Incidentally 'checking for traps by walking down the corridor' is precisely how the Muppets would play D&D
DM Kermit: Alright, as you look down the hallway, you recall your informants telling you how the orcs like to set traps. How do you go about-
Gonzo: I throw a rock at the dragon!
Kermit: Wait what?! *checks DM screen to make sure it's still blocking everything* How did you...? I never told you about...?
Gonzo: Well the game is called Dungeons and Dragons, right? We're in a dungeon, so there must be a dragon!
Kermit: I... can't actually refute that logic. But why do you want to throw a rock at him?
Gonzo: Why it's quite simple, yet ingenious if I do say so myself! If we anger the dragon, he will charge at us through the hallway, thereby setting off all traps and injuring himself in the process, making for an easy fight! It's foolproof!
Rizzo: oh that's pretty clever! But uh, how you gonna hit him with a rock? He's not even in the room?
Gonzo: Per our pre-established houserules, if I roll a natural 20 on the dice, I automatically succeed at any task, no matter how implausible!
Rizzo: so your entire plan is to roll a nat 20? It'll never happen, it's one in a million!
Kermit: Well actually it's about 1 in 20, but that's still pretty long odds Gonzo, are you sure you don't want-
Gonzo: The laws of narrative causality are on my side! I cannot lose!
Kermit: But that's, you know what, go ahead, make your roll.
Gonzo: *rolls* Woo-hoo! Nat 20!
Rizzo: Yeah! In your face dragon!
Kermit: Huh. Ok then. But...*quickly checks notes* Um, Gonzo, I would like you to make a retroactive wisdom roll to see if you spot any potential flaws in your plan.
Gonzo: Bah, I already told you, it's foolproof! But if it makes you happier that I outwitted you *rolls* nat 1. Huh, what were the odds?
Rizzo: About 1 in 20 I'm told.
Kermit: You know what, that result is probably in character anyway. Rizzo, would you like to make a wisdom roll?
Rizzo: Uh, no, but I am going to back out of the room and hide, just on general principle.
Kermit: Probably a good idea. Alright Gonzo, you throw your rock and inexplicably hit the dragon at the other end of the dungeon. Angered, he is going to come up through the floor directly behind you.
Gonzo: What?! No, he's supposed to come from the other end of the hall?! You know, and set off the traps?!
Kermit: Well actually that's what the wisdom roll was for. You see, you just assumed you knew where the dragon was, but if you take a peek at this map here, you'll see that his lair was actually directly below you the whole time.
Gonzo: Uhhh...
Rizzo: I would like to reiterate that I am hiding in another room.
Gonzo: Uhhh...I guess I run away?
Kermit: Down the hall full of traps?
Gonzo: ......
Kermit: ......
Rizzo: ......
Gonzo: ...... Yyyyyeees.
Kermit: OK then. So the dragon is going to chase you while breathing fire, you're gonna set off a whole boatload of traps, and meanwhile all the noise is going to alert the orcs who were waiting in ambush on the other end. So you're gonna take just a little damage, one second.
Rizzo: Woah, that's a lot of dice. That's like what, 10 dice.
Gonzo: Uh Kermit, are you sure you have the right ones, those are d20s, don't you want d6s, or maybe-
Kermit: No.