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I'm not going to weigh in on the logic of either side's arguments, but I will ask that everyone read over what they write and really consider if the words they used are polite and won't be inflammatory intentionally or not. You cant account for people's tolerances perfectly but at least try to say your piece without saying things that can be easily construed as overly dismissive of the other side of the argument, thank you.

Please endeavour to be cordial. :^)
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Well, the Ancestor Gods seem to have gone down the adaption route, developing new technologies, both magical and mechanical, and changing the dwarves' culture to better suit the challenges they faced as they expanded north.

The later dwarves just implicitly rejected their philosophy by instead seeking to duplicate the how the Ancestors did things, not why the Ancestors did things.
I'd say the ancestors failed to change the dwarf attitude towards conservativism rather than the dwarves rejected it:
Before - Honour the ancestors, keep to tradition (set the ancestors), do things as they were done in the past (by the ancestors).
After - Honour the Ancestors, keep to tradition (set by the Ancestors), do things as they were done in the past (by the Ancestors).

What they acheived was just changing the status quo that was tradition.
[X] [Warding:] Left.
[Blows against the wearer cause the struck area to become increasingly resistant against that type of damage]
I don't think this cheeky exploit could work but I still got to ask.

Is it possible that the rune on the right (wich grants more resistance when in contact with stone) would work when Snorri turns to stone ?

In a way, since dwarves come from stone, our mc can litteraly turn into stone, is it possible ?
I'm not 100% sold, Dwarves are famous for being tough, magically resistant and connected to stone, all things the right rune arguably does better.
Dwarves don't resist things by adapting to them, they resist them by weathering them.
I think the train of logic is based on whether you put value in "Overcome/Stone" in your valuation.

LEFT resist damage, and will eventually overcome it due to it's stacking nature. IT's also an enduring rune unlike the others but it only has a tenous connection to Stone.

Center is center, and feels weird as it doesn't seem to fit the secondary items very well due to it's single use specialization and battle limit

Right resist damage, and has a strong connection towards stone. WHich we are going to use anyway and is a key component. But it doesn't really a strong connection to Overcome or Endure.
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I hope that people are not gonna base their choice on which rune is most useful to Snorri rather than which rune is the answer to the riddle.
Right resist damage, and has a strong connection towards stone. WHich we are going to use anyway and is a key component. But it doesn't really a strong connection to Overcome or Endure.
I agree about Overcome, but disagree about Endure.
Enduring is about surviving. Starting off with a higher level of resistance is arguably better for endurance than having to build up to that same level.
If you go left or centre and then die before the resistance increases to the point that you can endure then you haven't endured.
Its a different view of Endurance than the other two have, but its definetly still endurance.

Personally I think we've got one key word for each rune, however I think the other ones should be considered as additional synergies. I'm also aware that we might get another verse in the next update with new keywords, Courage doesn't feel like a great mapping onto Overcome.
To claim the Hammer.
To claim the seat of one lost…
…lost…? Grimnir?…Bah. Not saying this isn't important, but this path isn't for right now, since it's me speculating along the line/idea that the Ancestor Gods are hoping to be replaced by newer, brighter talents.

But that's for later.
But Lost.
Lost is an odd way to put it, frankly.
Claim Understanding.
This one feels much more straightforward, especially if I think of these akin to that line about how the fall to the Dark side goes: Fear leads to Anger, Anger leads to Hate, Hate leads to Madness, and Madness leads to the Dark Side…I think that's how the saying goes but I never did study that line too deeply.

Where was I? Right, Understanding.
Anyhow, next is Understanding the Stone, and those born from it.
…We see a break from the Claims to something more concrete. One CAN understand Stone, and one can understand those born from it. Just ask Mathilde Weber.

But all together, this is where that Lost line gets me.
To Claim the Hammer, the Hammer of Thugni? We did find that thing at some point. It was, if I recall where we found it correctly, lost…
Understanding. This sounds like we should have studied the thing more then we did, unless I'm forgetting or didn't read the bit where we did and missed it either way.

As for Stone…Well, what is there to say? The Dwarves, in general? Stone, in all it's myriad forms, that any miner could tell you about?

…Yeah this is as far as I can analyze, time to present an answer.

This is a Rune Combo. It's not which one is right, it's about what order they come in.
So thus, which Rune is what.
Here's my read.

Right, is there for linking to Dawi. I personally would link this to Resist. Akin to how Snorri faced the last trial, you have to be tough to begin with, and Stone, any proper Dawi, is tough. This Rune provides a good foundation to begin with, since the others scale up over time the danger is in falling in the opening salvo.

Center is about stopping that taking that first hit and getting better and better against that sort of thing until the fight ends. Good unless it breaks you on the first swing…Or you set up your first hit to basically be something you won't use again, which makes me look at the Firbalgs or whatever the name of those cyclops lizards out west with worry…But that's a worry for another day.

Then we have the Left, which protects the area from damage, and unlike the Center, doesn't release its power after the fight. Which suggests it just scales, stronger and stronger and stronger forever…Clauses that can void a Rune's function aside, at least.

So. What's the Combo?
My initial thought, you can see in the order in which I went through the Runes.

Right, Center, Left.
Right because it handles the Resist part of things by being a strong boost upfront, Center which since it scales until impervious, until that sort of attack is Overcome, and the Left, as it never stops getting stronger in effect, but does NOT mention growing to being Impervious, that one is Endure.

That seeing the Center 'key' to the first blow struck and only damage of that sort does make me pause, but…Having gone over it again, I don't think I can see another way to arrange the Runes that works, individually, or as a whole, since the whole is Dawi.

[X] Combo, Dawi: Right Center Left.

Oh, one last thing: if there's any invisitext then I might have just prattled on and on like a blowhard!
To claim the Hammer.
To claim the seat of one lost…
…lost…? Grimnir?…Bah. Not saying this isn't important, but this path isn't for right now, since it's me speculating along the line/idea that the Ancestor Gods are hoping to be replaced by newer, brighter talents.
I think Lost is a reference to Durin the Lost, not Grimnir.
I agree about Overcome, but disagree about Endure.
I think the valuation comes from the fact that the item endures even if the person aren't..

In theory LEFT Warding would keep it's resistance over generations and new users. In that sense its effect endures a lot more reliably then Center or Right.

That doesn't make it right, but it's why I value endure into LEFT

[X] [Warding:] Left.
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