Right? They were bad people, so killing them is okay?
Them being bad people isn't what makes it okay. Their deaths are ultimately not counter to his Uplift goals and their deaths also please Jashin. The former matters because of his own convictions and avoidance of hypocrisy, the latter matters because Jashin is a true force and Hidan is an even truer one. One that even Asuma fears and one that Hazō is currently well situated to leverage.
No one deserves to die, not even these bandits. But that's not what it's about. It's about guiding the world into a future where even people like them wouldn't have to die. And it's about aligning Jashin with such a future, if at all possible.
@eaglejarl Has Hazou debriefed with Asuma yet?
If not, I vote for a full debrief, including character traits gleamed, deep lore, physical weaknesses, acts we had to commit and everything else. Though I'd also like to hear if anyone has specific things in mind that we shouldn't tell Asuma about.
Based on the verbiage of the chapter, he only killed a third of them.
@eaglejarl How many did he end up killing and was he at all selective about it?
Based on the bit about Bakuchioka.
e: Regardless, probabilistically, we saved 40% of them. That's better than we'd have done killing them all ourself.
We could have killed a third ourselves, which would have been less than 40%. But I don't think that this would have been good for Hazō's mental health or for his reputation and ability to continue preaching Uplift. Bad as it is, I think that instrumentally everyone in the village dying at someone else's hand is better than Hazō being the one to get his hands dirty here.
We need to get more data on Jashin from Hidan, then dump it on Shikamaru/Kei/Ami, and arrive at the best way forward with them.
Good point. In fact,
@RandomOTP could we also update Kei instead of only Mari? It might be a psychological burden for her, but it might also just help both her and Hazō and their relationship to each other. Kei is also in a prime position to analyze Hidan's words and attitudes and transfer the necessary parts to Shikamaru/Ami.
Sure, but the concern from the Thinkers' point of view would be that worshipping Jashin may be giving Him a foothold in Hazou's mind (which is already more accessible to eldritch horrors than most people's). And, like, look at it from their point of view. Hazou goes somewhere with Hidan, disappears off the map, and then comes back wanting to sacrifice things to Jashin at mass scale? Assume that Jashin is a possibly-superintelligent eldritch god, which means He is at least as capable as a social specialist. What would be your interpretation?
Plus it's not actually rock-solid that the raw number of sacrifices is what matters, as opposed to some symbolisms. (E. g., if Leaf as an institution now sacrifices all its criminals in Jashin's name, maybe that counts as Leaf worshipping Jashin? Who knows! (Maybe Hidan does!))
Which is why we don't recommend that Hazō sacrifices convicts to Jashin, we just suggest it as an option. Whether that gets spun into Hazō going down that route sincerely, or him becoming an executioner but lying about the Jashin dedication, or him being denied (or "denied") that role are all options that Asuma should decide on and Shikamaru should weigh in on.
Those are joke religions that don't undermine his authority infront of anyone that matters. And we have clearly presented Uplift as a compatible offshoot of Will-of-Fireism.
Nah, Jashin is just a new god joining the pantheon. The emperor is the chosen scion of Jupiter, and Absolutely In Charge, but Mars is still cool to have around.
This could work in Mist maybe, but not in contemporary Leaf. That's just not how the Will of Fire religion is set up. The Will of Fire doesn't even allow reverence towards lesser Kami. At best it allows limited appeasement rituals based on Hagoromo instructions and scientifically tested incentives and cajoling. Otherwise the Will of Fire is an unquestionable philosophy with metaphysical weight and a collective effect on souls that only worships the Sage of Six Paths and those few who graced the blessed office of the Hokage.
So maybe we can convince Asuma that sacrificing people to Jashin when convenient might be to Leaf's benefit. But a temple and cult are both an obvious no go.