I get why you as a reader are annoyed at Ono. She's clearly there to test our patience, as SWB (?) commented.While I would understand your position if this were real life, the fact remains that it isn't. This is fiction. A quest, specifically. Ono is a thoroughly unpleasant fictional character, and the work as a whole and all of its readers are worse off because of her presence. We have no particular reason to insist on reading more about her, especially since she'll stop appearing in the story (except as a valuable resource) if we don't.
(Aaaand someone's Soul Gem is clearly about to shatter...)
...Beacon, the problem there is that we're kind of playing a savior archetype character. A decidedly warped one, given that Firn's approaching things more realistically, and we're really no Madoka...but one of the character goals is to try and help everyone, to the point where she went out of her way to make that happen for people who'd done far worse than be snarly at us. That and...it's kind of having the character let someone else die and be submitted to literally continuous torture if we write her off.
Honestly, I don't think most of the canon cast would do that with the knowledge Sabrina has. Homura, possibly. Kyouko, a definite maybe. All of the other main characters? Uhhhh yeah no, they wouldn't do that and would be horrified if it ever came out.
That, and I suspect letting Ono die would have very, very unpleasant consequences down the road. Not only is it the morally wrong choice to just write off someone who might be brain damaged by magic, who definitely doesn't know better, and most of all hasn't really done anything to deserve being left to die...it'd meant all Kyubey would need to do to break Mami and everyone else's trust in us from then on would be to tell the entire, literal truth of what we did. Our whole approach to things in general in on offering a better option. That makes being the savior-type more of a necessity than anything given how distrustful everyone is likely to be...and that's without us leaving people to die and possibly trying to conceal it.
If we want happy fluff-times without horrifying trauma, dealing with Ono and trying to get through to her is the way to do it.
'Ono? Oh, she turned into a Witch, like most Puella Magi do. Sabrina came by later and killed that Witch. Didn't she tell you?'
tl;dr: giving up on Ono over her being a bitch is completely out of character and seems very much like a trap option for later trauma that might literally ruin everything
This. So much this.
Ono here is probably a lonely, scared, but fundamentally good person who needs help and hugs. Just like most of the PMMM cast.
Apply hugs, damnit. If we can't apply hugs, get through to the point where we can. Don't take her lashing out in anger or putting up a front at face value and ruin everything because of it. That's the way canon happens. We don't want canon to happen.
That said, some initial anger over the 'crony' remark would make sense...and shut down potential Mami trauma if we do say nothing.
[x]Say what you want about me, but don't you dare call Mami a crony. Or Homura. Mami's one of the kindest people I know. You don't know anything about either of them...and they're here because they give a damn about what happens to you and want to help you.
[x]Homura. Put that away, please.
[x]Calm yourself before you keep speaking. Let Mami or Homura speak first if she has anything to say.
[x]Yes. We broke into your house. Because you are going to die if you keep doing things your way. That's why we did it, and why you need to listen to us.
-[x]You're using your magic too much. Do that and your gem fills up with grief. If it's full? That kills you.
--[x]It gets worse. Remember what you felt like when we found you? That won't go away unless you use a grief seed...and the worse it gets, the less likely you are to want to do something about it. Grief's self-reinforcing.
--[x]That's why grief seeds are so important. Why you need to use them, and why most Puella Magi need to hunt constantly to stay alive. Why I want to try and cleanse everyone...and why I gave that grief seed to you.
[x]If you never want to see us again, we'll do that...but only after we're sure you'll be alright on your own. You think I'm a meddler? Fine. Show me that you don't need me to meddle and I promise you'll never see me again. You can hunt Witches on your own if that's really what you want then...but only when we're sure you won't actually die.
[x]If Mami lets you go, will you listen to us?
Breaking there so we can react properly to however Ono takes it.
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