An excerpt from the collected stories of Runelord Dwalin "Thunderlung" Hurgarsson of Kraka Drakk: as recorded in the archives of Brynkhaz a Langskaudi.
It began, as many stories do, with a Nauvsdeg, for you see, Dolgi Bolgisson, long known as Gryphonfriend, had been invited to join the celebrations following the hatching of three healthy featherlings of the line of Ironwing, a nest of great honor among the Brana whose deeds shine brightly even by the standards of their mighty kin.
While a dwarf of the south might have balked at the thought bringing a plaitling of no more than five winters to a gathering filled with joyous, inebriated Brana, the Gryphonfriend showed no hesitation as he brought his young granddaughter Svina Brunasdottir, now known as Grunklesbane, to the party alongside his latest creation: a brana sized nestspread sewn through with hearthstones and runed for durability, warmth, and softness to be gifted to Ironwings cousin in thanks for saving his third favorite niece from a blizzard during her journeyman wanderings. It is said to hold the warmth of summer sunbeams even on the coldest winter night.
Still, this would have been just one of many nauvsdegs celebrated in the Great Aerie of Kraka Drak if it had not been influenced by the tragic decline in parenting standards since the days of our ancestors. For the Gryphonfriend had been persuaded by his son, the unfortunately named Dolgi Dolgisson, to allow the Grunklesbane to bring with herself a toy, if admittedly not one of the finest caliber: for it had been crafted by her uncle Durrik, rather than the Gift Giver; whose work is cherished in foundling homes across the entirety of the Karaz Ankor thanks to the tireless work of Jorri Klausson and his caravans distributing such precious cargo to those in greatest need.
One must hope that the beardlings in far off Izril take better care of their things than our local plaitlings however, for Brunasdottir, tired after merely a day and a half of playing with the featherlings in an all too typical display of the lack of endurance shown by the youth of today compared to their ancestors, fell asleep and forgot her Azrilwut practice axe in the nest of the Ironwing clan.
Spoiled with an abundance of toys at home, including many of the finest work of the Gift Giver, not to mention the softest of miniature fabric gronti, lovingly crafted by Snerra Thungnichosen and filled with gifted brana down, it would be some time before clan Bolgisson would realise that a toy was missing...
This unfortunate lapse in memory was rectified by the arrival of a rather haggard looking Brana, bereft of sleep and visibly bowed under the strain of parenthood. For while the endurance of our noble brethren is often sung of in these halls, it often finds itself outmatched by the rambunctiousness of their children, whose foolishness is only equaled by the likes of elves and beardlings. Nay, it is clear to me that the brana's oft larger family size does not reduce the odds of mischief, but only encourages their escapades in youthful nonsense.
The exhausted parent informed Bolgisson that their featherlings had found the misplaced toy, but attempts to part them from it had been in vain, for the trio had "rescued it from beneath the couch" and thus deserving of "payment via playment" only to begin squabbling over which of them would possess the axe: which they deemed trollslayer out of the all too familiar inability of youth to appreciate the vast gulf in craftsmanship between a well made toy and our kings mighty regalia.
While it is only natural for the young to aspire to match the courage shown in days of yore, they might perhaps be better off trying to emulate, and listen to their wisdom! Why it was just the other year when my grand nephew broke his arm jumping off his parents counter while pretending to be the king of the skies: beardlings I tell you!
Anyway, where was I… Ah yes, Master Bolgisson, with the directness typical of his line, proceeded to the aerie and presented the featherlings with an array of toys he had crafted while riding the lift: Master Nain having incorporated modest workbenches into his latest designs to address complaints of boredom among those dwarves who found themselves frequently commuting to the halls of the sky king.
While the elder Dolgi successfully managed to retrieve the axe with such a strategy, it is possible that he did not give much thought as was warranted. For while this was not the first time that featherlings had clasped talons upon toys, for in a hold as blessed with such an abundance of merriment as Kraka Drak how could they not have? It must be noted that up to this point they had been dwarven toys, crafted by dwarven hands for the edification of dwarven children.
For while Lord Klausson did first gift the Brana with the knowledge of our speech, it is said that it was his apprentice who first did understand the noble soul of their people: and it was that understanding, that love of the Brana people, whose children he cherished second only to his own, that allowed him to go beyond his master's footsteps, to out gift the Gift Giver, in however small a way. Not in quality were these toys exceptional, for these toys were simple things of wutroth, wool, and steel. Nor was it in durability, for they would pass through the talons of a mere three generations of teething featherlings before these first examples were visibly careworn. Nay, it was in the most important aspect in which he was triumphant: the sheer and utter glee his gifts inspired in their recipients, and the fun that was had in their use.
