenitor spirits did it.
He's using it to intimidate and impress by boasting. It's a Martial Honor culture thing to both fear and respect a past powerful foe, so boasting about descending from a demon is a merit. It's their culture to value blood relations closely, so your parentage is important. It's their culture to value your word, so he probably believes it to be true.

It flies clean over our heads because in our culture USEFUL WORK is the highest merit, and the nearer nomads are those tribes which hate us and use it as a derogatory, while further north where the Thunderer is, it's a powerful family name.

[] Have you a piece of the star for us? (Boosts our next potential hero unit with mystical meaning if we can figure out how to shape it or find more of it - recognizing the metal in the earth could be a huge boon to a survey action)
It's a good catch that it can boost our next hero unit, but recognizing the metal doesn't help. There's no native iron in our biome, as it can only emerge in acidic bogs and iron ore looks completely different.
Reshuffle Land of Opportunity?
[] No (Keeps Honourable Death) (I don't like honorable death)
[] Western Confederacy (Gain Pioneering Spirit) (I don't like this worse)
[] Northern Nomads (Probably gain Honour Value) (Not being at war, and if the Nomads aren't put to war with the DPs, I suspect we'd be more likely to acquire non-martial values from them)

I push northern nomads because Honorable Death is bleh, and it already peripherally creates a social advancement by battle mentality. We might as well get a trait that doesn't troll-lock us into wars forever, instead, if we're stuck with a spiritual trait that will create the circumstances the war-like traits would already give us.
Keeping in mind their non martial values are:
-Ties of kinship are paramount
-Their word of honor

With everything else related to war.
Even their peaceful traits only has ONE which doesn't screw us up worse. We've just dislodged full monarchy from the polity. Lets not push it right back in.

Honorable Death meanwhile isn't a strictly martial trait. It's debut included "the farmer crushed by the failed retaining wall". It reduces stability loss from deaths, which is enormous for pretty much everything.
Alrighty. Glory to the Dice Gods!

Finally though, I took it far to the west, across great rivers and to the far side of the sea, where men pull copper and silver and gold from the ground, so that I could purchase their expertise.

Goddamn right!

[X] Contact with the Metal Workers and safe passage for caravans going that way

Easiest choice I've ever made in this game.
  1. Gives us contact with a friendly ruler in the barbarian tribes. This will likely allow us future friendly contact. He's made it an issue of honor and blood. They'll fuckin follow through. For a generation or two, at least, but that's all we really need. If we can get sea trade moving....
    • We may have converted him and his line, and thus possibly his people to our religion. Go go tree culture.
  2. Reliable contact with people who were able to rework meteoric iron. That shits hard. This will be a wonderful tech boon.
[X] No (Keeps Honourable Death)

Honourable death isn't that bad. I'd rather not roll the dice here.
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[X] Northern Nomads (Probably gain Honour Value)
[X] There is much glory to fighting in the south
-[X] We will offer you safe passage through our lands
Inserted tally
Adhoc vote count started by Arbit on Mar 28, 2017 at 3:11 AM, finished with 10105 posts and 29 votes.
...on the other hand, someone else has metal FIRST (get outta here, WE'RE the dwarf archetype!) and if we get metal tools we can build Based Canal faster.

[X] Contact with the Metal Workers and safe passage for caravans going that way
[X] No (Keeps Honorable Death)
[X] Contact with the Metal Workers and safe passage for caravans going that way
[X] Northern Nomads (Probably gain Honour Value)
[X] Contact with the Metal Workers and safe passage for caravans going that way
[X] Northern Nomads (Probably gain Honour Value)

Looks like 3 puppies were all the sacrifices we needed. What metal was the mace made of btw? Does anyone have an idea? Steel?
After some re-evaluation, I think the Honourable Death isn't as bad as I thought it was- it's still bad, but some of the Nomad traits are definitely worse and the ones that aren't, aren't much better.
[X] Contact with the Metal Workers and safe passage for caravans going that way
[X] No (Keeps Honourable Death)

@Academia Nut
Why can't we go for a second attempt at the Spirit Talker traits?
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[X] Contact with the Metal Workers and safe passage for caravans going that way
[X] No (Keeps Honourable Death)
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As things currently stand we should do something like this:

[Main] Trade Mission - Metalworkers
[Secondary] Festival
[Secondary] Survey Lands

Definitely the trade mission to get some some metals and/or an idea on how to work metal. The festival to raise stability is also important.
And the survey is so that we can find any metals in our own lands.

Edit: Though a new settlement to reduce overpopulation in our already existing settlements would also be a good action, instead of the survey.
We also need to build walls in our Sourthern Valley Village. That makes three projects that we need to take care of right now: Instability, Overcrowding, and the Death Priests attack.

We don't have the space to take Trade Missions and the contract won't last long enough for us to use.

Easiest choice I've ever made in this game.
Except we already have a multitude of other projects we need to work on and nred our attention right now.

Restore Harmony for Instability
Settlement for Overcrowding
Wall - Southern Valley Village for Death Priests

That's three important projects already. We just don't have the time to send Trade Missions that way right now.
...on the other hand, someone else has metal FIRST (get outta here, WE'RE the dwarf archetype!) and if we get metal tools we can build Based Canal faster.
Except we need to get to them first and we just don't have the space to tale advantage of it.

Did we just find the lost children of Gwyo's son?!
Well, either that or he's the offspring of a cybernetic dinosaur from outer space. Which, come to think of it, could explain how he got his hands on a piece of a star for weaponmaking.

Of course, he could also just be lying, but that's the boring option. It's not like being descended from Gygoya is particularly impressive, I wouldn't be surprised if at least 20% of the people could trace their lineage to her in some way or another.
If we figured out mining and discovered local ore vain, then we might start the rail tech.

Someone would think making the wagon going back and forth on wooden rail is easier then hauling sacks.
That's three important projects already. We just don't have the time to send Trade Missions that way right now.

We also don't have the time to learn to smelt and forge iron for ourselves. Arguably, that tech is more valuable than the more immediate benefit of sticking some attack dogs on the DP. We don't have the time to learn to smelt and forge, study our forest, build walls, build boats, and fight a war while keeping ahead of the DP technologically. The way I see it, we learn to smelt copper, then we have one of the single greatest advantages over the DP. Something that eclipses the need for walls, and direct military expansion.

We just gained a huge econ boost. In this day and age that means food and bodies, essentially. Let's leverage that.
[X] Contact with the Metal Workers and safe passage for caravans going that way
[X] No (Keeps Honourable Death)

I am pissed that the fishing advancement roll failed. I wanted better boats dammit. :mad: The next best thing is a land route to the metal workers. We need that metal tech; we can't afford to be left behind in the metal revolution.
Why is everyone getting distracted by shinnies?

If we developed ship technologies, we could trade with the metal worker people directly instead of taking a land route.
Why is everyone getting distracted by shinnies?

If we developed ship technologies, we could trade with the metal worker people directly instead of taking a land route.
Frustration probably. We've failed pretty much every boatroll

The land route won't stay open for long anyways. Whatever he promises, his descendants are statistically unlikely to do much for it.