Mere weeks after the incident, the house of Embermane found themselves very nearly besieged by a mob of clamorous featherlings. For the Ironwing scions had grandly trumpeted the quality of the Gryphonfriend's creations to their fellows, and not being churlish had shared their toys over the natural course of play. Yet such a sampling did little to decrease their friends covetousness, and soon the aerie resounded with the sound of featherlings beseeching their parents to acquire them such wondrous devices for their nauvsdegs, while the boldest of their number sought out their legendary craftsman: promising the spoils of future deeds of valor if he would but give them the proper tools to hone their strength with play.
While the Bolgisson is more social than his master, more fond of subjects outside the scope of jerky and of runes, even the most outgoing dwarf will soon find himself desirous of some time to drink in peace: and from such frustrations are often formed the seeds of deeds of note. Fortifying himself with a keg of his master's twelfth finest trollbrew, kissing his wife on the cheek, and telling the waiting featherlings to study hard in school, he resolved to show the Karaz Ankor what it means to be a student of the gift giver. The workshop door was shut, the wards were sealed, and the hold waited, knowing well the signs of a rhunki hard at work.
For seven weeks and seven days a song was sung, in khazalid and feathertongue, a duet of two peoples and one voice; echoed through translation runes. For seven weeks his hammer wrought and chisel clove, for seven days his paintbrush flew across his crafts until the job was done. And on the 56th day the balcony door was opened, and out poured a cavalcade of wonders.
Boxes sized perfectly for sitting, Dawi sized yarn balls of all colors, posts of talon sharpening and more, tailored for the brana psyche by the one who knew them best. And not merely for the brana of Kraka Drakk, for Dolgi had no wish for causing further strife among the aeries of the north. In remembrance of the great gifting of his master, the Gryphonfriend once again proved worthy of his name, for such was the bounty of toys that nests from here to Kraka Ravnsvake and all the brana enclaves in between would find themselves recipients of his generosity, as the swiftest brana ventured forth to bring the bounty forth to clan and kin.
The exact proportion of nests receiving such gifts is yet unknown, as brana, for all their admirable qualities, have yet to develop the proper appreciation of the fine dwarven arts of census keeping and demography, with previous attempts to rectify this having somehow resulted in a folk remedy for brana insomniacs. To paraphrase my good friend Storysinger, that answer is oft described as "most of them", which to their kind is good enough…
And yet an expectation had been set, the beardlings would see the bounty that their feathered friends had gained through mere persistence and soulful eyes, and on that day they recognised Dolgi Bolgisson as that rarest of things: a longbeard who was an easy target.
But alas, that is a story for another day…
A/N: I was reading through the sidestory archives of this quest, since I skipped past them on my first read of this quest, and found myself inspired by the baby gryphons of Bird Yells "Drakk meets world" who act like I imagine kittens would if they could only speak.
Anyway, it occurred to me that I don't think we have a term for young Branakroki, and while I considered using the term "Branlings", I ended up going with "Featherlings" because I find it funnier. Building on from that, it occurred to me that of course Snorri would expand his toymaking to the Brana children as well, but he's enough of a social blockhead that it probably wouldn't occur to him to do so on his own, or really get that Brana children would want different things from the beardlings. That was the cue for Dolgi Sr to enter the picture, because he is openly kindhearted and considerate, and would have absolutely no shame about breaking new cultural ground if doing so would make a friend smile.
I don't think it's unreasonable for Dolgi to outdo Snorri's original deed of note, man's at least twice the age that Snorri was when he did his, and benefitted from our teachings besides. Given than one of Snorri's main things is striving to match/exceed aspects of the work of the ancestor gods, I think that Dwarf-Santa would be proud to have his own work lived up too and surpassed, after applying suitable pocket gravel to stop Dolgi's head from getting too big of course.
Speaking about a lack of shame: I have none about the rambling, digression filled, run on nature of how I wrote this, it was intentional and if anything I feel like it's pretty toned down compared what I would expect from a typical dwarven writing style, particularly from a dwarf as verbose as Lord Thunderlung. I hope you all enjoyed reading it as much as I did writing it.